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I'm having a really bad time of it at the moment regarding poker. I'm playing really badly and not getting any luck at all which doesn't mix well. I'm finding that I am playing far too many marginal hands and I'm getting what I deserve as I get myself into many tricky situations with hard decisions to be made when I shouldn't really have these decisions as I shouldn't really be involved in the hand. I've decided because I'm very low on confidence that I am giving online poker a break for a few weeks and going to try and come back fresher and stronger. Has anyone else ever felt this way and if so what have they done to try and overcome this lack of form?

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Re: Help!! A break will help you. Personally I changed my game. I always used to play MTT's, but since my break from poker I have focused totally on STT's. I think this has enabled me to refocus on my game and also to get over the bordem that I think I was suffering prior to the break. It's a game you will fall in and out of love with. If you're playing badly and not enjoying, take a break and at some point the desire to play will return. When it returns you'll find yourself automatically playing your normal, winning game again.

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Re: Help!! Try playing a different format then what you normally play, I,m playing a lot of short handed cash games at the moment where as before it was just mtt,s. I still play mtts but try to limit myself to perhaps 1 or 2 games at a time and try to focus on them instead of getting distracted by doing other things like surfing the net .(redtube, boysfood etc:$)

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Re: Help!! Have i ever felt like this? Like every single day because 6max cash is soul destroying. Today i've played totally great yet i'm stuck 4 BI's due to suck outs. This is a normal part of the process. I imagine it can be tougher for tournament players to go through bad spells as there's no 'reload' button in a tournament, you get bad beat by a fish and boom your 3hours of toil is up in smoke, but in a cash game you can reload straight away and work on getting your money back off the fish or whoever. The best solution i've found for a bad spell is take a couple of days off, now a couple of days 'off' for me is to actually sneak in a couple o hours because of the addiction but basically you've gotta take your mind off the game and do other things for most part of a few days at least to refresh and come back wanting to win more. I've said it quite a few times but you do have to be mentally ill to want to play poker every day, actually we should all be locked up and throw away the key. e

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Re: Help!! Confidence and state of mind is a major factor in successful poker. If your head isn't right you will continually make the bad calls and the bad folds. Some say take a break some say play through it. One method is to drop down way below your normal level and try and get the confidence back by having a deep run or winning a few buy in's. If you have a break dont waste the time, read some good poker literature and study some online training sites. Edit - If you are playing everyday you want slapping anyway

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Re: Help!!

Confidence and state of mind is a major factor in successful poker. If your head isn't right you will continually make the bad calls and the bad folds. Some say take a break some say play through it. One method is to drop down way below your normal level and try and get the confidence back by having a deep run or winning a few buy in's. If you have a break dont waste the time, read some good poker literature and study some online training sites. Edit - If you are playing everyday you want slapping anyway
I 100% agree with this. Went through this about 6 months ago, had a break, read a few books and stratergy posts. Still a crap player :lol but I'm enjoying playing again. :ok
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Re: Help!!

I 100% agree with this. Went through this about 6 months ago, had a break, read a few books and stratergy posts. Still a crap player :lol but I'm enjoying playing again. :ok
Yep, me too. I'd advise you to take a full month off and spend the time reevaluating your game. Also, don't play more than 5 days a week. It's not good for your game.
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Re: Help!!

Confidence and state of mind is a major factor in successful poker. If your head isn't right you will continually make the bad calls and the bad folds. Some say take a break some say play through it. One method is to drop down way below your normal level and try and get the confidence back by having a deep run or winning a few buy in's. If you have a break dont waste the time, read some good poker literature and study some online training sites. Edit - If you are playing everyday you want slapping anyway
great post bri:clap:clap not many people mention the mental mindset necessary to play well. i know steph talks about it a lot and i always try to stay as confident as i can as long as i'm playing well. if i'm making the right play and getting it in ahead then it doesnt effect me,it's all about those hellmuth dollars;) if i'm playing bad then yes i take a little break or try and build up one of my smaller accounts on low stakes ,or just play variants.
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