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Paradise PL MTT League - July


Paradise PL MTT League - July  

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July So, 'Call Me Daddy' joins PL yesterday in order to play in the Wednesday League and makes it into the money last night! And still no posts! :dude I like the man's style - take the cash, feck the Forum! :ok A welcome addition to the Forum! :notworthy TQM

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July The mods did discuss it before giving him the password. We were all "newbies" once, and it can be difficult to join in at first. We decided the numbers of newcomers were small enough that we could allow them in without damaging the tournament... Being a buy in event, it's VERY different to a freeroll....

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July

So, 'Call Me Daddy' joins PL yesterday in order to play in the Wednesday League and makes it into the money last night! And still no posts! :dude I like the man's style - take the cash, feck the Forum! :ok A welcome addition to the Forum! :notworthy TQM
I thought that was the idea of having these tournaments ,to get people to join the forum and to download and deposit at the poker sites. Ok he/she havent posted yet but give them time they might post in the future .
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July Well done on the win Gaf?

Well played Damo - those cards on the final hand could have been the other way round - just down to the poker gods!! My first PL win in aaaaaaaaaaaages!!!
.................' date=' but even fish have their days :tongue2[/quote'];) :tongue2 I was the one in favour of allowing Call_me_Daddy having the password. So.....'blame' me. Gotta say I doubt I'd be posting in here with some of the things that have been said. Not exactly been made to feel welcome have they? :sad
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July Although TQM makes a fair point, I think we have to give the guy a fair chance. He might be away, his PC may have crashed, or quite simply hasn't got anything that he wants to say at this juncture. If, in a few weeks time, the situation is still the same then yes, maybe the situation needs looking at. Until then.....

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July

I thought that was the idea of having these tournaments ,to get people to join the forum and to download and deposit at the poker sites. Ok he/she havent posted yet but give them time they might post in the future .
Strangely enough, it isn't - the main purpose of these tournaments is to give some value to current/existing/active members ...... If we can attract new, contributing, active members, then that's great, but we wouldn't want to attract numbers for the sake of attracting numbers, even if they sign up through the PL links (the income that generates for PL is pretty insignificant)
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July exactly - lets be a nice friendly forum first and give people a chance at least to contribute before starting the moaning and if they don't contribute after a reasonable amount of time, then things can be said Damo

Gotta say I doubt I'd be posting in here with some of the things that have been said. Not exactly been made to feel welcome have they? :sad
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Guest gazza271

Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July

I know I'ma bit late but can you add me to the list? Hope to play the remaining 3 starting tomorrow!!! Been a while since a played a PL game. :eyes
PM sent mate :ok
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July Missed the first one 'cos of a nasty bout of man-flu but will be challenging for the spoon by playing the remaining 3. Am at work at the mo so can't check but am assuming the same password for the whole month?

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July

I see none there with a $1 buy in. Nor do I see a tourney in the All tab ending in 246. Is there another client other than the Paradise Boss program?
It is definitely there! It is called: $ 1 Challenge... listed at 19.00 ... right after MasterClassics Rebuy at 18.45 :ok
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