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Tuesday Tear Up ..... Where You Playing?


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Well as got a day off thought start hitting the tables , albeit freerolls & micro stakes may up the ante a lil this evening see how we go. Will update my schedule as go along , lets tear up these tables good luck all other PLers playing today :ok 2.45pm: Stars 27c Turbo - 1072nd /2789 , (AA > QQ all in on turn can't fade 2 outer)- http://www.boomplayer.com/en/poker-hands/Boom/10305475_01BB8B999A 4.00pm: Winamax FR $150 GTD - OUT 4.08pm: 888 24-7 FR $500 GTD - 40c Yay 1st Cash the Day 266th /2999 8.00pm: SkyPoker PPT FR 2 Seats GTD - OUT , A8 I shove 60BB from SB called by A7 in BB no good 8.08pm: 888 24-7 FR $2000 GTD - OUT , AQss > QJcc AIPF no good to be crippled then get A10cc into 1010 2 hands later. 8.25pm: 888 UK FR $2000 GTD - $2 291st /1825 , KQ > K8 AIPF 10.08pm: 888 24-7 FR $500 GTD - 55c 129th /2917 Resurrected my DTD Account to play Penny Roll's these are crazy but in for a penny :eek (Won 2x £5.50 Token but no luck)

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Re: Tuesday Tear Up ..... Where You Playing? Back for yet more penny mindnumbing madness, despite my genetic inbuilt quality of managing to bubble every final/semifinal going etc :lol * Dtd - multiple pennyrolls = 2x tokens won so far * Sky PPT Freeroll = tbc * Dtd 50 (£5.50 token) Final ® = tbc * Dtd 250 (£5.50 token) SF ® = tbc Also a bit of Full Tilt Rush in between the pennydonkaments. (Currently +2.8BI)

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Re: Tuesday Tear Up ..... Where You Playing? Updated

Back for yet more penny mindnumbing madness, despite my genetic inbuilt quality of managing to bubble every final/semifinal going etc :lol * Dtd - multiple pennyrolls = 3x tokens won so far * Sky PPT Freeroll = tbc * Dtd 50 (£5.50 token) Final ® = tbc * Dtd 250 (£5.50 token) SF ® = tbc * Dtd 10k (£5.50 token) QF ® = tbc Also a bit of Full Tilt Rush in between the pennydonkaments. (Currently +1.7BI)
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Re: Tuesday Tear Up ..... Where You Playing? At least bubbling the bubble makes a change from just plain bubbling :zzz Putting some good results in the last few days and making some good reads, hope for a possible comeback yet! Meanwhile spent an hour trying to bust the Pokerplayer (to concentrate on the other) without success. Sorry Jim for all the loose play, but having a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll be the one to pick up my chips!

* Dtd - multiple pennyrolls = 3x tokens won so far * Sky PPT Freeroll = tbc * Dtd 50 (£5.50 token) Final ® = 8/31 (6) * Dtd 250 (£5.50 token) SF ® = 9/37 (10) +£55 token * Dtd 10k (£5.50 token) QF ® = 15/33 (10) * Dtd 250 (£55 token) Final = tbc
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Re: Tuesday Tear Up ..... Where You Playing? Well as predicted knocked out in absolute joke fashion in PPT qual. Managed to get AIPF after a 6-Bet with KK v A10, and of course the obligatory 10 on the flop is followed by another on the turn. GL if you're still battling through.

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Re: Tuesday Tear Up ..... Where You Playing? out paddy freebet out 888 uk freeroll utbetvictor crush ko 8th kk v 1010 aipf guy hits on river10 ffs sillin coral sidegames freerrol while watchng supercup ul rep ame old crap it seems.. gl in final bart tid down mate . washman keep it up getting pished there lol

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