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Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled If anyone needs directions to their hotel/poker venue, then just ask. Also, if some of you are arriving earlier in the afternoon then post when you intend to arrive and I'll suggest a suitable watering hole for us all to meet at. :ok

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled LOL. Don't try the link above... I just did... they don't take weekend bookings ???????????????? There is a bookies next door but they don't take bets :)

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Ok, just spoke to Rileys and sorted out the buffet, they also said we can have free membership for everyone seeing as though we're bringing in around 15 people. :ok :nana We may well have to deal ourselves as the manager Lee, is off sick for 2 weeks, but they will set up the tournament software for us. So, we're pretty much all set up, and see you lot there. :ok :loon :beer

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled I'll be in Watford next Monday for my usual weekly live game at Rileys. I'll find out whether Rileys are showing the football/rugby on their big screen. I'll also check out which pubs in the vicinity will be televising the games. I'll post up details next Tuesday so that you football/rugby boys can get your fix. :)

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled :nana:nana:nana:nana Put me down for Watford .... but you'll have to call me Cinders as I'll be getting of my brothers to pick me up around midnight (or if he promises not to drink I might bring him with me) as I'll be staying at his place and be going off to France on the Dover to Bolougne ferry Sunday.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Sorry folks, cant get the time off :@. Have tried everything to get the time off but unfortunately we are 9 people under what our minimum strength should be so no one is getting any leave at moment, pi$$es me off :wall Sorry to let you down :$:sad I know a lot of effort has gone into organising this.:(:(:(

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Football, Rugby and Beer Here's the details I promised. I'll give directions from the Travelodge. Turn right out of the Travelodge and then immediately right again into Market Street. Continue past the lap dancing club (nooooooo, don't stop, continue onwards) to the T junction. Turn left. You are now in the High Street that leads onto The Parade. You are 200 yards from Rileys. After about 50 yards on your left is Weatherspoons. They are showing the terrestrial Rugby games (i.e. ITV1 but not ITV4). Also good for those that want to drink 'real' beer. :) If Weatherspoons isn't of interest, continue onwards past TJ Hughes department store; then under the ring road; when you see L'Artista restaurant on your left, Rileys is directly opposite on your right. Rileys are showing the terrestrial Rugby games. Also good for pool and snooker. Not good for 'real' beer, only gassy lager and bitter here. :puke For those that need their football fix, continue past L'Artista restaurant to the Walkabout. They are showing Sky football and terrestrial Rugby games. Not good for 'real' beer, only gassy lager and bitter here. :sad

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