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PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker League - Grand Final Sun 4th Dec


PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker League - Grand Final Sun 4th Dec  

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    • I have downloaded via a PL Banner
    • Existing Gutshot Account - Longstanding PL post details
    • Existing Gutshot Account - New PL Member

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS wp all and thanks for sorting game finished 3rd for $40 so in next game will put a $10 bounty on my head to the following 3 people who got this running so if morlspin teaulc luckyjimm take me out you get the bounty as a thanks for your hard work i dont post much but suport buyin leagues and deposited to support the effort :nana

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS

and as usual i get donked out :eyes good luck all :hope
that will be my fault had top pair and made backdoor flush against his TPTK. Good game khrome and well played :clap sick flop against my kings though after river 2 pair against them already heads up
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS

wp all and thanks for sorting game finished 3rd for $40 so in next game will put a $10 bounty on my head to the following 3 people who got this running so if morlspin teaulc luckyjimm take me out you get the bounty as a thanks for your hard work i dont post much but suport buyin leagues and deposited to support the effort :nana
Well played and very nice gesture:ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS Good game Danshot, enjoyed the heads up, I did get lucky a few times, but you need that. Luck and skill is the best combo, in that order..... Full Result: gutshot-win-09-10-11.jpg Won't have to deposit now :nana, but I will be playing the rest of the league and some raked games, hopefully raking lots.:cigar

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS well done Pete and the other cashers :clap:clap:clap and :clap:clap to everyone else to make this a very good turnout, lets see you all in the league as well. nice gesture John, ty :notworthy and a big THANKS to Morlspin and Jim for giving up their afternoon to sort this out for us :clap:clap:clap

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS Well done cashers :ok Seems I missed all the fun & games, whilst getting steaming drunk with a few pals :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer Got home about 9 ish, but didn't know I'd been auto reg'd, so didn't even turn comp on, Well done getting it sorted out, looks like it's been a bigger headache than the one I've got right now!!! See you in the League games & Good luck to all :ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker Freeroll and League Series - NEW INFO POS

Players Eligible to Play that we know of so far and have downloaded via the PL Banner are : Rebel - Lastchance Two also have registered but im not sure who you are on PL Dappadan and Kenlisa4, can you make yourselves known please?
Not me Mate but this guy:ok
downloaded using banner username lastchance nickname tainbhoy
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker League Leg 1 of 7 - Oct 16th Very doubtful for the 1st game on sunday,going to help the mother in law move house,and shes got no internet until monday. If theres any chance i can get back sunday i will so please still send me the password :hope:hope:hope:hope If im not there gl ev1 :ok:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive - Gutshot Poker League Leg 1 of 7 - Oct 16th

Very doubtful for the 1st game on sunday,going to help the mother in law move house,and shes got no internet until monday. If theres any chance i can get back sunday i will so please still send me the password :hope:hope:hope:hope If im not there gl ev1 :ok:ok
sent :ok
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