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Aussie Millions 2010


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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Will let Richard (or Pokernews) report the specifics but unfortunately he went out in 107th approx. Having failed miserably to qualify here for the main event I have bought into event 16 which starts 4.15 pm local time tomorrow (Thursday). Not described as a turbo (5000 chips, 40 minute blinds) but it is only a one day tournament so levels are likely to be missed out. It may not therefore suit my game but Helen is going to moan if I bust out early ! :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

Will let Richard (or Pokernews) report the specifics but unfortunately he went out in 107th approx. Having failed miserably to qualify here for the main event I have bought into event 16 which starts 4.15 pm local time tomorrow (Thursday). Not described as a turbo (5000 chips, 40 minute blinds) but it is only a one day tournament so levels are likely to be missed out. It may not therefore suit my game but Helen is going to moan if I bust out early ! :ok
GL Runa! Think of the event as an extended sky poker tour £50 buy in, solid at the start then get a bit crafty later on!
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Out in 121st approx (240 entrants). Short stacked with 5500 ended up all in with A5 after a flop of 335, called by huge stack with QJ, J on turn. Back home Tuesday afternoon so will be making most of last few days away from the casino. Forecasting 30 degrees Sat and Sun. :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Final table are: Seat 1: Sorel Mizzi - 6,033,000 :loon Seat 2: Stephen Shelley - 991,000 Seat 3: Annette Obrestad - 1,349,000 Seat 4: Tyron Krost - 1,869,000 Seat 5: Frederik Jensen - 1,754,000 Seat 6: Kosta Varoxis - 635,000 Seat 7: Peter Jetten - 1,700,000 Seat 8: Steven Friedlander - 694,000 Latest odds:

Aussie Millions 2010 - Main Event
Sorel Mizzi 6/4 BET arrow_small.gif Frederik Jensen 7/1 BET arrow_small.gif
Peter Jetten 5/1 BET arrow_small.gif Stephen Shelley 11/1 BET arrow_small.gif
Annette Obrestad 11/2 BET arrow_small.gif Steven Friedlander 14/1 BET arrow_small.gif
Tyron Krost 13/2 BET arrow_small.gif Kosta Varoxis 16/1 BET arrow_small.gif
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

Place Prize Winner
12,000,000 AUDTyron Krost
21,100,000 AUDFrederik Jensen
3715,000 AUDSorel Mizzi
4450,000 AUDKosta Varoxis
5350,000 AUDPeter Jetten
6250,000 AUDSteve Friedlander
7175,000 AUDAnnette Obrestad
8125,000 AUDStephen Shelly
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Got back home yesterday afternoon, so time to post a bit more :\ Day 2 of main event saw me at a table with the biggest chip stack - which wasn't ideal. Combined with no hands it was a struggle all day. Spent the best part of 5 levels between 50k and 70k, until my exit hand: Nico Busts Another A player UTG +1 made it 6,500 and NIco Behling made the call, as did another opponent, before yet a fourth player moved all in. It folded back to Behling who moved all in on top to isolate, and the opponent in the middle got the picture. Behling: jc.gifjd.gif Opponent: ac.gifqd.gif The board in it's finality read 10d.gif2d.gif7s.gif10s.gif4d.gif and Nico Behling is now over the 400,000 mark. Was out about 107th place - difficult to be exact as I got moved upstairs for last half an hour to a table with 6 huge stacks, and just me and another guy short stacked. Tourney info didn't update upstairs as regularly. Then played the $2200 six handed event on Saturday - not my favourite type of poker, but managed to survive to about last 50, before I got over-ambitious with AQc on a K77 board (with 2 clubs), unfortunately my opponent had Aces which held up. Bwin once again were great hosts, made a few new friends, and caught up with Helen and Duncan who were great company throughout the 3 weeks, so all in all had a good, and reasonably lucrative holiday :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

Got back home yesterday afternoon, so time to post a bit more :\ Day 2 of main event saw me at a table with the biggest chip stack - which wasn't ideal. Combined with no hands it was a struggle all day. Spent the best part of 5 levels between 50k and 70k, until my exit hand: Nico Busts Another A player UTG +1 made it 6,500 and NIco Behling made the call, as did another opponent, before yet a fourth player moved all in. It folded back to Behling who moved all in on top to isolate, and the opponent in the middle got the picture. Behling: jc.gifjd.gif Opponent: ac.gifqd.gif The board in it's finality read 10d.gif2d.gif7s.gif10s.gif4d.gif and Nico Behling is now over the 400,000 mark. Was out about 107th place - difficult to be exact as I got moved upstairs for last half an hour to a table with 6 huge stacks, and just me and another guy short stacked. Tourney info didn't update upstairs as regularly. Then played the $2200 six handed event on Saturday - not my favourite type of poker, but managed to survive to about last 50, before I got over-ambitious with AQc on a K77 board (with 2 clubs), unfortunately my opponent had Aces which held up. Bwin once again were great hosts, made a few new friends, and caught up with Helen and Duncan who were great company throughout the 3 weeks, so all in all had a good, and reasonably lucrative holiday :ok
Its in the past mate get over it :) you coming DTD this weekend?
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