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Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here Normal service resumes at sporting odds. MTT. In safe position and holding 99 some bum raises and i call. flop is ace high..... he bets but something tells me he aint got the ace. call another ace on the turn. he checks. all in from me. he hold K J and has nothing. He calls and lands the jack on the river. What the F@ck are you supposed to do? He should have expected me to have an ace or at least something on the board but called with king high. I don't know!!! I hate poker all over again.

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here Now i'd say I'm pretty decent at 6paks. But in the last 2 days I've played 6 games and cannot win a thing. AA has been beaten by 62 (can't believe they even called the initial raise), AK and AQ beaten by something equally as crap. I tell you, it's FIXED. Don't care what anyone else on here thinks, IT IS FIXED. In last nights DU, had pocket 7's. I raised to 500, the twat next to play re-raises all-in for another approx 250. I've got to call. He has A4!!!! FFS. flop comes x4A. If only there was some way I could prove the fixing. There is no other reason why someone would re-raise all-in with A4. At best he can have only 1 overcard to me after my initial raise. Someone must have worked out the order of cards from the algorithm and know what is coming. And it must be an inside job because the site can see all the hands. One way or another I'm going to find out... if it's the last thing I do!

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here Ok, I know this is not the right post for it, but it's a continuation to my last one here. Deposited another £25 into littlewoods to play a £20 6pak. I have a strategy... when I lose, I up the stakes in order to make a profit when I win. And I will eventually win. So, I played the £20 6pak. And... WON :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana £90 :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it.........

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here I am not normally one for bad beats but I am pissed off first hand of the tourney I have KJ and muppet has 88 I raise 4 blinds he calls (fair enough) - I hit the flop and bet pot, he calls, I bet pot again on the turn (K and a Q now with a 9 and a 2) he calls and you know what the river is, so I am down to about 700 chips and have slowly built myself back to this point he min raises I call, and what a flop, he bets I raise he calls, he shoves the turn I call :) and the feckin river does me

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here i hold pkt 6s call 3 times big blind raise along with one other guy so thers 3 in the pot flop comes 3 6 k yippee ive hit trips player 1 bet out at the pot i re raise him player2 gos all in so all three of us are in massive pot!!! player one shows ak player2 shows 33 turn comes k so i have house and start doin a little jig only for the river to bring in a 3 four bloody 3s:@ thats poker 4 u or it was a william hill set up:eyes

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here lol....i like bad beat stories ...the injustice of it all.... be glad these buffons are here ...they make playing worthwhile ...although i am concerned about the super see software!!!! heres my twopence worth... in a "live" game.... 70 odd runners ..pays top 5 with the winner getting £6,000 or a seat to that uk open thing. i make it all the way to final 3 without a big pair when get k/k on sb ...blinds frightening...si i know the bb will go al in pre or on the flop if he hits at all...even if he doesnt and i check he will be all in..we are about even in chips after me making him lay down 2 hands previous. so my k/k flat calls bb. he bits and goes all in with a/7. flop 2/k/5. i have hit my set and am thinking of ways to say good game to this guy as i have been bugging him all final table... turn card a 4 which gives him the outs needed. and the 3 duely falls on the river :cry. dealer must of fixed that one....i was shellshocked. then a week later play for a seat in carribean classic...1000 odd runners. last 15 ...im being outplayed pre flop and about to panic...fold a/j when mid stacked and blinds are catching 6 handed...praying for one hand to see me to ft where 6 get a seat ...one double and im nearly there. eventually get a/q and go all in vs j/j. flop the q and j/j hits runner runner again for a flush:@. oh and my creme de al creme of bad beats was from ladbrokes in the £5k gtd at 9pm ...2nd of 11 when dealt a/a. chip lead raises me adn i re raise ...he re raises again and i more or less announce i have a/a by raising again ...he calls... flop a/x/x/. i now thinking about being chip lead and 1000 miles ahead of the field. turn k river k. now thats a bad beat:lol.... ahhhh the old bad beat tales:tongue2

