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APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!!


APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!!  

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! very well done Billy,:clap:clap:clap, i knew it was good idea to cancel our last nights hotel room :eyes but at least we managed to stay awake on the drive home. it was a joy to watch the final table at times and as i hate railing anything last night was riveting. for me personally,i went out about 50th, i had a very good 1st 3 levels,getting up to around 29k then made a big mistake in trying to take a short stack out with AJ (me BB) against QQ(him button),dropped me down to 18k,i was totally card card dead and with 9BB left and on the button i decide to make a steal with Q/9 clubs hoping my TAG image would frighten both the SB and BB off their hands,SB did fold but BB took an absolute age to decide what to do as he had to call half his stack to see me,eventually he does and he shows my bogey hand 9/9,:eyes,anyway 2 clubs on the flop gave me hope but turn and river dead to me:sad. it was great to see the guys again and i look forward to the next team event if i am lucky enough to be selected. highlight hand for me was from Fridays £10+ £4 1 rebuy or add-on for £5 (40% rake WTF?) self deal tourney. i was in seat 10 and dealer for the table :eek when i deal myself A/A in the BB,anyway 1 raiser which i dutifully re-raise and he goes over the top and pushes all-in,obviously i call :dude. he shows K/K :),his face was picture when i turned my cards over,:) flop came down A/Q/Q :cow and just to make sure of the overkill i Turned the other Ace for Quads :dude:dude:dude.

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Billy the Bulldozerrrrrrrrrrrrr!! :notworthy Totally deserved win he just ran over the table on the last few hrs of day 1 and looked in control on the final table from what i saw after the early setback. The newcastle forum boys made it a great atmosphere at the final table, a lot of singing for their man and the theatrical oohs and aahs on the all ins :lol And they took the heads up defeat very well :clap. Shame the Bulldozer couldn't stay for a celebratory drink :( but me and the Fonz had a few for him and everyone else ;) Had a good chat with the Saban's and a couple others from their forum which rounded off a cool weekend :clap.

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Well done guys and an excellent result from a Punters member.. A fantastic weekend of poker and really enjoyed meeting up with some of you again.. Morlspin love you mate, great fun in the rebuy and enjoyed your company.. Teaulc another superstar from here who`s company I enjoyed being in.. A great peasure to see you guys,, Well done to all of you who managed to get in the punters team and to the rest you missed a cracking fun filled weekend of poker Regards all Psychodave Team Voyageinpoker

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!!

very well done Billy,:clap:clap:clap, i knew it was good idea to cancel our last nights hotel room :eyes but at least we managed to stay awake on the drive home. it was a joy to watch the final table at times and as i hate railing anything last night was riveting. for me personally,i went out about 50th, i had a very good 1st 3 levels,getting up to around 29k then made a big mistake in trying to take a short stack out with AJ (me BB) against QQ(him button),dropped me down to 18k,i was totally card card dead and with 9BB left and on the button i decide to make a steal with Q/9 clubs hoping my TAG image would frighten both the SB and BB off their hands,SB did fold but BB took an absolute age to decide what to do as he had to call half his stack to see me,eventually he does and he shows my bogey hand 9/9,:eyes,anyway 2 clubs on the flop gave me hope but turn and river dead to me:sad. it was great to see the guys again and i look forward to the next team event if i am lucky enough to be selected. highlight hand for me was from Fridays £10+ £4 1 rebuy or add-on for £5 (40% rake WTF?) self deal tourney. i was in seat 10 and dealer for the table :eek when i deal myself A/A in the BB,anyway 1 raiser which i dutifully re-raise and he goes over the top and pushes all-in,obviously i call :dude. he shows K/K :),his face was picture when i turned my cards over,:) flop came down A/Q/Q :cow and just to make sure of the overkill i Turned the other Ace for Quads :dude:dude:dude.
My downfall in the APAT Game was quad A`s ran my Full house slap bang into them.. Nightmare but hey thats poker...
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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Good to see a lot of you guys again over the weekend, once again Billy fantastic result, made up for you. Glad to see that Al managed to drive home ok. Well done Bri on the apat POY award and thanks to Fonz and Nade for the company last night, don't think I've laughed so much in ages as I did when that "person" eventually turned left into the Ladies. Until the next one. :clap

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Well done Billy. Was a pleasure to watch you on the FT....awsome display mate :clap:clap:clap Just a pity that the rest of us couldn't stay with you to get a few more points for the team, but there's always next year :hope Let us know which GUKPT tourney you're gonna play and I for one will deffo come and rail.....I'm sure some others will too. Nice to meet up with everyone again.....but I'm now having nightmares about Ace/Jack....nuff said......still dont know how he called....:\ All in all a great weekend, rounded off nicely by Billy's win. :nana:nana:nana

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!!

