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UEFA Europa League > 15 September

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

Pulis doesn't like to buy someone and throw them in several games in row. I know it sounds strange but that's just the way he is. Rememeber he's still taking : Sorenson : His number one for many seasons and still very close to being no.1 Shawcross : His first choice CB (no matter the bigger names of upson/woodgate) Palacios : new cm/dm Walters : An ever present up front for sometime now Jones : Big money signing from last season Pennant : main winger at least on level in Pulis and Stoke fans mind with Etherington Jerome : new singing I genuinly believe Pulis believes he is taking out a very strong competitive squad. I can't emphasis enough his preference to integrate players gradually and keep a spine together and team spirit.
To say you know Stoke inside out is also somewhat misleading, unless you are actually part of their squad who's to say you know what sort of tactic Pulis will be playing, you know when the players would show up for camp? Mahno made a suggestion, did he directly insult you? No he didn't he voiced an opinion, just like you have. I've known Mahno for a few years now and his views on Ukranian football is vital...sure he may not know a lot about Stoke but you sure as hell don't know anything about Dynamo Kiev either. You make solid points...stick to them, but don't lamblast others for their own opinion on a game. The more you sound like a tool people will refer you to just that, a tool.
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Zurich vs Sporting 15.09.2011 Pick: Sporting dnb Odd: 1,88 (sbobet) Confidenc: 3/10 Two teams that are not in a good moment. Zurich ends last season on 2 nd place only one point to champion Basileia, but now they are in the middle of the table and with important players missing: captain Aegerter is injury and best players Djuric and Margairaz are game-time decision. Sporting with a poor start of season but they won the first league game last match 3-2( they were losing until the 80 ´). It´s a total new team but with value players (Capel, Izmailov, Schars, Rinaudo...) and i think they have now the moral injection they need to play better the whole season. Sporting only lost one game in Switzerland (1981), and in 10games they won 6, so i believe today they won, or at least they didn´t loose.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Birmingham vs Braga 15.09.2011 Pick: Braga dnb Odd:1,90 (victor chanlder) Confidence: 5/10 Huge difference we have here. On one side a team - Braga - that was finalist of the Europa league last season and that is on 3 rd place of Portugal Championship, keeping the organization and the union of last season, with experienced players on Europe games (Lima, Mossoro, Hugo Viana, Alan...), despite of having a renewed defence, but they only concede one goal until now. All team available, and the important returns of Paulo Cesar and Ewerton (should return to the defence) and new players Merida and Carlao will play too, becaming the attack more powerful, despite of should start on the bench. On the other side we have a middle table team (with one game left) of the Premiership, that never been on europa League and that should rest some players because they have important game against Sunderland like the coach said (they also said that the team didnt need these competition). Althoug Braga never win England teams, i think the differences between the 2 teams are significant, and they should win today.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

To say you know Stoke inside out is also somewhat misleading, unless you are actually part of their squad who's to say you know what sort of tactic Pulis will be playing, you know when the players would show up for camp? Mahno made a suggestion, did he directly insult you? No he didn't he voiced an opinion, just like you have. I've known Mahno for a few years now and his views on Ukranian football is vital...sure he may not know a lot about Stoke but you sure as hell don't know anything about Dynamo Kiev either. You make solid points...stick to them, but don't lamblast others for their own opinion on a game. The more you sound like a tool people will refer you to just that, a tool.
I don't think Profit Prophet has said much wrong, Mahno said they weren't worth a go on the DNB, PP disagreed, and stated why the missings Mahno listed were not as important as they may be at first glance. He is actually the only one on the thread who has provided a detailed opinion of the players involved in a game so far. Sure he was a bit insulting, but we can all be a bit guilty of that, Mahno included, and I doubt if he took any offence ;)
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

