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PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - last one on 27th


PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - last one on 27th  

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Hi Guys Cheap n Cheerfull one here! Every Thursday in January we will have a tourney on DTD Poker Online, with 2 freerolls and 2 buy in games, with added polo shirts (3 in each game) The password for the games is again, "plseries" Details below: Poker Room = DTD Poker Dates = 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th January Buy in = 2 x Freerolls, 2 x €3 buy ins Prizes = 3 x polo shirts given away to top 3 in each game and any cash as per normal payouts :ok Conditions: To win a prize, you must post in this thread on the day of the event.

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Re: PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - 1 of 4 tonight Yes great game, thoughly enjoyed my first forum game and already felt like I was amongst friends. A lucky Runner up for me, well pleased. :clap Well played Wall, great win. Bart

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Re: PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - 1 of 4 tonight Assure me I wasn't just playing for a polo shirt last night and on such **** software!

Hi Guys Cheap n Cheerfull one here! Every Thursday in January we will have a tourney on DTD Poker Online, with 2 freerolls and 2 buy in games, with added polo shirts (3 in each game) The password for the games is again, "plseries" Details below: Poker Room = DTD Poker Dates = 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th January Buy in = 2 x Freerolls, 2 x €3 buy ins Prizes = 3 x polo shirts given away to top 3 in each game and any cash as per normal payouts :ok Conditions: To win a prize, you must post in this thread on the day of the event.
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Re: PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - 1 of 4 tonight

Went to get a screenshot but the game has gone from the lobby already. If anyone's got one could they post it for the record please.
DTD1.jpg Luckily I was so chuffed with the result, I took one :lol Bart
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Re: PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - 1 of 4 tonight

Assure me I wasn't just playing for a polo shirt last night and on such **** software!
That's exactly what you were playing for. Try reading the Opening Post mate! Also, I think this is more about playing a fun game between PLers rather than the prizes, although I wouldn't mind a DTD polo shirt! Thanks for being so grateful though :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - 1 of 4 tonight Hmm - count me out! Wasted enough time (mate).

That's exactly what you were playing for. Try reading the Opening Post mate! Also, I think this is more about playing a fun game between PLers rather than the prizes, although I wouldn't mind a DTD polo shirt! Thanks for being so grateful though :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - DTD Polo Shirt Giveaway - every Thursday in Jan - 1 of 4 tonight

Hmm - count me out! Wasted enough time (mate).
I cant believe this post as been on the forum for 4 hours and none of the mods or more respected members havnt said anything,so i,ll say something (scooper) ungrateful waste of time :spank:spank:spank
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