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here

oh and my creme de al creme of bad beats was from ladbrokes in the £5k gtd at 9pm ...2nd of 11 when dealt a/a. chip lead raises me adn i re raise ...he re raises again and i more or less announce i have a/a by raising again ...he calls... flop a/x/x/. i now thinking about being chip lead and 1000 miles ahead of the field. turn k river k. now thats a bad beat:lol.... ahhhh the old bad beat tales:tongue2
I take it he had KK???
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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here This is my 1st time posting on this thread (not that i havent had a bad beat before) This one got me mad.... Betfair $3000 gtd $10 buyin I'm Ewan dealt to ewan [Js Ks] dinamok: folds dinamok sits out dinamok sits back Brummywib: folds Halpin007: folds ANWL: folds PoKeR1975: calls 20 ewan: calls 20 dinamok sits back h84man: calls 20 tommyd9: calls 20 pinball7: calls 10 Verlierer: raises to 200 PoKeR1975: folds ewan: calls 180 h84man: folds tommyd9: folds pinball7: folds ----- FLOP ----- [2d Jd Kc] Verlierer: bets 250 ewan: raises to 1390 and is all-in Verlierer: calls 1140 ----- TURN ----- [2d Jd Kc][Ad] ----- RIVER ----- [2d Jd Kc Ad][Qh] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- ewan: shows [Js Ks] (Two Pairs, Kings and Jacks, Ace high) Verlierer: shows [Th Kh] (A Straight, Ace high) Verlierer collects 3260 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 3260 Main pot 3260 Rake 0 Board [2d Jd Kc Ad Qh] Seat 1: Brummywib folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Halpin007 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: ANWL folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: PoKeR1975 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: ewan lost Seat 6: h84man folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: tommyd9 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: pinball7 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Verlierer (big blind) showed [Th Kh] and won (3260) with A Straight, Ace high Seat 10: dinamok folded before Flop (didn't bet) :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke Also had my pp A's beat by pp 4's on P4E on cash table and although not a bad beat i had my pp K's beat by pp A's board all low so u can imagine i lost quite a bit...finished the day $1 down but still $39 up from yesterday

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here

This is my 1st time posting on this thread (not that i havent had a bad beat before) This one got me mad....
It certainly did make her mad, just look at her on MSN... Rednutt says: unbelievable Rednutt says: Rednutt says: KJ guy raises 200 Rednutt says: i call my KJ r suited Rednutt says: flop something KJ immediatley i go all in he calls with K10 Rednutt says: im like wh Mio says: A and Q? Rednutt says: and hit turn and river for str8 Mio says: ul Rednutt says: f***** sick Rednutt says: Rednutt says: gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mio says: and no one believes me that it's all fixed Rednutt says: arghhhhh Rednutt says: smash Rednutt says: smash Mio says: believe me, i know how you feel Rednutt winks: Image5.gif Play "Guitar Smash" Mio says: been there soooooooooo many times Rednutt says: arrrrgghhhhhhhhhhh Mio says: oh yeah, forgot about that Mio says: do it again Rednutt winks: Image5.gif Play "Guitar Smash" Mio says: better than smashing the pc Rednutt says: guts r turning Rednutt says: uuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh Rednutt says: hate him hate him Rednutt says: wow ended up 206 in that tournay Mio says: lol Rednutt says: tourney Rednutt says: still raging Mio says: ul Mio says: Mio winks: Image5.gif Play "Guitar Smash" She learnt all that from me I think!
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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here Absolutely unbelieveable! Just (well, half an hour ago now, but had to take a walk to calm down a little) played a $10 6pak. Got AQ early on. I put in a bet, someone re-raised all-in. I called. He had 10 10. I hit 2 Q's to take him out and get to 1800+ in chips. Then lay low for a while until I get dealt AA. I put in a raise pre-flop. 2 others after me both go all-in. I have to call. One has 66, other has 99. Won again. Now got over 4.1k and only 3 of us left. There is no way I can't finish out of the money. I'm folding everything... well, not getting anything anyway. Finally get Ah Kh. Put in a raise, one goes all-in. Got to call. He has QQ and that held up. Now down to 3.1k, but still plenty. Later I get K10. A big raise, same player all-in again. I called and was glad to see J9. Hit K on flop as did he a J. 9 came on river! FFS. Then I got A9. Can't remember to what, but I lost again. After about 15-20 mins, would you believe I was the first of the 3 to go... for absolutely nothing. Unbelieveable! That was worse than losing heads up last night when I had 5.1k to the other player's 900. What is it about having over 4k that makes you lose??? And it's not because I start playing loose. I play good heads-up hands, but always get outdrawn. You can't fold everything and just wait for AA, because it won't come. Even got KK last night and had to fold when A hit flop. Plug your ears a minute... AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here had AK, played for a river raise then this happens > Dealing Hole Cards > ajmorrissey called for $0.50 > Masterplan79 raised for $3 > nasty_boy folded > gumshoe folded > spentracy folded > johnty123 folded > ajmorrissey called for $2.50 > Dealing the Flop(KªK§Jª) > ajmorrissey checked > Masterplan79 bet for $2 > ajmorrissey called for $2 > Dealing the turn(7¨) > ajmorrissey checked > Masterplan79 bet for $2 > ajmorrissey called for $2 > Dealing the river(9¨) > ajmorrissey checked > Masterplan79 bet for $2 > ajmorrissey raised for $12 > Masterplan79 went all-in for $29.50 > ajmorrissey called for $19.50 > ajmorrissey shows a Straight, Jack high (Jª10ª9¨8ª7¨)

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here KK a few hands later on m other table > Dealing Hole Cards > sgoose raised for $1 > Hank_Snow called for $1 > Masterplan79 called for $1 > Bleeder folded > Armani9 folded > Toughloose called for $0.50 > Dealing the Flop(5¨8¨4§) > Toughloose checked > sgoose bet for $0.50 > Hank_Snow went all-in for $7.70 > Masterplan79 called for $7.70 > Toughloose folded > sgoose folded > Dealing the turn(6¨) > Dealing the river(7ª) > Hank_Snow wins $19.15 with a Straight, Nine high yeah thats right, he had 99 i even slow played them to avoid the ace suckout!!!