To say you know Stoke inside out is also somewhat misleading, unless you are actually part of their squad who's to say you know what sort of tactic Pulis will be playing, you know when the players would show up for camp? Mahno made a suggestion, did he directly insult you? No he didn't he voiced an opinion, just like you have. I've known Mahno for a few years now and his views on Ukranian football is vital...sure he may not know a lot about Stoke but you sure as hell don't know anything about Dynamo Kiev either. You make solid points...stick to them, but don't lamblast others for their own opinion on a game. The more you sound like a tool people will refer you to just that, a tool.
You haven't spoken to me once Mike yet this is the first post you decide to take it upon yourself to direct at me! Tells me alot about you to be honest. Mahno more than made a suggestion but that's none of your business to be blunt. The other fella also gave very misleading information, going as far to stat that Stoke are concentrating on the league. They aren't at all, not even in the slightest. You would have to live in Stoke or close to it to appreciate the fans desire for this comp. Fa cup fever last season was crazy. It's a very deprived area and football means alot to these people. As for me knowing Stoke inside out, well i do, what else do you want me to say on it? I go to several games a year, i have 2 mates who play for Stoke, my girlfriends boss does the rounds with several of the stoke players and finally one of my closest mates Dad is on the supporters board. This is irrelevant as i've even yet to post my opinion on the game which includes my thoughts on Kiev. I've only responded to clarify misleading info from other punters for the benefit of all punters on here. I gain nothing from that, so perhaps alittle respect for me taking the time to put correct info across is due. Lastly, i don't tell anyone to do anything on here, as i put on the champs league thread last night when discussing a punter who was congratulating himself on guessing score for fun, anyone with a season or 2 experience knows this game is about averages. @ 1.80 for Kiev home win, i doubt money can be made over the long term. In future, before calling me a tool, make your judgements please off all my posts not one and then ask yourself why that one post is how it is.
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Guys, there does seem to be a growing trend in CL/Europa threads for insults and arguments that stem from club/country loyalties. It's a great shame because there is a lot of valuable info that is lost amidst the bickering and point scoring. There's nothing wrong with a bit of passion and some healthy disagreement, but we can do without comments that belittle other people's opinions. Disagree by all means, but stick to the football and don't make it personal.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

An Over in Rome looks good to me too' date=' but I can't see Tel Aviv losing the game. All top Israeli teams are traditionally strong at home, giving hard time to by far bigger clubs. If I knew more about Rapid, maybe I could have given a further opinion and go for a bet here, but I don't...Rapid will try to get as many points as possible from Legia and Hapoel, but this is exactly what the Managers of those two teams want as well. I see a score draw or a narrow win by Israelis, yet to tricky to call...[/quote'] Ravan Lucescu is well-known for his motivational skills, so, from this point of view, I expect an absolutely determined and focused Romanian team tonight. Atypically for the situation in Romania, the transfers were made during summer break exclusively at the coach wish, so we have here a team which is under his command. Razvan Lucescu’s previous experience at the helm of Romanian national team was considered by many as a failure, so, along with the race for the internal championship win, he will try to prove in Europa League too, that he is a successful coach.

Overall, Rapid is composed by experienced players, both at domestic and international stage, but without stars or individualities. Regarding the level of the team, I find it hard to fully evaluate it, because, so far, they have alternated the good displays with the less successful ones. As I said, Rapid is a new team and I suspect the players find it still difficult to totally accommodate with the coach demands. It is like he is with one step before his team. The usual tactical module used by now is 4-3-3, the strongest compartment being, IMO, the midfield.

Concerning the match tonight, I believe Razvan Lucescu will try to prepare his team, from the tactical point of view, at best. I expect the primary focus to be put on the defensive phase of the game. As a common feature, the teams trained by him win matches by superior game organization comparing to their opponents, and not necessarily because of better individual quality.

Unfortunately for me, I can’t adventure myself in a prediction for the match tonight, as I know exactly nothing about Hapoel. Still, I hope my post helps a little. Good luck.

