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PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm


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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 13th January 2013 6pm know what you mean, 1st hand i have 10/10 and put all in against 5/5 i hit a 10 on the flop but board shows a straight for a split pot,he is now instead of being out,up there with the leaders

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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm Bart, I have the poker manager's email address if you want as I won a TV and PS3 package of them last year....

True, but let's not forget that Coral are funding this as a loss-leader to promote their poker product, the more players noticing it the better for them really. Can't really moan as free to enter and typically UK players have always tended to outplay others, with PL up at the top of the UK players. Unlucky mate, on to the next tournament where hopefully you'll have better luck.
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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm Gutted here. Playing well and decent positioned when my AA v KQ all in post flop on a K-high board was beaten by another K on the turn. Instead of being on 32k chips and 2nd place i was down to 12k. Makes it harder when you see the guy who hit finish 3rd for £300 whilst you go on to win £4 on the Betfred freeroll. :wall

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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm I know what yous mean, first hand I got dealt pocket 5s, make standard 3x-raise, then some bingodonk to my left instashoves for a gazillion bigs. Decided to follow the favoured tactic of going with any ace and any pair, and despite villain having pocket 10s and hitting another on the flop, he still couldn't take the pot down... Karma bit back later in tournament though, with a runner-runner beating my Aces, then a 2-outer rivering my Kings - after I'd played my way into the chip lead. Poker... dontcha love it :beer

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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm

I know what yous mean, first hand I got dealt pocket 5s, make standard 3x-raise, then some bingodonk to my left instashoves for a gazillion bigs. Decided to follow the favoured tactic of going with any ace and any pair, and despite villain having pocket 10s and hitting another on the flop, he still couldn't take the pot down...
sounds like my 1st hand which i posted earlier in the thread,i had poket 10`s, pushed all in and called by pocket 5`s, i hit a 10 on flop but board was a straight for split pot. eerie
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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm Too many foreigners in PPmag game again. However, top 5, they got about as much chance of receiving an Ipad as winning tomorrows 16.50pm at kempton. 'The Guru Of Gloom' 16/1 on paddy, is a perfect fit in respect to that situation, gl you will need it :rollin

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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm

12th in the end for £100, but its a freeroll so all good eh :ok GG Al, and good banter, ty to Tigergambit for the rail, much appreciated mate coral20-01-13.jpg
You're very welcome. I'm still laughing at your "don't do it" message which made that guy fold his blind to your mighty 10-6o. You were very unlucky with the last hand when he caught the 3 outer on the river. You'd have been back in it otherwise.
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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm

Ifinished 4th im a newbie got 250 ' date='wait to hear about an IPAD sorry for busting you with 93 spitvenom ,pot odds to call ?[/quote'] :welcome to PL, i wouldnt hold your breath for the I-Pad though as we are sure this tourney was run by mistake,i assume your from the UK? if not,you wouldnt get it anyway
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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm Hi Gav and :welcometo Punter's Lounge. Well played on the win, and no worries on the bust (I think you were priced in to call anyway, true). The original Freeroll was the previous Sunday, so whether this freeroll was a mistake on their part remains to be seen. Anyway Good luck with that, and let us know how you get on with the Ipad. You will find this is a great forum with lots of promotions, and leagues with great prizes, so feel free to have a look and / or get involved :ok

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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm There is a wednesday league on Grosvenor poker ($5.50 entrance), where top prize is a £1070 GUKPT seat, details here; http://forum.punterslounge.com/threads/136630-Grosvenor-Poker-GUKPT-January-League-Over-%C2%A31000-Added!-Leg-3-Weds-23rd-Jan Download Grosvenor Poker Here! There is also a Monday league on Stan James with a $650 prizepool in the Final (also only $5.50 entrance, detals here; http://forum.punterslounge.com/threads/136650-PL-Exclusive-Stan-James-January-Poker-League-650-added-Leg-4-Mon-28th-Jan Download Stans Poker here! There is still time to play these leagues, as a win on the night would put you straight in to the final. These are 2 of Punter's main sponsors, so if you want to get involved just sign up through the links :ok

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Re: PPMag / Coral - Win an IPad Freeroll 20th January 2013 6pm

Ifinished 4th im a newbie got 250 ' date='wait to hear about an IPAD sorry for busting you with 93 spitvenom ,pot odds to call ?[/quote'] Welcome to PL! I shouldn't worry about busting SV - it was one of those hands where he had to shove and you had to call, so wp! It's always the river though, isn't it!
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