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e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions


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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Sat down at the table with 8 sit-outs, great I thought until I noticed the other player was GaF:eek. Must admit his tactics were spot on raising every hand relentlessly, should of made more of a stand earlier before his stack got to big. No offense GaF but hopefully you wont be on my table next time;). Well played by the way. May have to rethink my tactics as they are not working at the moment. 12th by the way

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Down to the last 7 already, despite that pretty annoying night of mine continuing. Hit four-of-a-kind 5's... and picked up 30 chips from the all-in sitout. Hit a set of Kings a couple of hands later... and picked up 90 from the sitout. No one on the other blind either time. I love days like this...

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Dammit! 2nd for me. I wanna win one, one of these days.:cryBut I was outstacked more than 2:1 in the HU, so I had to try something. QJs called and beaten by A5o. He hit his A on the River. Oh well. Considering how the evening started, I guess I should be happy with the result. :) But a 1st, 2nd, and 5th/6th, plus a couple of points for 12th (plus ???) - I'd say that's a bit of a return to form. Probably not good enough to win, but we should at least pick up some decent points. Well done, boys. :ok

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

well done team ' date=',,how did valiant do?[/quote'] 17th. Results: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1052443#post1052443 3rd on the night. 1 point ahead of 4th, thanks to goater's 2 points. (See, every point counts.) ;) Bikeradar down in 9th, which is good. But Red Aces in 1st, which is less good.
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well done guys:ok. Still not totally sure of the right tactics for this with all the sit-outs, especially if you have a guy at the table trying to run all over everyone. If it was a individual tourney then obviously you play back at him and either knock him out or get knocked out yourself. But being a team event where every point could be crucial a different approach may be required?

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions I think that tempered aggression has to be key. What we are actualy playing is a short handed game, with 2, 3 or 4 players max until the final table, whereupon it tends to become a 6-8 seater. With this in mind, I think we initialy have to be more aggressive than normal and obviously starting hand requirements will drop. (Gaf seems to have taken the aggression bit on board I believe :tongue2). But the difficulty is balancing the aggression against the risk of getting knocked out early :unsure...I guess this just comes down to personal playing styles, but as yesterday showed, even 1 or 2 points can make a difference in team position. I don't think there is an obvious answer, but while the blinds are small, if some lunatic wants to raise me off every pot, then so be it, I'm happy that I'll catch him eventualy, when I pick up a monster and he has become to loose because nobody is playing back at him. We are still in the top 3 and we are only half way through the league, so I don't see any reason to drastically change what we are doing. Well thats my 10p worth. :ok

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions I don't know whether to post here to try and help PL'rs or keep quiet to help my team :unsure What I will say is that you gave up far too easily goater and let me dominate. There were 10 on the table, and 8 sit outs - you were to my immediate left - so you had position on me and 8 sit outs after you every hand - I had an active player to act after me for 9 hands out of 10. I min raised 100% of hands - you were folding to the min raises, so I could afford to do that and let it go when you came over the top. Especially as when you came over the top you were going all in (for a huge number of BB) - I actually laid down a mid pocket pair and an AJ when you did that - I didn't need to play them - I was making enough from all the hands you were folding. Don't confuse being aggressive with massively overbetting. I check raised you a few times early on (with nothing - though you didn't know that) which I think really got to you.... but it was still cheap enough that I could get away from it and still be confident of outlasting the sit outs.... I was raising and reraising very frequently, but it was for relatively small amounts - I dont think I put my tournament on the line much (at al?)l. In the specific situation of last night, I think you could have flat called my pre flop raises with a very wide range of hands - you had position and the min raises were giving you the odds to see a flop. I was being hyper aggressive, but I wasn't wanting to play big pots.....