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Re: Hapoel-Rapid Ravan Lucescu is well-known for his motivational skills, so, from this point of view, I expect an absolutely determined and focused Romanian team tonight. Atypically for the situation in Romania, the transfers were made during summer break exclusively at the coach wish, so we have here a team which is under his command. Razvan Lucescu’s previous experience at the helm of Romanian national team was considered by many as a failure, so, along with the race for the internal championship win, he will try to prove in Europa League too, that he is a successful coach. Overall, Rapid is composed by experienced players, both at domestic and international stage, but without stars or individualities. Regarding the level of the team, I find it hard to fully evaluate it, because, so far, they have alternated the good displays with the less successful ones. As I said, Rapid is a new team and I suspect the players find it still difficult to totally accommodate with the coach demands. It is like he is with one step before his team. The usual tactical module used by now is 4-3-3, the strongest compartment being, IMO, the midfield. Concerning the match tonight, I believe Razvan Lucescu will try to prepare his team, from the tactical point of view, at best. I expect the primary focus to be put on the defensive phase of the game. As a common feature, the teams trained by him win matches by superior game organization comparing to their opponents, and not necessarily because of better individual quality. Unfortunately for me, I can’t adventure myself in a prediction for the match tonight, as I know exactly nothing about Hapoel. Still, I hope my post helps a little. Good luck.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Hapoel - Rapid [email protected] Pinnacle Rapid is a mediocre team which has won a place in Europe onlzt because last years romanian 1st league was the lowest level championship in the past 10 years. Thats why Otelul Galati won the title. Rapid has 13 points in 6 matches which looks good, but they met low rated teams in romania and their only match against a mediocre team on the road ended with a 2-0 loss. Adding the fact they always play better in the first 3-4 weeks before their usual big crash, I donát expekt a nice play for them, but all teams from the capital Bucharest have big EGO and national feelingz, so they will fight with spirit to compensate their lack of knowledge. They don't have serious international experience and if Hapoel is an average european team at home it should be an easy win. Pinnacle offers us 2,31, so if we win 4,78 times, than we have 10% profit wich is very good and it's a nice value. If someone is afraid to put money on a match like this there is Pinnacles Hapoel-0,25 bet for 1,97 which has a very good value also. GoodLuck to us

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

Birmingham vs Braga 15.09.2011 Pick: Braga dnb Odd:1,90 (victor chanlder) Confidence: 5/10 Huge difference we have here. On one side a team - Braga - that was finalist of the Europa league last season and that is on 3 rd place of Portugal Championship... On the other side we have a middle table team (with one game left) of the Premiership, that never been on europa League and that should rest some players because they have important game against Sunderland like the coach said (they also said that the team didnt need these competition).
Mate, you've got all wrong... Braga isn't playing Stoke (which is middle table, and will play Vs. Sunderland on weekend), but Birmingham City, which got relegated at the end of the last season, and plays in England Championship now... Which only adds to your premise of huge difference of class... :hope
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September KIEV V STOKE Stoke have taken a strong squad out to Kiev and are taking this comp seriously. It can be argued that the exclusion of Crouch/Woodgate is to keep solidarity within the camp for a game that Pulis needs to rely on men who know the system he plays inside out. They will however be taking Jerome/Palacios/upson (doubt). Out of the missing players only Etherington is a key player missing when drawing trends from Stokes recent history. It goes without saying that Stoke are a phsyical, compact side away from home, whom like to get men behind the ball and frustrate/out battle their opponents. I doubt Kiev will have experienced anything like a Stoke side before and i'm not sure they will easily break them down. If we look at Kiev in the europa league last season, they had 3 group home games : Bate 2-2 AZ 2-0 Sheriff 0-0 very poor results and 1.80 odds on this game don't show value when compared to their failure to win at home 2/3 times last season in the group stage. Stoke are also a better side than those 3 above. Kieve then beat besiktas 4-0 and Man city 2-0. They were very impressive v Man city but that was against a team in transition who had no real motivatiom for the europa league and were at this point focusing their attention on a champs league spot. Kiev have also won 2 of their last 3 league home games 1-0 which isn't particularly encouraging when they need to breakdown one of the strongest defences in English football. Stoke have proven by qualifying for the group stage that they can take their league style/form and perform just as well in europe especially in tough away games. They've kept games very tight and made the opponents work hard. For me it comes down to, do Kiev have enough to breakdown Stoke and are Kiev strong enough to cope with Stoke on the set pieces? At 1.80 i think those odds are too skinny when considering the task they have. However, i can't decide between a draw or stoke dnb. As always with stoke they could pull off a 0-0 1-1 or pip it 0-1. I genuinely don't know which option to go with. I could go with both or Stoke not to lose but whichever option(s) i decide on, i think the value and signs are with stoke getting something here not Kiev at 1.80.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

