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what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013?


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Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? I cannot complain....i truly love poker and it is strange but I find it mildly relaxing....I have learnt a lot over the last few years and I have many of you to thank for this as your input and encouragement has been a great motivating factor. I actually will be aiming to play less this year as my life outside of poker is looking up and I do believe that real life should come before poker! Anyway, I am conscious I set quite a few goals last year and only really achieved one or two but I dont think that is such a bad thing so here I go again: My aims for 2013: get that damned MVP on PL play more live MTTs satellite a trip abroad - an EPT or something like this - maybe some more Unibet get back to focusing on PL leagues and winning one another cash in WSOP another Hendon Mob flag would be good too win the Sunday Million for the syndicate - although a cash woudl be good to start! further develop my PLO bankroll

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Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? Optimistically: To win a life changing amount ($25,000+) :ok Realistically: To satellite into a live tourney (will have to start playing sats, obv) To reconnect with the poker community and make friends. (I used to post a fair bit on UKGF before it died) To win a few 500+ runner MTTs (sub $5) To read poker mags when they arrive rather than months later when I have missed the freerolls.:lol

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  • 9 months later...

Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? Seeing as I joined this site recently I may as well post mine up which were posted elsewhere: 1. Stop playing cash and focus on mtts / stts. (Doing very well at this - only played 2344 hands of cash all year) 2. Become better at plo and mix games. (Pretty successful. Won 2 omaha tournaments and 1 hi/lo. H/L game has improved dramatically so far) 3. Play live more. (Played 41 live games this year which is massive compared to last year. Got the IPO this week too) 4. Qualify for a live event abroad. (Yep - the IPO) 5. Final table a major live event. (Partial success. I final tabled a festival main event 'The Midland Monster' although was only a £100 rebuy it was televised so it counts lol) 6. Meet forum members. (Met loadssssss this year from another forum. Hope to meet a few of you guys from here this weekend) 7. Score a 5 figure cash. (Couple of small 4 figure cashes - nowhere near 5 figures... yet) 8. Win 5 online tournaments which aren't holdem. (Won 9 mtt's this year but only 3 have been non-holdem) 9. Finish the year in top 5% of Ipoker players (I was coasting this before a MAJOR tilt session in May cost me over £2300. Coupled with the demise of Genting promotions I gave up) 10. Finish the year 20k+ in profit (Probably won't achieve this unless I do incredibly well at the IPO. Only £2200 up for the year and even if I didn't have the tilt session in May I'd be no where near. Big disappointment after trying to build on £13k profit last year)

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Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? Great reading through these again. Note to self to do a far more indepth one like Wolfy for next year. My tongue in cheek one was never really going to happen as haven't played too many satellites. Did bubble a GUKPT m/e seat and rushed back across the country to play a live Sat to my local event but no joy. Above expectation on the other, got lucky in a couple of tourneys, mostly Mag exclusive & added value events.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? Never did post on here but i had discussed this with Samba. I came into 2013 with a bankroll(profit) of £610. I had it on my "lifemap" this year to take this up to £1,000 by the end of 2013 and to play a decent live event. Current bankroll stands at £1,591 and in addition to smashing my target (so far) i have also won an ipad worth £400 and a 230-euro IPO seat (carrying forwards to 2014) I played Leeds PPUK live event doing "ok" but the target was to play it, not win it. I also cashed for the first time live at the PL Championships albeit minimal.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? This is how I felt I did. Partial success throughout. Happy with how it's ended as it could of been A LOT worse and have resolutions in place to better myself next year. (see other thread) 1. Stop playing cash and focus on mtts / stts. - Success only played about 2500 hands of cash this year 2. Become better at plo and mix games. - Success 3. Play live more. - Success played 48 live events this year which was loads more than last year with a 68.05% ROI icon_smile.gif 4. Qualify for a live event abroad. - Success the IPO Dublin 5. Final table a major live event. Partial Success Made a final internet televised table in a festival event but was only £100 rebuy 6. Meet forum members. - Success Met a load mf members from another forum and was on a team with Barny Boatman. Hope to meet some of you guys next year. 7. Score a 5 figure cash. - Complete failure. Got 5 four figure cashes. Didn't come close to 5 figure. 8. Win 5 online tournaments which aren't holdem. Success won 4 omaha and 1 HILO amongst 7 holdem wins 9. Finish the year in top 5% of Ipoker players - This target was stopped as soon as Genting pulled out THMF and my sponsorship. 10. Finish the year 20k+ in profit - Failure: two massive tilt sessions this year destroyed a lot of profit margins but to be fair this was a very ambitious one for me. Havent updated profit tables for December yet but will be circa +£2500

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Re: what do you hope to achieve poker wise for 2013? My hopes were to 1) Make a profit over £390 to take my bankroll past £1,000 -big success - bank roll stands at £1,814.31p - PROFIT OF £1,204.31 :) 2) Play a decent live event - success played Leeds PPUK and PL Championships ;) Bonuses Won an Ipad worth £400 for $1 :loon Won x 2 IPO seats and carried forwards to 2014 :loon Cashed live at the PL Championships albeit in 8th place :) Maintained very consistent on PL league games with the IPO win and several Stan James finals. Disappointments Missed out on Prague 800 euro package by 1 place (to add to 2012's similar narrow misses on a Vegas package, a GUKPT seat and an Xbox league) Missed out a few times on a decent payday on bigger staked games and therefore the bankroll has been a long grind.

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