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AWOP Forum Challenge


AWOP Forum Challenge  

  1. 1.

    • Yes - I wish to score points for Punters Lounge - chaaaaaaaaaarge
    • Yes - but I dont want to win, so will be scoring points for one of the other forums
    • No I will not be able to make this event

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Before I posted the results on AWOP I just had to say what a fantastic game this 1st round was, It was played by every single member of every single forum just as I expected the sportsmanships was fantastic. The table banter was fun and humorous and your all a credit to your forums. The biggest show of sportsmanship came on the final table when 2 players where having connection problems and the rest slow played until there problems where resolved pure Magic and totally in the spirit of the game. Thank you guys Your Moderators should be proud of you well done.

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Well done guys. :clap Is there any plans to change the start time or the blind structure for the remaining games as I noticed this one finished at 1.10am? :loon Some of us (erm) youngsters need to be in bed by midnight. ;):zzz

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge i would just like to say how much i enjoyed the game last night although i did,nt last very long,the highlight for me was vortex and jim henson both from AWOP having a right ding dong with each other :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin.It was hell last night playing 4 tourneys at once ( forum rumble plops sky and v roll which i won :nana:nana:nana:nana) hopefully next week it will a bit quieter and i will be able to get some points for PL :ok

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