I can't believe that! you've called me a tool cos' i've said they are my local team. How ridiculous, i don't even support stoke but as i went on to explain know several people who work within stoke fc or know the players. I'll say it again, you've decided to make soemthing out of nothing here Mike. Anyway, i'm concentrating on my write up A WRITE UP I GAIN NOTHING FROM POSTING MIKE
Mate please stop! U said some silly things bogging yourself up then back down saying it was a pre write up opinion. Everyone on here has an opinion but just be a bit more easy going with it. If u have knowledge don't be a big head then back down.... I'm expecting everything u say to happen! And please Stoke are obviously going to concentrate on the league. Relegation is not an option for them now they spent loads on transfers n loads on wages don't u think!!!?? And for what it's worth I'd be very surprised by a Stoke win. Maybe draw but I won't be betting
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

Athletico Madrid v Celtic Given our miserable away record in Europe, and a lack of experience in Europe in both the players and management, I'm all over Athletico Madrid on Thursday. Neil Lennons away record in Europe thus far reads 2-0, 4-0 and 3-1 defeats. Athletico are 3rd favourites for the tournament and have an impressive, expensive squad including £35m striker, Falcao, the top scorer in this competition last year with Porto. I'm surprised that Athletico are as high as 1.47 and cannot see this price lasting, I would have had them at about 1.3. I will also take the early price on the handicap as we not only tend to lose on European soil, but lose heavily. Selections: Athletico to win @ 1.47 with Betfair - 10 units Athletico -1.25 AH @ 2.02 with Betfair - 4 units
Following on this.....there hasn't been much odds movement really, which I can't believe. Celtic have a dire away record in Europe (as do most Scottish teams) and they don't even deserve to be here, so I think a trip to Madrid is asking way too much. However, the fact they've been reinstated may galvanise them.... something I hope doesn't happen :hope
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

Re Braga to qualify, yeah I know Betfair have a market but there's no liquidity at all. Thanks for putting up the bwin price (way too short for a bet) I haven't seen any other bookies with prices. Oddschecker don't list it either, as far as I can see.
It is on oddschecker mate. When you select the "Europa League" section from the menu on the left hand side, it obviously lists all today's fixtures. However if you scroll down past these, you get the various group betting options. On topic, I have backed Club Brugges to qualify here. Think they look like being the best team in Belgium this season, and also because I think Birmingham are underpriced (as usually happens with English teams).
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

Following on this.....there hasn't been much odds movement really' date=' which I can't believe. Celtic have a dire away record in Europe (as do most Scottish teams) and they don't even deserve to be here, so I think a trip to Madrid is asking way too much. However, the fact they've been reinstated may galvanise them.... something I hope doesn't happen :hope[/quote'] I'm surprised at this too, took the 1.62 on Pinnacle last night for the -1AH and expected it to be near 1.5 on now but it hasn't moved at all..might stick some more on, Athletico haven't had a brilliant start but I don't think Celtic are hugely bothered about the game considering the Old Firm derby is on Sun, fair few players out too..if Samaras is put in up front on his own then might take the win to nil also, that tactic never looks pretty and hasn't worked too well from what I've seen, certainly expecting them to go 4-5-1.
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Following on from Kiev/Stoke analysis Draw @ 3.50 full stake Stoke win 1-0 @ 8.00 Half stake Means in effect draw would be odds of 2.50 and stoke 1-0 would be odds of 6.00. Reason for these bets, no value in stoke draw or win @ 1.85 No value in Kiev win at 1.80 Draw seemed value but i have a lingering feeling stoke can pull off a win. Can't see stoke scroing more than one If stoke do go behind, bet covers a draw scenario of 1-1 No value in backing unders @ 1.58 Basically, given my own thoughts on the match this combination came out at best profit. Of course if Stoke win 2-1 i'll be gutted but i think that's unlikely. 0-0 might be worth a shot @ 9.00 but can't play 3 markets. Overall, the value is with Stoke long term imo.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Shamrock Rovers vs. Rubin Kazan - Rubin to win @ 1.62 (Betfair) I'm surprised the odds are as high as they are for this. Shamrock Rovers have done tremendously well to reach the group stage of the Europa League, and will be tough for Kazan to get past. However, Rubin Kazan are much stronger opponents than Shamrock Rovers have played to get to this stage, and I fully expect them to get beat eventually. Shamrock Rovers might struggle with fitness after playing Monday and Friday in the previous week. Rubin Kazan have a lot of European experience, and very talented players and although Shamrock Rovers will undoubtedly give it there all, I don't think it will be enough.

