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PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival seats


PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival seats  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival seats

My play is v v v v v v v v v v v limited :unsure on Virgin Poker ...... times they are a changing ..... Please could you send me the password :) as I shall attempt to log in and play. Cheers in advance and I have now voted ....
Can I get the password please :hope
sent :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival seats

I receive the poker trillion passwords so why not this one' date=' what's the difference????[/quote'] The difference is who is available to send it. Only a few of the mods have facility to PM people who have less than 50 posts, so if none of them are logged in, we can't send it. One solution is for you to come on and post more. :ok;)
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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival seats Went out in 5th. Going very well until this happened.............

***** Hand 1333574406 ***** 400.00/800.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 November 2008 22:03:20 PL Xmas Festival (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: aramkup (4254.00) Seat 3: PL_Gal (10629.00) Seat 2: Unknown (0.00) Seat 4: Unknown (0.00) Seat 5: wallg1 (7817.00) Seat 6: PLSlickMic (2027.00) Seat 7: pokaleg (37949.00) Seat 8: Unknown (0.00) Seat 9: Washman (16745.00) Seat 10: PLgazza (8054.00) PLgazza post SB 400.00 aramkup post BB 800.00 ** Deal ** aramkup [N/A, N/A] PL_Gal [As, Ad] wallg1 [N/A, N/A] PLSlickMic [N/A, N/A] pokaleg [N/A, N/A] Washman [N/A, N/A] PLgazza [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** PL_Gal Raise to 3200.00 wallg1 Fold PLSlickMic Fold pokaleg Fold Washman Fold PLgazza All-in 8054.00 aramkup Fold PL_Gal Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 7725.00 aramkup Fold Win: 0.00 PL_Gal Fold Win: 0.00 wallg1 Fold Win: 0.00 PLSlickMic Fold Win: 0.00 pokaleg Fold Win: 0.00 Washman Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza By default Win: 7725.00
I typed in GL as I was going to call and instead of clicking the "say" button I clicked the "fold" button. :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall As matter of interest, what did you have gazza?
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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival seats Well played Rich :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap HU over in 1st hand when I ran into his KK :lol:lol:lol:lol:sad Can you PM me your username,email addy and full details and I will email Joe tonight :ok

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