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Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

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[TR=class: row1] [TD=align: center]maximize.gif[/TD] [TD=class: firstColumn]Germany v Algeria (21:00 BST)[/TD] [TD=class: selectionBestOdd, align: center]1.33[/TD] [TD=class: selectionBestOdd, align: center]6[/TD] [TD=class: selectionBestOdd, align: center]13[/TD] [TD=class: bppWidth bpp, align: center]99.38 %[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I saw all games so far and managed to make good profit , I hope this countinue too here as this the main bet for me in this stage , Germany -1.5 is great bet for me , I expect 2-0 or 3-0 or 3-1

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Germany-Algeria Bet: Germany -1.5 @ 1.96 (3/10) (Pinnacle) Firstly a look at Germany. Here you don’t have any missings or injuries. The team played a great match against Portugal but you have to take in condition, that Portugal was down a man for almost the whole game. However you could really see that their offense is working quite well. Against Ghana it was a hard match. It was pretty much equal but you could see another strength of Germany. The quality of the whole squad. As the first team didn’t work Löw could bring Schweinsteiger und Klose and they changed the playing style and the team got a lot better. Germany just does have a lot of options when it comes to quality players. However you could see some individual mistakes in this game which were the reason for the goals of Ghana. Hard to judge if this will happen again but from seeing the last German overs you would rather doubt it. In the third come you could clearly see the tactic of Germany which makes them very dangerous. They are pressing very early and force the opponent to miss passes quite early in their half. Something that can get dangerous for almost all opponents and especially for lower quality defenses. However Germany’s weak point could be seen as well and that is Höwedes. The quality on this position is just missing and he has to play there even though it is not his best poisition. Algeria on the other side comes with 4 points and 2nd place out of a group with Belgium, Russia and South Korea. Against Belgium they lost 1-2 and you could already see their game plan. Defense to the maximum and try to get dangerous with counter attacks. Against south Korea then a surprising 4-2. Here they played offensive against a weak opponent. The weakness of South Korea was just massive this world cup. Against Russia they were dominated most of the first half but came back and managed to defend a 1-1 at the end. Russia hasn’t shown good matches this world cup though. All in all they are coming 2nd from a all in all very weak playing group. Against Germany I see them doing something similar they did against Germany. Play defensive and try to go for counters. But this in my opinion will be a mistake. Germany’s early pressing will make the algerian players lose the ball quite early once trying to counter attack and this will give Germany room which their offense surely can use quite well against a lower individual quality defense.

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

I saw all games so far and managed to make good profit ' date=' I hope this countinue too here as this the main bet for me in this stage , [b']Germany -1.5 is great bet for me , I expect 2-0 or 3-0 or 3-1
Can you explain why it's a great bet Ameer? :unsure
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I don't know how to explain good really , I know good what Algeria team is , Im from Arab world and I know this team and players and what they can do , Algeria managed to draw with Russia ok , but no more to come from them , their defense weak here , fast goal for Germany here can make the FT score 4-0 even , This is the worse Algerian team I ever saw since many years even this team the first ever to make it to second Round , but with this German team no single chance man

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I am with Ameer here, and for me this is probably the bet of the tournament so far. We all know Germany well, so I won't discuss them, but my bet is mainly about Algeria. I think they have piss poor defense, which was not really exposed so far, only because of Belgium's slow start (turned traditional for them in this tournament) and Capello's archaic ultra-negative tactics. Whoever watched Korea - Algeria, should have noticed that in the 2nd half Algerian defense was a complete mess, and Korea was not far away from turning the game around from 0:3. I had the feeling that nearly every long ball and cross into Algeria's penalty area was a goal threat. And Koreans are not particularly famous for their height, or for their attacking sharpness. A little more sharper team than Korea would have turned that game around in the second half for sure. I also remember watching the first leg of the World Cup play-off in zone Africa between Burkina Faso and Algeria. It finished 3:2 for Burkina Faso and once again Algeria's defense was a complete mess and was gifting chance after chance to the home team, also not famous for their scoring abilities. To be fair, their keeper Mbolhi is very good, but that's simply not enough. To have a chance as an underdog against Germany, you need to have a very good defense, and Algeria simply don't. And they don't have a good attack either, to compensate for their poor defense, as Ghana did in the group stage. Last but not least, their team in the moment is too young and inexperienced. They will crumble under the pressure. And I don't think that Germany will be wasting 65 minutes like Belgium did or will try to keep the score as Russia did. I sense that Algeria is heading towards a massacre here. Germany -1.5 @ 1.97 (Pinnacle)