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

Event Zurich - Sporting Lisbon
Selection Sporting Lisbon 0.00 (Asian-handicap)
Strength 10/10
Date 15/09/2011
Bookmaker/Price Skybet @ 2.00
Reasoning Sporting got a boost on their morale last Saturday at Paços Ferreira, for Portuguese league. They were loosing 0-2 with 20 minutes to play and in eight minutes they turnover the result and won 3-2. It was really important to them as they were coming from a bad sequence of results. Now they are confident. Sporting has a good talented group, but the team is still in construction. Maybe the last game was the necessary step to things work well. On the hosts side, Zurich, despite being a top Swiss team, started the season very badly, collecting five defeats in the first eight games. I believe Sporting won't loose today.
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Like alot of punters on here, i find the europa league abit of a nightmare to wade through. However, i have noticed that alot of games finish in draws even those where the hosts are 1.20- 1.40 favs. I'm looking to get involved in a single/double/treble system of draws tonight. Early thoughts are Lazio draw @ 4.50 Birmingham draw @ 3.30 (unsure) club brugge draw @ 3.80 Does anyone have an info on other games likely end a draw no matter how unlikely it looks given the home odds?

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September this is my opinion on he write up - i'm not here to argue, simply to correct what imo are a few flaws

KIEV V STOKE Stoke have taken a strong squad out to Kiev and are taking this comp seriously. I COULD DISAGREE - HOW WOULD A FAN KNOW THAT, NEVER MIND A GUY WHO ADMITS HE IS NOT A FAN JUST A LOCAL? It can be argued that the exclusion of Crouch/Woodgate is to keep solidarity within the camp for a game that Pulis needs to rely on men who know the system he plays inside out. They will however be taking Jerome/Palacios/upson (doubt). DOESNT MAKE SENSE, HE IS NOT TAKING CROUCH AND WOODGATE FOR SOLIDARITY BUT HE IS TAKING OTHER NEW PLAYERS - WHERE DID THE SOLIDARITY GO - PLUS CROUCH AND WOODGATE ARE PLAYERS WITH PROVEN EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE??? Out of the missing players only Etherington is a key player missing when drawing trends from Stokes recent history. It goes without saying that Stoke are a phsyical, compact side away from home, whom like to get men behind the ball and frustrate/out battle their opponents. I doubt Kiev will have experienced anything like a Stoke side before and i'm not sure they will easily break them down. AS SAID BEFORE - EASTERN EUROPEAN FOOTBALL IS NOT REALLY KNOWN OR ITS FLAIR TEAMS BUT MORE FOR ITS HARD WORKING PHYSICAL SIDES If we look at Kiev in the europa league last season, they had 3 group home games : Bate 2-2 AZ 2-0 Sheriff 0-0 very poor results and 1.80 odds on this game don't show value when compared to their failure to win at home 2/3 times last season in the group stage. Stoke are also a better side than those 3 above. STOKE ARE BETTER THAN AZ WHO ARE ONE OF THE TOP TEAMS IN HOLLAND AND BATE WHO WIN THE BELARUSSIAN LEAGUE EVERY SEASON AND ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE - AND ALL THIS BASED ON STOKE BEING IN THE EUROPA FOR THE FIRST TIME AND ONLY HAVING BEEN IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE FOR WHAT? 3 YEARS? Kieve then beat besiktas 4-0 and Man city 2-0. They were very impressive v Man city but that was against a team in transition who had no real motivatiom for the europa league and were at this point focusing their attention on a champs league spot. Kiev have also won 2 of their last 3 league home games 1-0 which isn't particularly encouraging when they need to breakdown one of the strongest defences in English football. Stoke have proven by qualifying for the group stage that they can take their league style/form and perform just as well in europe especially in tough away games. They've kept games very tight and made the opponents work hard. For me it comes down to, do Kiev have enough to breakdown Stoke and are Kiev strong enough to cope with Stoke on the set pieces? At 1.80 i think those odds are too skinny when considering the task they have. However, i can't decide between a draw or stoke dnb. As always with stoke they could pull off a 0-0 1-1 or pip it 0-1. I genuinely don't know which option to go with. I could go with both or Stoke not to lose but whichever option(s) i decide on, i think the value and signs are with stoke getting something here not Kiev at 1.80.
