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APAT Team Event - avongirl finishes 2nd


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Re: APAT Team Event - avongirl currently on Final Table!! Mark Trett (Newcastle Poker Forum) - 465,200 Niall Farrell (Black Belt Poker) - 340,900 Hugh Black (blonde Poker) - 327,400 Andy Cairns (Betfair) - 226,700 Michael Martin (London Poker Meetup) - 191,900 Helen Godfrey (Punters Lounge) - 191,000 Steve Redfern (Black Country Poker Club) - 153,800 Andy Young (Lee Barrett Poker Nights) - 67,400 Matt Carter (London Poker Meetup) - 43,800 John Murray (Live Pub Poker League) - 36,600

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Re: APAT Team Event - avongirl currently on Final Table!! Live Feed - http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=6827.0 PRIZES The Prize Pool for the UK Team Championship will be split into two. 50% of the prize pool will be awarded in the team event as follows: 1st £2,500.00 2nd £1,500.00 3rd £1,000.00 50% of the Prize Pool will be awarded to individual finishers as follows: (this is an indicative payout at this stage) 1st £1200 2nd £650 3rd £400 4th £250 5th £250 6th £250 7th £250 8th £250 9th £250 10th £250 11th £100 12th £100 13th £100 14th £100 15th £100 16th £100 17th £100 18th £100 19th £100 20th £100

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Re: APAT Team Event - avongirl currently on Final Table!! Helen does it again and knocks out John Murray... a brave call with 77 against JQ and the flop comes 2 2 7 ..... :nana She's a close chip leader with trett of Newcastle Poker with 8 remaining! I heard her mention on the feed that because she's not playing in the team event anymore (as we're out and have no chance of winning) it made the call a lot easier ... perfect poker! :ok

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