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Stan James WSOP League Promo - Teaulc takes it home


Stan James WSOP League Promo - Teaulc takes it home  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo I was sat patiently waiting for my table to open, it got to 8:02, so I checked the lobby to see if there was a problem.... turns out I hadn't registered!! :unsure sure I did :unsure :unsure Does dementia really set in this early in life? :sad (P.S. Congrats Al :ok)

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

Well done Al on the league win. Well done Fnenner on tonights win Well done Morls and SJ and PL for organising it.
Thanks mate :ok Ill Echo Mr Guppies sentiments, well done Alan on the WSOP League win and well done to Dave and PGremlin for taking the runners up prizes! Best of Luck in Vegas Alan!:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

are you trying to get me divorced? :D at this rate there will be a bloody league game every night and then i will be a single man again. nice on Graeme and SJ :clap
I found your first post on this topic Al :lol I hope your wife is ok with it now? :ok Congrats for an excellent series of wins Al and also Dave. I almost pulled a stunt by catching up late in the league, but I failed to put in real results in the last 2 final games. Still happy with my winning from the games and the added prize for coming in third place. Thanks PL and SJ :clap
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo You've all already said it. :ok (Official table is up in post 1 by the way ;)) Well done to teaulc on bagging the big prize :clap (Vegas Baby!) and to Dave and Gremlin on the money places. No change in the top 3 following tonight's result. And well done to tonight's podium fenner, Guppie and gazza. :clap Big congratulations to Alan, who final tabled in 9 of the 12 games. :notworthy :clap

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

I know he cant sleep, cos he's online now :clap Well done Sir :ok
:lol:lol:lol i am up at this time for work, mate :sad. many thanks all, i would like to say a massive thankyou to Punters,Stan James and most of all Morlspin for putting this together,:clap:clap:clap:clap. to Pgemlin for knocking everyone out a couple of weeks ago :notworthy:notworthythat helped my win no end.a drink or 2 coming your way.:cheers:beer and to Dave488 for putting up a good fight, pleased you got 2nd at least mate,did think at one time you were gonna pip me. :dude:dude:dude
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo many thanks everyone for the kind words :ok:ok, cant believe i am going to Vegas again for free :loon:loon, mind you in saying that i am struggling at the moment to find a flight and accommodation for less than the $750,but will keep looking. i am looking at playing a variant rather than nlhe so a HORSE or RAZZ game is favourite at the moment. i will keep you updated on my decision :ok thanks again all, i hope to make you all proud of me :dude:dude

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