it was more like 70th mate! ;).... the only thing I took out of that was the fact I was the 2nd best placed PLer.... no real achievement considering it was 60th! :\
the clock placing were wrong mate as it was stuck on 62 for god knows how long :ok
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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Many thanks to everyone for the comments and support - much appreciated. :ok Great to meet up with Al again and to meet Fonzie, Morls, Gaz, Tom, Brian and Hen for the first time - a cracking bunch. Thanks for all the support over the two days guys, it really was helpful and appreciated. Nice to meet Mike and Lou Saban also. Was fairly steady early doors but was up to about 14k at the first break. There were no big pots on my table thankfully and I managed win around eight of the ten pots I played. Table broke and I found myself to the right of two loose aggressive players who didn't seem to want to play flops. Shove-piggy-shove when less than half way through the first day, far from ideal. Was re-popped by the aforementioned players when stealing three times and had to pass (was holding filth). I won small chips off baby stacks when calling their all-ins with KK and JJ but I was losing ground and was worried for the first time. Had to change tactics quickly so limp-called (raises) a couple of times from the guy to my left and won it post-flop each time, up to nearly 30k at the next break, panic over. The table never broke but got a bit of luck when I was moved to another table soon after. It was around midnight and we were approaching the point-bubble. As Gaz says above I felt I could use it to my advtange if I could differentiate those who were playing for themselves and those playing primarily for their team. After working that out as well as I could, as Nade says, I was lucky enough to run over the table, doubled up to around 60k without seeing a flop - raising/re-raising etc. Then came a pivotal hand, around 35 left. Blinds 1500/3000 or 2000/4000 Folded around to the SB who standard-raised. I was in the BB with KdQd, I shove (65k) and he snap-calls with jacks. Low flop but I hit the turn and sit back down. Up to 120k and chip leader when the play stopped a round or so later, although starting day two with less than 30BB's it was impossible to be too confident. Lost a 50/50 early on day two and was down to around 80k at the next break, 13 left. Made a decision in the break to go up a gear, especially consider that three of my five table opponents were part of teams who were still double-handed and in with a chance, so would be playing for points - understandably so, the correct thing to do in their position. Besides with the blinds 4000/8000 I had little choice. First hand UTG after the break I look down and see an ace. I moved in without looking at my other card. All fold. Squeeeeeeze the 2nd card.....another ace. :@ That was followed by 3 consecutive non-called all-ins and more of the same for the next level. Up to 250k without seeing many flops. Then raised it up with A3 in late position, smaller stack shoved and I was priced in. He showed 88. Flop was A J T :nana Turn 9 :unsure River 8 :eyes It was Dave from the Sky Poker team and he was such a nice bloke it was hard to feel aggreived. Then a similar story a while later, this time on the FT bubble, raised it up with As5s, again faced an smaller all-in from the blinds - getting 11/4 for my money I had to call. He showed 77. Flop was 8s9s8d :hope Turn 8c :( River 4s - making my flush just for the for the rub-down :wall I suppose I was lucky with my seating at this time, on the right of Wayne (APAT) I was able to steal blinds as he was surving to get his team over the winning line - and rightly so, it was mission accomplished for him with his team eventually winning. So I managed to hold on and made the FT with 121k (average 178k). The prized were pretty flat... 1st £1250 2nd £750 3rd £450 4th £250 5th £250 6th £250 7th £250 8th £250 9th £250 The BB was 12,000 and with no staggered prizes I wasn't going to hand around. First hand UTG 33. All in. As written above I ran into JJ, it's no surprised it was documented that I was out, I thought I was too. But I covered the guy and was left with a measily 37k (3 BB's or 2% of the chips in play). However the rumours of my death were greatly exaggerated. Found JsTs in the next couple of hands and doubled up when my jack river beat Ace-high. Up to 70k. Another double up soon after, this time with QQ vs 77. Now nearly 200k and a stack I could play with. Took a short stack out when woke up with AA in the BB. After more stealing and re-steals I was up to around 450k. The total opposite to the previous day, one all in on day 1, around 50 all-ins on day 2 - dynamics dictate. ;) Pivotal hand no2 came when 6 left, SB moved in for around 210k. I was in for 20k in the BB with KQ. I didn't see him as the type of player to sit and wait so as he had 10BB and there was over 60k in the pot before the cards wer dealt, I felt KQ would play well against his range. He was in front but I wasn't in too bad a shape vs his A8. I hit the flop and surived a flush scare, was the only time my chips were not in first in the important pots. Around 40% of the chips with 5 left. We were soon down to three and I had half the chips. But as it says above I lost a massive pot. Shoved first to act with 44, the BB calls with A9 and wins the race, was now the short stack. All in very next hand my QJ was called by 77, I think Al told Brian it was a rivered straight but as it says above I flopped it. :tongue2 A checkdown the very next hand ensured the Newcastle forum guy and I were heads up. His timing was spot on throughout the FT and played well to get HU. After all that the HU lasted one hand (see above). Sorry if that's a bit long but thoght one or two may be interested in a write-up. Like I say, great to meet PL'ers properly and hope it's the first time of many. Thanks again for the support and comments on here and from the team. :ok

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!!

the clock placing were wrong mate as it was stuck on 62 for god knows how long :ok
that's cos no-one went out mate ;).... they split the tables and as they were split I asked how many were left and they said 60. doesn't really matter though... we're all shite!! :loon
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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Can I just point out that the photographer was crouching when taking that photo, my chin isn't that big in real life. Honest. :tongue2 Few more things, the game was played in great spirit and met some nice people from many forums. Very enjoyable. :ok Congrats to Brian for his award.:ok Thanks to Al for getting us home without falling asleep at the wheel.:ok

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Re: APAT Team Event, G Casino Manchester Jan 23rd/24th - BillyThePunter Wins!!!! Nice write up billy :ok And don't we all look so happy to be there :lol:lol

Good to see a lot of you guys again over the weekend, once again Billy fantastic result, made up for you. Glad to see that Al managed to drive home ok. Well done Bri on the apat POY award and thanks to Fonz and Nade for the company last night, don't think I've laughed so much in ages as I did when that "person" eventually turned left into the Ladies. Until the next one. :clap
:rollin:rollin Glad you reminded me of that, i'd forgotten but it was hilarious (and cost me £1 bet with phil cus i totally thought it was a bloke :eek :lol) Good times :ok
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