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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Can I ask TheVPL how many players will come through this route?

The VIP Poker League is also partnered with the Courage Best Poker League, where players compete in pubs and clubs across the country for their chance to qualify for The VIP Poker League Final.
Actually, perhaps the better question - how many players will there be in the final overall (Maximum)?
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2

Can I ask TheVPL how many players will come through this route? Actually, perhaps the better question - how many players will there be in the final overall (Maximum)?
Yea, I had a look at that before tonights game. It appears from the research that I've done, that the Courage Best Poker League is a free league and run in a variety of pubs and clubs. By the looks of it, theres around 40 players qualify from this route. So by the looks of it (correct me if I'm wrong VPL), we(online players) pay the reg fees(which go into the pot) while the Courage Poker League get 40 entries for nothing? :unsure
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2

Yea, I had a look at that before tonights game. It appears from the research that I've done, that the Courage Best Poker League is a free league and run in a variety of pubs and clubs. By the looks of it, theres around 40 players qualify from this route. So by the looks of it (correct me if I'm wrong VPL), we pay the reg fees(which go into the pot) while the Courage Poker League get 40 entries for nothing? :unsure
Kindof - but the overlays are pretty big at the moment - so not an issue I dont think - but would be a different case without the overlay. 39 players in tonights Paddy game - if that's typical across all the buy in games, then the buy in players are paying $2x48x39=$3744 for a $10k live event. The buy in players are getting 40 seats plus 4 seats (plus the 3xPL seats) = 47 seats out of 47 + 4 for the free leagues + 40 for the courage leagues = about 91 seats. So the buy in players are paying about $3744/47=$79.65 each for a seat worth $10k / 91 = $109.89 - with those numbers still about a 50% mark up for the buy in players :ok
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2

Kindof - but the overlays are pretty big at the moment - so not an issue I dont think - but would be a different case without the overlay. 39 players in tonights Paddy game - if that's typical across all the buy in games, then the buy in players are paying $2x48x39=$3744 for a $10k live event. The buy in players are getting 40 seats plus 4 seats (plus the 3xPL seats) = 47 seats out of 47 + 4 for the free leagues + 40 for the courage leagues = about 91 seats. So the buy in players are paying about $3744/47=$79.65 each for a seat worth $10k / 91 = $109.89 - with those numbers still about a 50% mark up for the buy in players :ok
With those numbers (and assuming the 91 max is correct), by my reckoning, an average of about 53 entries is about where the overlay disappears for the buy in players
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2

By the looks of it, theres around 40 players qualify from this route.
Looks like there were 45 qualifiers in Season 1 (http://www.couragebestpoker.com/index.php/current-season-qualifiers-a-final) - assuming it's growing, it would be a larger number this time around - that would throw my numbers out quite a bit if it is many more
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Firstly, there was no free tournament on Paddy last night. This should be reinstated from next week. Next, with regards to the PL Mini-League. As far as I'm concerned, this can take any format you guys want. Our only stipulation is that at least 25 players must take part in at least 6 games. Then you'll get your three additional seats. Guppie - I'll leave the final decision to you on exactly how you want this to run. Same applies to the commission money as well. We can run a tournament for if you would like, or give someone the money to organise it. Or whatever you like! Obviously, our preference is for as many players as possible to play as many of the tournaments as possible so I'd just ask that you bear that in mind when considering how things are done. Ultimately, up to you guys though. Gaf - you are correct, that is a typo and will be corrected shortly. GeordieGaz - thanks for joining, we've got your registration. Myrie16 - still time to enter, just email us and let us know. Now, the queries about the Courage Best Poker League. Firstly in terms of numbers we're expecting it to be approximately 50/50 between pub league qualifiers and online league qualifers. Can't give an exact number just yet. There ARE plans to expand that league, but that's unlikely to happen until later in the year. By having the leagues "partnered" it enables to offer a bigger prizepool at the final. We could, alternatively, have done a $5,000 tournament for the VIP Poker League with 40 odd runners (which still would have been a big overlay!) and another tournament exclusive for the pub qualifers. But if our belief is correct, players would rather play for a larger amount in a larger field tournament. With the above being said, we anticipate separating the leagues in the future. Once we get momentum going for the VIP Poker League and have more members, this will be more cost effective for us. As I've mentioned, we do have big plans for this league and we hope to be talking much bigger numbers for future seasons. We're not impatient though, so we're happy to lay down the foundations and build it organically. Finally, bwin appear to have made an error for tonights tournament and it's just a "normal" $2.00 + $.20 tournament. So there is effectively some extra value there tonight. Any more queries, just let me know! James

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 This sounds fine to me but how about 4 x games afterwards with approx $25 added per game and the remainder used for positions in a PL league exclusive to those who participated as per below:unsure

Play - 6 or more VIP games: You have contributed to PL to make the 3 added seats for the PL Mini League happen. You get to play the PL exclusive bonus game where the referral money is the prizepool
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2

Can we make it just best 12 scores counting for the PL Mini league please James
Is that best 12 scores from the 48 games, or the best score from each batch of 12 (each site) within the 48 games? I view the second as singificantly more preferable.
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Fussy aren't you:lol That's what i meant appalling mindreaders here:tongue2

Is that best 12 scores from the 48 games' date=' [b']or the best score from each batch of 12 (each site) within the 48 games? I view the second as singificantly more preferable.
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Guys, Just for absolute clarity here, as I'm a little confused as to what you're suggesting. You want, at the end of the season, a players best 12 week total across one site? I don't mind doing it that way, but might a better way be to select their best score each week and count that? That way we can at least see an accurate running total as we go along? James

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Not sure if I'm missing something - there are 4 different VPL Buy In Leagues - can we not just count one league score for each player - their best score from the 4 leagues (overall)? Makes it easier for you guys to manage (no new calculation), gives everyone a chance. We can see progress, because it will be published on the VPL, and it doesnt overadvantage players playing all 4 leagues over players only playing one league.

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Thing is is player A-scores 25points site (1) week 1 and 10points site (2) 5 points site(3) Site 1 counts for his scores-he goes on a bad run on site 1 for the next 5 weeks and blazes sites 2 and 3 decides he wants to abandon site 1 but must continue with it because its the PL league:unsure even though hes out of contention there and still in with a chance on 2 and 3.

Not sure if I'm missing something - there are 4 different VPL Buy In Leagues - can we not just count one league score for each player - their best score from the 4 leagues (overall)? Makes it easier for you guys to manage (no new calculation)' date=' gives everyone a chance. We can see progress, because it will be published on the VPL, and it doesnt overadvantage players playing all 4 leagues over players only playing one league.[/quote']
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Guys, technology problems today so sorry for the lack of updates. All should be sorted over the weekend. Guppie if you're happy to do it that way, that's great. I'll email you a list of usernames against PL names. Have great weekends all! James

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 A suggestion for you too Guppie. Might it be an idea to have the minileague thread "cleaned up" and just have one post from you in which you update the table(s). Any other questions/discussions regarding the league then to go in this thread? James

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Re: Confirmed Information for Season Two Hi totse, send an email to [email protected] with:

Full Name Month and Year of birth (we don't ask for your full date of birth for security reasons) The poker room(s) at which you wish to take part Your screenname(s) at the relevant poker rooms Quote Punters Lounge to be included in the PL mini league Please enter "Register" as the subject of your email.
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