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Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon


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Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon Good luck sum :ok I'll never go to the Loose Cannon again its a poor club with poor staff and facilities that come with an extortionate price. I hope Joe and Ollie come round to having future festivals at more conducive venues as I'm sure there will be a lot complaining this weekend. That been said I dont know anyone else going this weekend so I hope you win it mate :hope

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Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

I'll never go to the Loose Cannon again its a poor club with poor staff and facilities that come with an extortionate price. I hope Joe and Ollie come round to having future festivals at more conducive venues as I'm sure there will be a lot complaining this weekend.
I'm going to L Cannon. Your comments are a little worrying to say the least. I played at the Broadway & DTD and thought both those venues were excellent. With great dealers and well run facilities. I sincerely hope the venue doesn't spoil the event as the V festies are a unique experience. Combining good poker with a fun atmosphere. One thing that worries me is the cost of parking my car. I've been told £60 for 24 hours. (I could probably get my car booked in for B&B for less) Is it legal to park round there on Sat/Sun on the street do you know?
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Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

One thing that worries me is the cost of parking my car. I've been told £60 for 24 hours. (I could probably get my car booked in for B&B for less) Is it legal to park round there on Sat/Sun on the street do you know?
No all the streets are red lined even the local tube station is closed on a sunday. I got the train down but I know some who parked in Upper Thames St NCP for £7 per 24 hours apparently :unsure
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Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

No all the streets are red lined even the local tube station is closed on a sunday. I got the train down but I know some who parked in Upper Thames St NCP for £7 per 24 hours apparently :unsure
£7 for a NCP? I'd check that out if I were you. Just to be safe. That car park is near to the venue though, that much I do know.
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Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

£7 for a NCP? I'd check that out if I were you. Just to be safe. That car park is near to the venue though, that much I do know.
. London Vintry Thames Exchange Thames Exchange Ug Bell Wharf Lane Off Upper Thames Street London Ec4r 3Tb 0845 050 7080 Distance Distance: 0.12 km, 0.07 mi
  • Opening hours Monday-Sunday :24 Hours Daily tariffs Each 20 Mins £ 1.30 Max Per Day £ 22.00 Night Rate 1700-0900 £ 7.00 Saturday £ 7.00 Sunday 24 Hours £ 7.00 Motorcycle Per Day £ 4.00 1 Week Pass £ 95.00
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    Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

    Good luck sum :ok I'll never go to the Loose Cannon again its a poor club with poor staff and facilities that come with an extortionate price. I hope Joe and Ollie come round to having future festivals at more conducive venues as I'm sure there will be a lot complaining this weekend. That been said I dont know anyone else going this weekend so I hope you win it mate :hope
    Not used to those London prices, eh ;)
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    Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

    Not used to those London prices' date=' eh ;)[/quote'] Its not that Jon, I only drink coffee or the odd cola and generally in a casino it is complementary. In the loose cannon it was £2 for half of draught coke and £2.50 for a tea bag in half of cup of warm water and I when I asked for tap water I got offered a perrier for £3.50 :lol Its more the principal than the money although that does depend on whether I'm winning or not (so I obviously lost that night) ;)
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    Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon Day one come and gone pleased 2 report pl bar bill in fine form ;):lol:lol good 2 finally meet DaMatrix even if we couldnt meet up later ;) Day 2 only 50 runners left give a take a few 2 pissed 2 notice :lol round about av chips as last time so here goes :hope Only 181 runners this time rivrd went out day one good 2 c you again m8 and nice 2 meet your old man say hi m8 :ok just checked on awop got 56k chip leader 97 ish 47 left :lol :hope

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    Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon Good luck with this Duke - I guess you'll be doing your usual "miss the first hand or two, 'cos I'm such a cool dude" trick. Only 181 runners is a big reduction on earlier V-Fests, which have had between 200 and 240, I think. Probably a combination of significantly fewer PL'ers and London on-costs. I look forward to seeing those gimlet eyes narrowing in on another trophy :hope

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    Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon Just checking in. Didn't make day 2. Was about 60 left and had just under avg chips (17K). Had been very happy with my play throughout the day, although made 2 mistakes early in the tournament that I was able to get away from cheaply. By now I figured I needed to get stuck in as didn't want to be coming back to day 2 with below avg chips (they were breaking for day 2 when it hit 50). Got moved to a new table just into the BB and picked up AKos, guy in mid position who I knew to be a decent enough player raised to 4K (BB=1,600) and folded round to me. Figured I could call and shove on the flop, or just shove now. Thought I had enough to make him fold so shoved with the intention of taking it down there. He tanked for a good bit before calling with AJos. He hit the J on the turn. Aw well, that's poker I guess. Very nie poker room I have to say, although a bit on the hot side!

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    Re: Virgin Fest @ Loose Cannon

    icon_minipost.gifPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:27 pm Post subject: icon_quote.gif

    Mitch Bartolemew.......102k Bluenose11.........80k OlyCrawford.......110k Rock231........90k RealScott........90k Stephen Docherty........120k Rick Dacey.........200k Stuart Hopkin.......50k Virgu11.....62k
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