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Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS


Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS  

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS Guesssing by the looks of things all passes are the same? i don't have my printer set up can someone print one of for me and I'll get it of you tomorrow? otherwise I'll go find a net cafe tomorrow morning and do it. let us know.

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

Guesssing by the looks of things all passes are the same? i don't have my printer set up can someone print one of for me and I'll get it of you tomorrow? otherwise I'll go find a net cafe tomorrow morning and do it. let us know.
Ive got a few spare m8:ok
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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

fckin shambles this like:wall Its definately 7.30pm on Thursday guys
I see PL are shown as 'Tournament Sponsors' on their website. I hope Paul hasn't had to shell out too many £ for this privilege because their organisation to date has been a tad lacking.
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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS Yeah.....the organisation skills of a rhinoceros on acid I'm afraid. Perhaps I should give them some lessons at say oooooooooh £10k an hour? The whole voucher thing is a complete joke if it isn't personalised. Anyway, let's enoy the day tomorrow and make sure I win. :nana

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS In the same boat work wise. Waiting for some removal men to show up at the office as we're moving offices this week but as yet they've not shown. Apparently they won't be here til 3 now so I definitely won't be at the pub at 4 :eyes. So I'm probably only 50/50 at the minute :sad.

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS Marks for yesterday: Having drinks and chat with fellow PLers prior to attending Poker in the Park - 10 out of 10. Poker in the Park - 0 out of 10. Shambolic organisation. Priority passes? What a joke. Nobody even bothered to look at our so called priority passes. At least it didn't cost PL anything to attend, if it had and I was Paul, I'd be demanding my money back.

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS Had great time yesterday overall. Was it just me or did others have problems seeing the cards. Maybe it was just the angle I was sat at. Didn't matter anyway. All in with pair of aces and as normal, got busted by a run. Live poker is rigged obviously! Play with you all again soon, but maybe not in a muddy old tent with no booze next time. Enjoy the footie.

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

Had great time yesterday overall. Was it just me or did others have problems seeing the cards. Maybe it was just the angle I was sat at. Didn't matter anyway. All in with pair of aces and as normal, got busted by a run. Live poker is rigged obviously! Play with you all again soon, but maybe not in a muddy old tent with no booze next time. Enjoy the footie.
Sorry :sad
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