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I forgot something very important. The most important Muslim tradition - Ramadan, has just started today. For one month, all Muslims should fast and not take any food or liquid before sunset. According to info from Algerian camp, most of the players intend to follow the Ramadan fasting. The team has summoned a diet specialist to deal with this problem, but the fact remains - the Algerian players will not ear, neither drink during daylight, starting from today.

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

I forgot something very important. The most important Muslim tradition - Ramadan' date=' has just started today. For one month, all Muslims should fast and not take any food or liquid before sunset. According to info from Algerian camp, most of the players intend to follow the Ramadan fasting. The team has summoned a diet specialist to deal with this problem, but the fact remains - the Algerian players will not ear, neither drink during daylight, starting from today.[/quote'] Ramadan is excused for sport players even in their own country, let alone World Cup... I strongly believe this is false.... you think they will play 90 min+ without taking a drink? Good luck believing that!
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

Ramadan is excused for sport players even in their own country' date=' let alone World Cup... I strongly believe this is false.... you think they will play 90 min+ without taking a drink? Good luck believing that![/quote'] I didn't know the Quran had made special provisions for sportsmen?!! All I know is that I remember quite a lot examples discussed in sports media in recent past about Muslim players in big clubs obeying the fasting during Ramadan. http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Muslim-NFL-Players-Come-to-Bay-163640676.html http://www.goal.com/en-sg/news/3952/asia/2013/07/11/4107215/how-muslim-players-cope-with-playing-during-ramadhan http://www.huffingtonpost.com/qanta-ahmed/the-hunger-games-muslim-athletes-observe-ramadan-at-london-olympics_b_1752364.html "Mido revealed, during his time in England, that he fasts in Ramadhan, except on matchdays" "Former Tottenham player Frederic Kanoute is another who insists on not being treated any differently during the fasting month, and to perform as well as when he is not fasting." "Amr Zaki, despite insisting in a Goal UK interview that he performs more strongly when fasting, admitted that there were times when he had to lie to the team manager that he was not fasting in order not to be benched." "Chelsea’s Ibrahim Ba seems to have struck a fair compromise between his faith and his footballing duties. He continues to fast while playing, and lets the manager decide on his performance."
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

I am with Ameer here, and for me this is probably the bet of the tournament so far. We all know Germany well, so I won't discuss them, but my bet is mainly about Algeria. I think they have piss poor defense, which was not really exposed so far, only because of Belgium's slow start (turned traditional for them in this tournament) and Capello's archaic ultra-negative tactics. Whoever watched Korea - Algeria, should have noticed that in the 2nd half Algerian defense was a complete mess, and Korea was not far away from turning the game around from 0:3. I had the feeling that nearly every long ball and cross into Algeria's penalty area was a goal threat. And Koreans are not particularly famous for their height, or for their attacking sharpness. A little more sharper team than Korea would have turned that game around in the second half for sure. I also remember watching the first leg of the World Cup play-off in zone Africa between Burkina Faso and Algeria. It finished 3:2 for Burkina Faso and once again Algeria's defense was a complete mess and was gifting chance after chance to the home team, also not famous for their scoring abilities. To be fair, their keeper Mbolhi is very good, but that's simply not enough. To have a chance as an underdog against Germany, you need to have a very good defense, and Algeria simply don't. And they don't have a good attack either, to compensate for their poor defense, as Ghana did in the group stage. Last but not least, their team in the moment is too young and inexperienced. They will crumble under the pressure. And I don't think that Germany will be wasting 65 minutes like Belgium did or will try to keep the score as Russia did. I sense that Algeria is heading towards a massacre here. Germany -1.5 @ 1.97 (Pinnacle)
Really not sure about this one. I do love an underdog and my heart is saying Algeria are some value. My shots on target stats suggest they could be value. But my head is also telling me they could find it very hard against an experienced side like Germany. It would certainly be the biggest shock so far if Algeria win this. More likely I think is a German win by a few goals. But 'No Bet' for me at the odds available.
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th 4pts Algeria (+1.5AH) to beat Germany 2.00 Bet365 I can understand why Germany are favourites but I’m not convinced they will run away with this match. They lack width in a big way which makes breaking sides down difficult and Algeria pack the centre of the field and make you beat them out wide so it will be interesting to see if Germany can get in behind them. They may do enough to win the game but I’m not seeing them doing it easily. Algeria can defend and they have a goal threat too and that could keep them within the Asian handicap line. Full preview here: http://www.punterslounge.com/germany-vs-algeria-betting-algeria-can-avoid-a-tonking-in-round-of-16