i'm not being funny but kiev are regulars in european competition while stoke basically won a couple of pre-season games to get here i dont care how good you think stoke are, english teams hate going to eastern europe - and stoke are going to get a rude awakening tonight
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September PAOK - TOTTENHAM PAOK WIN (2,50) BET365 Stake 7/10 Paok had a decent europe league season last year. Particularly at home in greece, they played some good football. They beat Villarreal, Fenerbache, Zagreb and got a draw against Brugge and Ajax. Tottenham got a slow start in the Premier League, they lost to United and City while won against Wolves. Manager Redknapp got a lot of players injured and some will be rested for this match, so they will be ready for the importent match against Liverpool saturday.. The Tottenham squad only contains 5 first team players for this match. The rest are youth or the last reserves, while Paok are in the strongest line up. Paok Squad : Athanasiadis , Malezas , Balafas , Papazoglou , Salpi , Tsukalas , Fotakis , Chalkias , Arias Veron , Lino , Contreras , Eto , Pablo Garcia , Ivic , Kresic , Rober , Snaucner and Adelino André Vieira Freitas Tottenham squad : Gomes, Cudicini, Archer, Bassong, Corluka, Walker, Waller-Lassen, Livermore, Townsend, Fredericks, Carroll, Nicholson, Parrett, Pavlyuchenko, Dos Santos, Falque, Kane, Lancaster, Pritchard. :hope

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September Hi all, Moving on from the Stoke debate which has got to the point now in which the first point of issue has been rendered irrelevant, there are several matches tonight which interest me the first of which is Birmingham v Braga. I am a villa fan so know the Blues very well and also know a bit about Braga from their exploits last season. I am favoring the 1/2 on offer at coral for Braga +1 as I can't ignore the fact that, for all the difference in quality, Blues have the habit of getting a result when you least expect it. By result i see anything but a loss as a great result for them although Chris Houghton has made it clear the Europa league is a lot of matches he doesn't need at the moment. Much of the squad has been sold on from the team which was relegated and a mid-table championship side has been assembled. The controversial Marlon King will start up front with a probable 5 across midfield. From what I saw of the Braga squad much has been retained from last year and away from home I remember them been a counter attacking side with pace and power up front from Lima, Alan and Meyong. This season they have added the very experienced and prolific Nuno Gomes. I would be interested to hear from anyone that knows what side Braga are expected to put out tonight but Braga not to lose at 1/2 looks a good bet. Ruban Kazan turn up in Ireland in the 6pm kick off against Shamrock and again this should be too much of a class difference, but we thought that about Partizan who Shamrock turned over in the previous leg!! Ruban have a strong line up but from what iv heard they are a defensive team even with the likes of Martins and Valdez up front. Again will they come to defend and break on the counter. This would seem an odd tactic from a technically superior team which on paper should be comfortable winners. Any more info would be greatly appreciated. Hannover is another team in the 6pm kick offs that I like the look of to turn over a Standard liege side stripped of their main assets from last year. Axel Witsel and Steven Defour have left to leave a hole in their midfield. Hannover have made a good start to their season and at home really would expect to beat the Belgian outfit. Finally it is Athletico Madrid to overcome Celtic. Much has been made of the reinstatement of the Hoops but away against a Athletico side that although maybe weaker than last season have brought well and should run out comfortable winners. I understand that Falcao won't play but Costa, Adrian, Reyes and Turan should be too much for a depleted celtic side. Any info would be great as its hard to find reliable info on many teams. Good luck all :ok

