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PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added


PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Just 11 registered so far. Needless to say, without numbers picking up, we wont be getting many more deals like this one :sad Theres still a lot to play for with a double pointer coming up and 4 games remaining, anyone can still win, come on PL show your support if you possibly can:hope

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad

Just 11 registered so far. Needless to say, without numbers picking up, we wont be getting many more deals like this one :sad Theres still a lot to play for with a double pointer coming up and 4 games remaining, anyone can still win, come on PL show your support if you possibly can:hope
I'm now going on holiday at the same time as the Riga tourney, so not a great deal of logic in me playing every week, other than general support of PL. That said, I can see reasons why numbers have dwindled. Limiting the fantastic main prize to the League winner is a fair way of rewarding performance through the 10 weeks but, unless you have a reasonable start, interest and participation is likely to diminish as your chances of scooping the big one get ever smaller. Theoretically, 3 or 4 wins, including the Double game at the end, would probably be enough to win, but that's a fairly small target, and smaller numbers limit the opportunity to gain a really big score. My suggestion would be to either limit it to the top 6-8 scores over the 10 weeks, or do like the Blue Square league and have a 10-player STT at the end to decide the winner.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Fair points raised. Would still be great to see loads of members in each week though, these are always good fun and the banter alone is worth turning up for. Just a couple of cashes likely pays for the whole series, anything else is a bonus. Wp G, nice win :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Sorry guys, I've been without internet connection for a week now, hence me missing this and the Gutshot and GCasino leagues. As for the Unibet/Riga prize I can't see me winning all the remaining legs which I'd need to do to top the leader board but I do think it's important that everyone should continue to participate whenever possible. This really is a fantastic prize and without the numbers regularly playing we won't so too many of these in the future. Just my thoughts anyway.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Only things I could suggest that might have kept a wee bit more interest would have been 2-6th gettting 50 euro sat tickets instead of just one prize for 2nd. Also the pay out structers could be flatter meaning more cashers and therefore more people with csh in their accounts. I bubbled two weeks ago and dont really see the point in depositing to try and do the near impossible over the remaining legs added to that the fact that my poker income is so bad at the moment I actually had a job interview last week:( I did think before this started getting 55 euro up front of those interested might work here because the prize was so big although having said that I doubt if I could find the dosh if there was another one starting next week.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Maybe another option for future leagues, would be to just use a standard points score, ie if 10 players - 10 points for 1st, 9 for 2nd etc. By using our current weighted system (although I appreciate that it is used to reward players for progressing thru the field), I believe we will always see reducing numbers as the leagues progress, as people see the leaders with much higher scores than themselves and so decide not to play, as they believe the chance of catching up is so small.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad I dropped out very early :$. At the time, I didn't have any money to deposit. Only had few wins in the last 2 weeks, which was to late for me to have any hopes. I know, I should stick in and support the game, But it's very hard to justify playing 15, very good players, €5.50 MTT. Few, good suggestions there to make few more places paid.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad

I like the format of top 9, and 10-19 playoff for 10th seat for sng :ok keeps the interest to the end :ok imho ;)
I think that is what will happen from now on its been talked about amongst the mods. In Fairness it was mentioned a couple of weeks ago but we didnt want to change the rules half way through a series. :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad I like the ideas suggested by Fonzie and Glceud. Maybe if people paid 50% of total fees upfront in this case 25 euros+ I don't that's too steep for most people and also a flatter point structure like Fonz suggested would keep more people in with a decent chance untill the very end.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Bump for tonight. C'mon support the league. If nothing else there is money to be won tonight and you can push the league leaders around at the beginning coz they will be scared to go out early :rollin

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 7 on -17th of October - €3k ad Dont say it out loud!

Bump for tonight. C'mon support the league. If nothing else there is money to be won tonight and you can push the league leaders around at the beginning coz they will be scared to go out early :rollin
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