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I found this on a swedish news site Quran stipulates that some are allowed to stand over the fast, including pregnant women, the elderly and the sick. And if you choose to break the fast it is possible to compensate at a later time. Its up to each person to follow the "rules" Algeria has also brought an Imam to the World Cup that have the power to give players "holy dispensation" if they want to violate the rules according to Bild.de Madjid Bougherra told Bild.de

I will decide based on how I feel physically. But I think I'll fast The most difficult thing is to avoid dehydration. But that's okay, the weather is good.
....and according to AFP Mesut Özil says
Im at work right now and will continue to do so. So I will not be fasting. It is impossible for me to do it this year
The experts, that Bild have spoken to, have shared opinions about whether fasting can have a negative effect on the players or not. Dr Hakim Chalabi was part of the PSG medical team
Many athletes become better during Ramadan. It seems to work as a spiritual and psychological help
University Physician Mark de Maree is more skeptical.
During a soccer match' date=' players can lose up to six liters of fluid. And this can lead to a 80 percent reduction in performance[/quote'] Source: www.expressen.se The weather according to YR.no http://www.yr.no/sted/Brasil/Rio_Grande_do_Sul/Porto_Alegre/time_for_time.html So it looks like the Ramadan shouldn't be part of how you bet in this game, but also part of it depending on how some player decide to follow the rules of the Quran.
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Don't worry about the fasting aspect, this can be made up for or paid back at a later date. I assure you the Algerian team will not be effected by Ramadan adversely, the whole country will exempt them from fasting on the day. If anything it might spur them on during this holy month.

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Guys, don't know why this discussion got so wide-spread, as the Ramadan thing was never my main argument, but only secondary - my main argument was Algeria's very poor defending, which I believe will be punished heavily by the Germans. I also don't understand this arguments about "exemption" from Ramadan. It is quite obvious, that if one doesn't want to fast, he simply won't fast, regardless of exemptions or anything. Probably nobody will ever know or care if someone fasted or not. But the thing is that as we saw from the quotes, many Muslim top players decide to fast during Ramadan, regardless of exemptions etc....And we are talking about players like Demba Ba, Cisse, Fredy Canoute - players of much higher caliber than the Algerians. Just remember the quote from Demba Ba - the guy was fasting secretly why lying to his coach and the others that he was not fasting. So, you can see it is not about the exemptions in Quran, it is completely about the internal conviction of the Muslim players. And I guess Algerians are quite devoted Muslims, judging from how they pray after each goal. Also, I don't believe this bullsh*t that fasting will make you stronger and in better condition, because it will enhance your spirituality. We are talking about physiology of sportsmen here, and not taking liquid or food for more than half of the day during such physically demanding event like World Cup for sure can have some serious effect on players.

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

Forgive me if I'm wrong but a fairly religious Muslim friend of mine has told me that when one travels one can break the fast if one so wishes as long as one makes it up later?
yeah travellers shouldnt fast until the finish of their trip. when you turn your home then you should fast again for the missing days. so i dont think algerian players fast just now in brazil. they are all traveller.
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I doubt it will be like you describe. Muslims fasting can always find exceptions or postpone a day to fast later, and in this case they will without a doubt do so, a muslim can hardly drive a bus while fasting, without having hallucinations, so imagine same situation on a pitch! So expect the Algerian players with full strength tonight - as much as that means!

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Hummels is ill and hence may not feature tonight. Boateng will be moved to central defence and an unproven player at this level will make the left side of the german defence ver weak and thats Feghouli territory (who makes things happen for Algeria and Slimani).

