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Saturday Night Poker


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Re: Saturday Night Poker Just a handful of pennyrolls, because I can't go to sleep happy until I've been bad beat 60 times in a row in the space of half an hour :lol That said, in profit for the day/week/month following a big priced freebet win from Paddy so can't complain too much. Good luck everyone in whatever you're doing.

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Re: Saturday Night Poker Trying a little satellite action on stars. Seeing if I can sat into the Big 11, and also trying out on the round 1 sats for the PCA...the dream begins here :) ..hasn't gone very well at all. Keep getting annoyingly rivered. On the plus side I finally managed to win something with a £1 free spin on DTD so I'm joing the penny roll revolution at 9pm. \o/ Jumped into the W-Series event 45 €10 6-max on Winamax, but got knocked out aipf with AK v AQ, surprise surprise out pops a queen on the flop. Getting really beaten up bad this week with some awful beats, it's starting to get to me. Earlier in a stars tournament I got all in on a flop of A-3-5 with A10 vs someone with 1010, only for the final 10 to come out on the river. Hope I'm saving all my luck for the ppukt next weekend. Tonight my only hope now is the penny roll, trebled up in first level so hope I can grind something out.

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