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Lathmeister steals $300 from PL Players

Sir Puntalot

Lathmeister steals $300 from PL Players  

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Guest gazza271

Re: Monday Sep 24th - $1k Freeroll at Paradise Poker - Exclusive to PL!

Looks like I have to cancel this and re-arrange it. :sad Can anyone who is logged in, please unregister, otherwise it will just cause more complications with getting the prize money back for the next one. :ok
Good call :ok I think Kevsul wont be home till a bit later so wont be able to unregister :\
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Re: Monday Sep 24th - $1k Freeroll at Paradise Poker - Exclusive to PL!

Since they swopped over they have been a joke' date='sent dozens of e-mails(and i think a few others have too)about crashing in the afternoon and all i got back was the bog standard "we are having trouble at the mo"[/quote'] like like going back to the days of the champs league, there was endless problems wi server then, maybe they should invest some of our hard earnt, easy lost cash, in making it right
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