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APAT Team Event - avongirl finishes 2nd


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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL I'd pay double the entry fees to see Alan's face when Morls opens a box of pink polos up at Bolton :lol

I like it! 'The Pink Punters' has a bit of a ring to it actually:tongue2
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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

So i know for next year, how was the team selected? and gl to those that represent PL.
The team was selected based on a number of factors: 1. Live Experience 2. Who would fit well within the team 3. Recent form 4. Contribution to PL.
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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

Have booked a twin room at the premier inn for £29 if anyone fancies sharing, about 4 miles from casino, but its cheap. Here's the link if anyone else wants to stay there. http://www.premierinn.com/en/bookHotelCheckAvailability!execute.action
just booked as well,i will be driving up so no need for taxi`s if your still around when i get there :ok
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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

The team was selected based on a number of factors: 1. Live Experience 2. Who would fit well within the team 3. Recent form 4. Contribution to PL.
surely PL members who have continued to support APAT throughout this season would have been taken into consideration as well :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

I'm really sorry guys, but I won't be able to make it :$. I have been thinking for the last few days and it it just not adding up. I thought, tell you early, so you can squeeze a substitution in. :sad
are you sure mate? you will be sorely missed :(
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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

I'm really sorry guys, but I won't be able to make it :$. I have been thinking for the last few days and it it just not adding up. I thought, tell you early, so you can squeeze a substitution in. :sad
:( Sorry to hear that mate, i assume thats why i have a few missed calls off you, im out tonight and have a very shite signal on my phone but ill give you a call in morning if thats ok. Morls:ok
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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

Up to you Andy, ideally yes. Glennop is now playing GUKPT and AvonGirl is in the team after Henieks withdrawal, so you'd be next in line if you did come up. :ok
If I donk out early in GUKPT might still come over to Bolton to have a beer with you guys, (Hopefully that won't be the case). Not saying keep me as a reserve, just I might turn up for a beer :cheers (Bus to Bolton goes right past my street)
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