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Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!!


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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary phew................. firstly i want to say unlucky to Bagheira,it just wasnt to be:sad but next :dude:dude:dude:dude:dude i have cashed in the WSOP :loon:loon:nana:nana:nana:nana i would like to say thanks to all for your support and also to my stakers who will get a return on their stake,albeit not as much as i was hoping to get for you all. as has been posted i finished 294th. the pay structure as such was crazy and decided that i was gonna play any half decent hand i get 1st and see what happens. BB is in seat 2,i have raised it up to 5k and all folded to BB who called. flop comes down all clubs and 10 high,my Jack is a club and decide to take the pot down. i have raised it to 10K representing the flush and BB thinks for a couple of long minutes then overbets to 20K,in an instant i call All-in,i know he hasnt got the flush so by pushing i am telling him i have. he takes ages to make a decision and then calls..........he has A clubs / Q hearts,unreal i thought, so bad call or good call the turn and river doesnt help me so out kickered. but i wasnt too disappointed,i made my play and in this instance was just unlucky,if it had paid off i was up to pretty much 90k. so my WSOP adventure is over but a nice result to put on my resume :) on my way back to meet up with everyone,i met Morlspin on his way to rail so told him what i just told you and then the rest of the guys. we have plenty of time now to kill so we went to Planet Hollywood for a $80 tourney which went well. i finished 6th for $198 and Adetrick finished 3rd for $468 i think :clap:clap then met up with Paul Ross at O`Shea`s for a drink. there endeth another day.

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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!! Just seen this Al - well done :clap :clap :clap Your target was to make the money, and you did it - shame there was no respect for your shove :$ Ah, the irony of getting beaten in the crucial hand by someone on a fecking (albeit the nut flush) draw. You've always been such a fan of running in to Ace rag ;) Enjoy your time, and don't lose it all on the cash tables :ok

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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!! thanks everyone for the congrats,much appreciated :ok looks like i may have a write up in Brighton`s `The Argus newspaper`,the Editor has been on touch :loon and i am whoring myself out a bit too, to the magazines ;). had a good day yesterday, had brekkie with Uber then met up with the rest later in Blondies for a few bevvies. good to meet Blatch at last, and Matt and Jeffers were their usual entertaining selves :lol:lol we all went for a steak in the Range situated in Harrah`s,now i will highly recommend you go and eat there,it was the best steak i have ever had. being an old fart i left them all to it after dinner as i was totally shagged out,not had much sleep over here and i was on my last legs,so i have no idea what they all got up to,will find out later. this is my last day,so a bit of shopping for the wife and kids and maybe a bit of cash tables later. speak soon and good luck in any game you are playing tonight :hope:ok

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