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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

this is my opinion on he write up - i'm not here to argue, simply to correct what imo are a few flaws i'm not being funny but kiev are regulars in european competition while stoke basically won a couple of pre-season games to get here i dont care how good you think stoke are, english teams hate going to eastern europe - and stoke are going to get a rude awakening tonight
Hey, it's just my opinion. I don't expect people to agree with it. I could be worng, i could be very wrong in fact and Stoke get a battering 3-0 but my selection is based on team strength, stats, motivation and odds. If Kiev were 2.50 plus i'd take them on the DNB for eg. But they are 1.80. My system involves sticking my neck out on bets and that may mean going against the grain sometimes/often. But even if i didn't fancy Stoke i certainly wouldn't take on Kiev given they failed to win 2/3 times last season in the group stage at home.
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

so experienced they drew 2-2 with Bate and 0-0 with sheriff. Also only won 2 of last 3 games 1-0. NOTE- i DON'T support stoke
Dynamo Kiev in the strongest posible line up against a Stoke squad, whitout Crouch, Woodgate, Etherington, Delap, Marc Wilson and possibly Upson, got a great chance to win whit more then 1 goal. They might had a poor season at home last year but it shows they got strength when they beat AZ. I didnt see the Bate or Sheriff matches but i´ll bet they both put 9 players behind the ball...
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

so experienced they drew 2-2 with Bate and 0-0 with sheriff. Also only won 2 of last 3 games 1-0. NOTE- i DON'T support stoke
so your same logic that produces those results, doesnt think that stoke was 3 wins, 3 draws and 13 losses last year away from home?????? that same logic say that 70% of the time they will lose away from home. hmmmm so 1.8 seems like ok odds to me
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September I'm guessing some people in here missed this? :unsure

Guys, there does seem to be a growing trend in CL/Europa threads for insults and arguments that stem from club/country loyalties. It's a great shame because there is a lot of valuable info that is lost amidst the bickering and point scoring. There's nothing wrong with a bit of passion and some healthy disagreement, but we can do without comments that belittle other people's opinions. Disagree by all means, but stick to the football and don't make it personal.
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Re: UEFA Europa League > 15 September

A) Braga aren't required to win tonight as it's group stage b)losing half of the games listed and only winning 2 is hardly decent away form C) they lost 6-0 v arsenal D) they lost v CELTIC :| Braga will likely win but it's one of those I'm staying clear of as I think Birmingham will be fired up for a European night & they won 3-0 last time out plus as it's first game for Braga, they can drop points and recover & that can affect motivation. I also have a gut instinct that this will be banana skin territory so left it well alone
A) I know Braga aren't required to win tonight that wasn't my point. My point was that you should judge the results where they weren't required to win with caution ie teams set themselves up differently if they have already gained or are expecting to gain a home leg advantage. B) I refer you to point A. C) Arsenal are or were capable of doing that to most teams on their day. One result is not a useful sample to quote. D) Yes they lost to CELTIC after having beaten them a week earlier 3-0 in the home leg. So clearly a win was not necessary and may have influenced their approach. Also as one of the previous posters stated CELTIC are usually no mugs on their own patch. Basically you're sitting on the fence. Firstly you say Braga should win. Secondly you say Birmingham will be fired up which I'm sure they no doubt will be and lastly you refer to your gut feeling. Are you suggesting that we all follow your gut feeling? I'm sure your gut feeling serves you well sometimes and it might do on this occasion but it is hardly relevant to the debate is it. When I first recommended Braga they were 15/8 at Bet365 and Birmingham were the favourites. Braga are now down to 7/5 favourites at the same firm and a best price 6/4 in other places. That would seem to suggest something.
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