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here after 3 more river losses, and dropping down blinds river losses including, flush draw hitting against my turned top straight my flush draw hitting the river completing 2 guys houses, both had q/3 and losing another $3 to a slow played flopped flush i'm $47 down ... $3 left in NordicBet, i'd better do well in the freeroll today ...

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here FFS! Still the same game... ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to WizzKidd [2h Qc] Antimal: folds Gar201010: folds Nickbri: calls 50 WizzKidd: checks ----- FLOP ----- [Qh 5s Ts] Nickbri: checks WizzKidd: bets 200 Nickbri: calls 200 ----- TURN ----- [Qh 5s Ts][Qd] Nickbri: checks WizzKidd: bets 200 Nickbri: calls 200 ----- RIVER ----- [Qh 5s Ts Qd][7c] Nickbri: bets 300 WizzKidd: raises to 1387 and is all-in Nickbri: is all-in 636 Returned uncalled bets 451 to WizzKidd ----- SHOW DOWN ----- WizzKidd: shows [2h Qc] (Three of a kind, Queens, Ten high) Nickbri: shows [Qs Td] (A Full House, Queens full of Tens) Nickbri collects 2872 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 2872 Main pot 2872 Rake 0 Board [Qh 5s Ts Qd 7c] Seat 1: Gar201010 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Nickbri (small blind) showed [Qs Td] and won (2872) with A Full House, Queens full of Tens Seat 3: WizzKidd (big blind) showed [2h Qc] and lost Seat 5: Antimal folded before Flop (didn't bet

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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here Sometimes I wonder why I play poker..... Sitting in a $5 STT with 1730 chips,

[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Hand Start.
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 1 : yukon blend has $5,300
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 2 : deputy1225 has $1,950
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 3 : Galronix has $1,730
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 6 : nu pogodi has $2,440
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 7 : blackal has $2,440
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 8 : gedder has $4,140
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : nu pogodi is the dealer.
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : blackal posted small blind.
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : gedder posted big blind.
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Game [50] started with 6 players.
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Feb 18 22:50:08] : Seat 3 : Galronix has Qh Qd
[Feb 18 22:50:12] : Stakes: 200/400 Current level: 6 Next level in: 6 min.
[Feb 18 22:50:19] : yukon blend called 400 and raised 1,600
[Feb 18 22:50:22] : deputy1225 called 1,950 and is All-in
[Feb 18 22:50:24] : Galronix called 1,730 and is All-in
[Feb 18 22:50:24] : nu pogodi folded.
[Feb 18 22:50:25] : blackal folded.
[Feb 18 22:50:27] : gedder folded.
[Feb 18 22:50:27] : Showdown!
[Feb 18 22:50:27] : Seat 3 : Galronix has Qh Qd
[Feb 18 22:50:29] : Seat 1 : yukon blend has 7c 7h
[Feb 18 22:50:29] : Seat 2 : deputy1225 has Ah Kd
[Feb 18 22:50:29] : Seat 3 : Galronix has Qh Qd
[Feb 18 22:50:32] : Stakes: 200/400 Current level: 6 Next level in: 6 min.
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Board cards [Ad 3d 3h 4d 3s]
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Seat 1 : yukon blend has 7c 7h
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : yukon blend has Full House : 3s full of 7s
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Seat 2 : deputy1225 has Ah Kd
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : deputy1225 has Full House : 3s full of Aces
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : deputy1225 wins 440 with Full House : 3s full of Aces (Ace kicker)
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Seat 1 : yukon blend has 7c 7h
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : yukon blend has Full House : 3s full of 7s
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Seat 2 : deputy1225 has Ah Kd
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : deputy1225 has Full House : 3s full of Aces
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Seat 3 : Galronix has Qh Qd
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : Galronix has Full House : 3s full of Queens
[Feb 18 22:50:38] : deputy1225 wins 5,790 with Full House : 3s full of Aces (Ace kicker)
[Feb 18 22:51:05] : Stakes: 200/400 Current level: 6 Next level in: 5 min.
[Feb 18 22:51:06] : Hand is over.
Did I play it wrong?? The reason I called was seat 1 hesitated before going all in
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Re: Had a bad beat ? Come and have a moan here danno375 posts the large blind 300.00 el titorro posts the small blind 150.00 el titorro: --, -- danno375: 9d, Ad LeJedi: --, -- Pre-flop: LeJedi: Raise 600.00 el titorro: Fold danno375: All in LeJedi: Call 1720.00 Showdown: LeJedi shows: Ks, 7s (high card, King) danno375 shows: 9d, Ad (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 8d, Jd, 8s): Turn (Board: 8d, Jd, 8s, Kd): River (Board: 8d, Jd, 8s, Kd, 8h): LeJedi shows: Ks, 7s (full house) Mainpot: LeJedi wins the pot of 3590 with full house

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