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Master Classics of Poker? (Boss)

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Master Classics of Poker? (Boss)

I imagine there's only 1 qualifier to that from the main final tomorrow then?:unsure
Not necessarily ..... It's normally about 1 in 10 (which would make it about a $4500 package) - if there are fewer than 10, then it would be cash prize only ..... if there are 20 or more, then it would be multiple packages.... It is strange that the final isn't in the lobby yet :unsure This is a Boss tourney, not an SO one - so down to Boss not SO....
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Re: Master Classics of Poker? (Boss)

I'm in the weekly final today' date=' [b']if by some miracle I actually qualify for the main final tomorrow, what are the prizes on offer? Can't see them anywhere. :(
How the hell are you going to play? :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer
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Re: Master Classics of Poker? (Boss)

Eh?? :unsure Poker?? What is poker? Can't even remember how to play the damn game anymore :loon
A few rules: 1) When you have 72o = All In 2) When it is GaFs BB = All in 3) AA ALWAYS gets screwed by 53o 4) When Morls calls all of your raises he is fishing for his straight/flush. 5) I NEVER BLUFF. :tongue2
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