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions I think there's some good advice in these posts. Early on, it doesn't really matter much if you miss out on the little blinds. Call minimum raises with good hands, and sooner or later you'll hit something and can make up for all the blinds that your opponent "stole." If you get a big pocket pair, play it agressively, but don't overdo it. Personally, I wouldn't go all-in with anything less than AA. Too many times that AK, KK, QQ look pretty darn good, only to run against someone else's Rockets. (And Murphy's Law dictates that your opponent, who raises every hand with total junk, will have AA exactly that one time when you're looking for revenge with KK.) And even A6 or something is gonna beat your KK pretty quickly. And if at all possible, just try to make it in the points before risking anything. (Doesn't usually take that long.) There will be times when you have your Aces, or hit a Full House on the flop - your opponent puts you all-in, you call (of course), and you'll still lose. Sux, but at least you can justify it. Look at it this way - if you want to risk it all on a hand, think about whether your team mates will lynch you if you lose. If there's a good chance that they might, don't do it - because your hand is obviously not that good. But if no one could possibly hold it against you, go for it. :ok We're in a good position in the league. We don't need to take risks to try to get out of the relegation zone or anything. Just playing solid should keep us near the top, and the odd win might put us back at #1 sooner rather than later. And like Kippe said, you wait for all the sitouts to disappear, and the first hand you risk something, you're out - of course it sux! But 5th or 6th is still a pretty good result. And if you wait for a premium hand before making your move, then every other game you will manage to double up and be right back in it. And if 4 out of 5 players outlast the sitouts, someone (Fonzie) is likely to go on and win it. Without looking at previous results, I'd say that one win and three top 6's would be good enough for a top 3 team result most weeks. Of course, theory and practice aren't always the best of friends. And some other teams (whose captain keeps spying on us :tongue2 ) are trying to do the same. But I think if we all keep that "team" frame of mind, we should do alright. In a normal tournament only about 10% get ITM, and you have to maybe risk something because you don't want to wait around forever, and then be blinded out after 2 hours, with nothing to show for it. Here, 75% get points, and you do get something if you're blinded out - after just over 1 hour, usually. So I think you have to play it a little differently. Wow... long post. Sorry, guys. Now, bring on Sunday!

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

I don't know whether to post here to try and help PL'rs or keep quiet to help my team :unsure What I will say is that you gave up far too easily goater and let me dominate. There were 10 on the table, and 8 sit outs - you were to my immediate left - so you had position on me and 8 sit outs after you every hand - I had an active player to act after me for 9 hands out of 10. I min raised 100% of hands - you were folding to the min raises, so I could afford to do that and let it go when you came over the top. Especially as when you came over the top you were going all in (for a huge number of BB) - I actually laid down a mid pocket pair and an AJ when you did that - I didn't need to play them - I was making enough from all the hands you were folding. Don't confuse being aggressive with massively overbetting. I check raised you a few times early on (with nothing - though you didn't know that) which I think really got to you.... but it was still cheap enough that I could get away from it and still be confident of outlasting the sit outs.... I was raising and reraising very frequently, but it was for relatively small amounts - I dont think I put my tournament on the line much (at al?)l. In the specific situation of last night, I think you could have flat called my pre flop raises with a very wide range of hands - you had position and the min raises were giving you the odds to see a flop. I was being hyper aggressive, but I wasn't wanting to play big pots.....
thanks for the post GaF some very good points:ok,looking back I played it like a complete donk,I let you dominate me far to easily even though like you said I had position on you:$. I remember you saying in an earlier post GaF about this event with all the sit-outs brings a new dynamic to the game where we are all learning the best strategy. What I think its done to me at the moment is its taken me out of my comfort zone where I,m unsure what to do, but hopefully as we get deeper into the series i may just be able to grasp it a little bit better:ok. As with the league no team from PL will be relegated due to the no shows from other teams, so we should all progress into the champions league where all the teams should have full turn outs each week:ok. Just a thought theirs going to be even more sit-outs this Sunday due to the Virgin festival, have we got a full team?
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Hope you are all taking your lap-tops don,t want no sit-outs in our team;). Seriously have a good time up their, me and SJ will hold the fort while you are all away:eek
I've got my laptop and the hotel has wireless..:clap. not sure if I will be able to see the keys by 8pm on Sunday though :rollin:rollin:rollin :gimme:gimme:gimme:cheers:cheers:cheers:beer:beer:beer
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions 6th for me. Lost the gazillionth hand with 2 pairs vs. three of a kind today, early on. But managed to double up again with a straight. Two of us a bit short-stacked once all the sitouts were gone. 33 good enough to double up for one of us, KK not good enough for the other, a couple of hands later. I wasn't the one with 33. But I guess that's how it goes (more often than not, it seems.) Only Valiant still going for us, I think. So obviously our sitouts were (once again) somewhat less lucky than most others. :\

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