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Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running)-FINISHED

billy the punter

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Tonight was £112 not £220. The £220 was cancelled (last night) and tonight's tourn was the £100+12 F/O - I thought it was a rescheduled but it was a totally different tourn. Ok though, fairly deep (7,500). Out fairly early though. Played the hand fairly poorly I think. 100/200. UTG makes it 700. All fold to me (button) and I call with AcKs. Flop 9c2c3c He makes it 1700. I shove for 6000 total (or thereabouts). He calls. He had 99. No club for me. I should've reraised preflop, probably would've taken it down. I'm happy to see a flop in position (heads up) with AKo a lot of the time though. Anyway I played PLO cash after and done ok, obviously I wouldn't have made a cash profit if I wasn't playing a staked tourn. Therefore I will not be "charging" for this tournament. The £112 I bought-in for will not be taken from the funds, will be in the returns. I will tidy everything up tomorrow. Sorry there were no live cashes, didn't make many mistakes, the ones I did where pivotal and I got little help from the deck. :ok

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Unlucky mate things didn't turn out as we would liked to of hoped. But am happy with the staking even though it was over a long period of time. Would def be interested in buuying a % again in you if you ever do another thread.:ok

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Cheers Woodie. Very close to a nice payday, certain as I've ever been that it's coming. Thanks for the stakers and the patience, as Woodie says it was a long campaign. Will finalise everything tonight with a post. Despite those "near misses" over half of your stakes are returned due to the earlier results. $1300 plus the money not used on the live run. I will be concentrating on decent live tourns throughout the year. :ok

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Mate, the discussion we were just having on that table and what followed was ridiculously surreal, was actually lost for words! :( It can't continue like that, keep the faith buddy. :( Edit: didn't take long for me to follow mate, it was no 2 outer but ALIPF 99 - AJs, Jack on river.

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Right guys, finish this up. Online cashes: $1382 Live buy-ins not used: £175 + £220 + £108 = £503 Total returns... $2139 (Only $2700-odd was staked so it wasn't a bad loss) Despite not showing a profit I was fairly pleased with how I played and we were just one cash away from a profit. Still gutted about the main event 18th finish. Will get everything back to people over the next few days. If anyone wants £ instead of $ let me know and I can do a cheque or something. Thanks again for the staking and support, I think this is a great part of PL. Pretty sure my online days are over, for the time being at least, but as I've said before I will be playing more big live events. :ok

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Sorry for the delay guys, such a busy week for me, slept about 12 hours in total! Not all the funds were with Star obviously, withdrew them to pay for live events etc and am no longer active on there, so will be moving some funds around to sort all the paybacks, sorted over the weekend. Cheers :ok

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Yeah sorry guys, last week was sorry busy for me being Cheltenham, just getting back to normality. $2139 PGremlin - 20 shares $428 Woodie - 20 shares $428 Washman - 20 shares $428 Myrie - 10 shares $214 Guppie - 9 shares $193 heniek31 - 5 shares $107 Fintron - 3 shares $64 stodin - 3 shares $64 TQM - 2 shares $43 mattywallace121 - 2 shares $43 goater14 - 2 shares $43 MrMal - 2 shares $43 teaulc - 1 share $22 Chapmick - 1 shared $22 Any differencies let me know. Still have a limit on my Stars transfers so I reckon everything will be done by Thursday. Sorry for the delay. Hopefully I will make the next one a big winner. Good luck at the tables. :ok

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running)

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I, Billy Wallace, agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. :ok
Billy - its now 14 days since the last event of your staking, and your stakers are still waiting for their returns. However busy you may have been over the last week or so, I think you should at least keep us updated on the situation. To be honest I fail to see why you have been unable to repay us all through our preferred methods by now. Dragging things out like this will make all stakers wary of future investments - not just with you, but with anybody on the forum. Your last post in the thread (on Tuesday) said you expected to have everything sorted by yesterday, but we are all still awaiting returns - I would appreciate you telling me and the other stakers exactly when returns will be made.
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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Sorry chaps. Spent days trying to deposit money into Stars and ages on the phone to the bank asking why it wasn't going through - there are more than enough funds. It turns out than due to Abbey changing to Satander I was sent a new card, different numbers etc, even though my current one hasn't expired, it's a branding thing obviously. I've been staying at my girlfriends and haven't checked the mail at place for a bit. You'd think telephone banking would've worked out the reason earlier. Will be going to mine in the morning, will alter my account details on Stars and start doing the transfers thereafter. I realise it's a bit late, I do apologise. I had planned to offer a little extra to make up for it but due to Washy's post I've decided not to. Rich (or anyone who has a problem), Are you really suggesting anything untoward is going on? You think someone who owns a £100,000 horse to going to run off with a couple of hundred quid? I put money out of my own pocket for my last staking and I guarantee that no one puts up a fairer deal than I have. Some realise this I'm sure. Anyone who has been involved with me before knows I can take a little time, trust me, you have no idea how busy I am, especially at this time of the year. I turnover huge amounts especially over Cheltenham etc and I'm sorry that has to come first. Would you take a day off your day job or would you fit things around it? This is why I've always rounded up payments and offered a bit more to my stakers - deals, rounded up returns, extra tourns for nowt etc. There will be no further stakings from me, other than the %'s I'm giving away free to my fellow PL team members (APAT) when I play my GKUPT. Any probs contact me personally.

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running)

Sorry chaps. I had planned to offer a little extra to make up for it but due to Washy's post I've decided not to. Rich (or anyone who has a problem), Are you really suggesting anything untoward is going on? You think someone who owns a £100,000 horse to going to run off with a couple of hundred quid? I put money out of my own pocket for my last staking and I guarantee that no one puts up a fairer deal than I have. Some realise this I'm sure.
Billy, I agree your deals are great......but I can understand where Washman is coming from.......I'm at the bottom end of the staking market so therefore have no problems waiting to be paid.....Washy's at the top end and may depend on the return to finance any tournies he's playing. If I was waiting on a return of several hundred dollars I'd be anxious to see my return........you're a fantastic guy to stake and the other stakers know this....probably a quick update saying you had problems would have prevented this happening in the first place! An update has now been made so hopefully all is okay! I personally hope you continue to give us L Plates the chance to stake the EXPERT! Best wishes in whatever you decide! TQM
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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) With respect Billy, all we need is a bit of communication. Your post on Tuesday said we would see funds on Thursday. If that was a problem, all you had to do was let us all know - after all you are on the forum every day. I don't expect, nor do I want anything more than the amount owed to me, but if you're having a problem getting funds in the right place, the least you can do is let us know.

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