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Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London

hope you all enjoy this guys, if i wasnt representing PL at DTD i would have loved this, if you get any more Paul,for future events i think this could go down even better :ok big up to Blue Square and yourself
+1 :clap
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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London

OK just done the draw and here are the lucky 6 winners....:drums:drums:drums ColU FC Washman RobD1973 dazdiamonds RIVRD Heniek I hope you enjoy it guys. :ok I'll get you more details shortly. :ok
Thank God for that. I've been getting so excited waiting for the draw that I've nearly run out of incontinence pads. ;) Thanks Paul, Bluff Magazine and Blue Square. :ok
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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London house-icon.gif Address 150-162 Edgware Road London W2 2DT T: 0207 262 7777 F: 0207 724 1214 clock-icon.gif Opening Hours: 24 hours a day Facilities Welcome to the Grosvenor Casino London Victoria. Enjoying the fun couldn’t be easier, simply come along with a valid form of ID. Entry is free to anyone aged 18 years or over. We look forward to seeing you soon! ms-icon-drink.gif Bars ms-icon-restaurant.gif Restaurants ms-icon-bar-snacks.gif Bar Snacks ms-icon-gaming.gif Gaming ms-icon-poker.gif Poker Room ms-icon-live-sport.gif Live Sports ms-icon-disabled.gif Disabled Facilities Looks okay Rob but tel no above if you want to check:ok

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London A good day yesterday. I'm pleased to report that everyone of the 9 PL'ers who were awarded a seat attended. PL made up 50% of the total attendees. It was good to meet a number of new faces. My apologies to heniek for taking him out on the bubble.

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London

A good day yesterday. I'm pleased to report that everyone of the 9 PL'ers who were awarded a seat attended. PL made up 50% of the total attendees. It was good to meet a number of new faces.
Well done on winning the seat Col, and good luck with that! Talking to Paul (guy with the Apat top on) afterwards and we both agreed it was a good informative session, and the tourney was a good standard too. At the bar later we were talking to Alex from the seminar, and we got introduced to Neil Channing, and I have to say what a thoroughly nice guy! He'd just won 87k for 2nd in the gukpt main event and lots of his friends were in there, yet he was happy to talk to us for a good 15-20 mins, which was very cool, no big ego or up himself at all, just a very funny bloke! Anyway, really enjoyed it and big thanks to Paul and PL for the ticket, cheers :clap
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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London Really enjoyed it too. Definitely built my confidence but couldn't believe how hamfisted I was with dealing with chips and cards. Definitely need more practice on that. Good tutors and venue but saying all that, £199 was quite steep charge. Think they would get A LOT more takers at £99. Anyway, good to meet you all.

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London

There were only 18 people there?:eek
Share what you learned with the rest of us plebs then' date=' don't keep it to yourself [/quote'] You'll find out when you come up against the PL 9. ;) I came 2nd for a £330 GUKPT seat. I spoke to quite a few of the others. They were also there complements of Blue Square. I think there were few, if any, that paid the £199 entry fee.
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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London What a great day - learnt a lot - was really great to be able to interact with the pros and get their insight on certain spots taht i get stuck in. Also greta to finally meet some of the PL guys. Many thanks to Paul Ross for organising and the sponsors. If you the opportunity comkes up again for the next one please let me know!!!

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London Ok, since nobody has said much about what the day involved, I'll give you all an idea. The day was split into 3 sessions: each one involved a 30-40 minute presentation, followed by 15-20 mins of 6 handed play with one of the tutors dealing, whilst you tried to put some of what they had told you into practise. First session was done by Alex Rousso and focused on tells - what to look for etc, and was based on Joe Navarro's book 'Read em and Reap'. This was undoubtably the most useful session. Next was Stuart Rutter talking about stack sizes, M, and assigning ranges to your opponent. The first part was fairly basic for most people, but last bit was ok. He was also very enthusiastic, and went into great depth during our hand playing session. Lastly came Jeff Kimber, talking about satelliting into live tourneys - the session I was most looking forward to, but tbh was very basic, and nothing we hadn't heard before. He was pretty good with the hand playing session though. After a short break we then played a tourney with a rather fast structure, with 3 GUKPT side event packages up for grabs - nothing of interest in my play, but well done to ColUFC for 2nd :ok Not a bad day overall, but I'd have been disappointed if I'd paid £199 for it - think Rob had the value about right at £99. Good to meet everyone again, and thanks for the tickets again Paul, and Bluff :ok

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