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Algeria have played 3 good games so far. Germany have done what was required. Slimani poses a threat up front and algeria will not just sit back. i can see slimani scoring but germany winning 2-1 or 3-1 2-1 9 3-1 11 both hills 2pts each

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I took also germany on -1.5 handicap at 1.95 bet365, also considered a clean sheet for germany, but i have already too much money on this game. I cant see algeria as a big threath for germany. Imo Algeria will conceede an early goal in the 1st half and a couple goals in the second. Or they will defend well for the 1st half concede somewhere in the 2nd and later they will be forced to open up their defence and will concede once again in the last 15minutes. maybe i will have a small punt on 2:0, just my opinion though....wisch u all luck

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Since 1986 and except Italy (which was totally strange world cup with "hardly some" goal) only in South Africa (in group stage) and in Korea and Japan (in final stage) we saw 4 times in row 0-0 at Half Time. Now we have 3 times in row. So we could see something very rare and again no goal in first half or something more usual... I would bet on second - goals in first half. And also match is just right. Problem is with so low odd for over 0.5. So we could take some other methods, probably similar as in prev match: - backing/betting over 2.5 with 1/4 stakes: 1st at KO, 2nd in 15', 3rd in 25' and 4th at 35'. When goal will be scored then I will lowered my liability. If there were no goals at HT I will consider of close the trade with loss or just stay in match (convert trade into bet). Who don't like trading or live betting then perhaps straight bet on over 2.5. Or something else.... It's important to imagine how will match progress and then make your betting plan!

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

Hummels is ill and hence may not feature tonight. Boateng will be moved to central defence and an unproven player at this level will make the left side of the german defence ver weak and thats Feghouli territory (who makes things happen for Algeria and Slimani).
If lahm is moved to full back (just speculating) it could benefit germany as this is his best position rather than his preferred central midfield club role. It will be interesting to see what low does as he is obviously pandering to lahm's demands playing him in midfield. This sort of player power (along with messi undermining the coach with his demands) is ok while the team is winning but cannot help morale when results turn.
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

If lahm is moved to full back (just speculating) it could benefit germany as this is his best position rather than his preferred central midfield club role. It will be interesting to see what low does as he is obviously pandering to lahm's demands playing him in midfield. This sort of player power (along with messi undermining the coach with his demands) is ok while the team is winning but cannot help morale when results turn.
no, mustafi will be playing in defence, lahm in midfield. Although at first glance, it does seem like a weakness since mustafi has hardly played a game at international level, he has had a decent season with italian side sampodria and juventus recently made a bid for him for 6 million euros. So although not first choice, its not the end of the world for the Germans.
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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th I sure aint sorry for them :D But i agree with you 100% that it was a wonderfull match. Well played by algeria for sure, although I am a bit disapointed that germany didnt score from the 100´ds of chances they had in regular time. No profit for me today, but my Germany/Netherlands outright bet still lives.... Anyway even when the score was 0:0 in FT i would still bet -1.5 AH on germany at evens everytime...thats life u win some u loose some...

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th Algeria were absolutely terrific. Germany missed Hummels massively tonight, Mertesacker is as fast as a punctured tyre and he got caught out bigtime.. Algeria did their homework, no passing, just get the ball in over the top. Great for the world cup, great game of football.

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Re: Last 16 - Germany v Algeria > Monday June 30th

Germany -1.5 @ 1.97 (Pinnacle)
Bet lost. Excellent performance by Algeria and goal-keeper Mbolhi, and very poor 1st half by Germany. The key moments were several. First, playing Mustafi as right back to replace Boateng, who moved to the center, instead of just putting Lahm at his freaking natural position and play Kedira in the middle. Germany looked so much better after Mustafi got injured and replaced by Khedira, and Lahm returned back to his real position, before the tiki-taka freak Guardiola took over Bayern. Second, the outrageously poor performance by Ozil. The guy was a big liability and was not only not able to provide for the German attack, but never really took part in the pressing. Third, the great goal-keeping by Mbolhi, because if it wasn't for him, Germany would have still covered, despite their overall sloppy performance. World Cup 2014 Stats: 28 Bets, 18 Wins, 9 Losses, 1 Void + 6.65 Units (1 Unit per bet)
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