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PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

Sir Puntalot

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th bahhhhhhh didn't get home until 8:15 this morning - and have just got up - last man standing my :moon :lol :lol :lol Damo ps ok maybe I did creep out of there about 1/2 hour before you did LOL

hello................. fckuing ngrewt bnight . laas man dstandint ijt ......aga ffsd fcukn sake mr agisan
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th 5 am? lightweights, we were still playing poker.... :tongue2 took ages for me to finsh Gal off - excellent HU game at the end of the STT - wp Gal :clap :clap :clap (and my turn to suck out! K9 vs QQ) and I'll forgive you for your KK suckout - got what I wanted, an AI PF with aces :D :D :D, I knew you had KK after the min reraise, hurrah I thought, the only decent hand I have had all night despite my chip stack (QQ limp & fold *cough* *cough* :$ :$ :$ ) and the one that cost me my stack :lol :lol - glad that Kev did so well with the rest of my chips to finish 3rd - nice to see they were put to good use :D Damo

Not long back after getting the 10.30am train from Birmingham. Left Barry's at gone 5.00am just so that we would get some use of the hotel room ! Not played live that often but Barry's the smallest and most friendly venue I've been to. Avon recognised one of the dealers as having dealt in Goa so definitely quality :clap Well done to Morlspin on his win :clap . Avon and I double bubbled in 4th and 5th respectively but claim the 'couples' prize ahead of Mr & Mrs Gal, Mr & Mrs V, Mr & Mrs Ross, and Lou and Donna ;). I was semi-comfortably third when pushed after a rag flop with KT to be caught out by Kevshat's trips 2's :clap . Apologies again to Damo for the KK v AA - hope you were successful in the final STT. Good to meet PL people old and new having missed the last two race days (and will miss the next one too). :ok
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Well played Morls:ok :ok Great night all round was my first proper pl shindig:nana so good to meet some of the crowd. :spank Must appologise again to Andy for the bum deal call when he had pocket aces:D :D seemed to take it quite well i think?? Called it a night about 4am with the karaoke still going strong i'm sure there are as many sore throats as heads today. This was a wise move and I had much pleasure in dragging dave 488(bad beats) sorry ass out of bed:cry :cry at 11am to catch our train.

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Just got back now..............starting to really feel it.....:eek Great night again and lovely to see everyone, good games of poker and far far too much being drunk as per usual :lol Karaoke standard really was as bad as it gets this time around :rollin

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th a big thanks to all involved in making it such a great night , yet again.:clap :clap :clap :notworthy :notworthy after an early exit at the poker (deliberate of course, cant keep showing mike up ;) ) it was time to start hitting the stella and mingling. had a good laugh playing killer but must be the only person who can have 2 shots and still not pot a ball to go out 2nd. took to the karaoke late on and think i stayed there for quite a while (oops) couldnt speak for the best part of yesterday. donna , cheers for making me your choice of prison bitch for the night :eek , it was an experience i will never forget :eek . was p**sing myself , as we were leaving birmingham yesterday, passed a big sign, "gay pride week from 27th may" now i know why you were so keen to come to birmingham :lol :lol :lol not sure what time we left barrys but i know there was only a 20 minute wait for breakfast at the hotel when we got back , unfortunately there was no way i could wait for it.:zzz :zzz . got woke up with a phone call from my mum at 1150 asking if we were nearly home (promised we'd be back to pick the kids up at 1200, oops again) well done morls for another win :clap :clap a big :notworthy :notworthy to all at barrys for making it a great night and to paul and co for organising another fantastic pl do.

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Yet another great PL night thanks to Paul Andy and everyone at Barry's :clap :clap :clap It was great to see the "Usual Suspects" again and some new faces, hope you decide to come to a PL meet again in the future. :ok We got home about an hour ago after staying an extra night and I'm still knackered. Thought I played reasonably well but make a bad call on Damo when I thought he was all in and I called and flipped my cards then to discover he had more chips behind his arm. :lol . I played a couple of STT's after and came 2nd both times. Well done to Tayspoon, I think, who won the 1st one and Damo who won the 2nd one. Had the pi$$ ripped a bit over Jackie's second final table in only her second live game. Sorry to Slapdash for calling his all in without seeing my cards and flipped over 99 to hit trips and knock him out of 1 STT. Funniest bit for me was when PaulM came in our taxi at 7:30 with the intention of carrying on when we got out only to come into the hotel with us and fall asleep in a chair in our room. We were both pi$$ed and tired so we layed on the bed and had a kip. About an hour later Jackie got up and went to the toilet only for Paul to wake up and stagger over to the bed, fall onto it, pulled the quilt right over himself and went sound asleep. :rollin :rollin :rollin . Paul didn't believe us until I showed him the pics I had taken of him in bed. (£250 and they don't get publish Paul ;) ) I couldn't stop laughing for over an hour. We then decided to got for breakfast. I was still very drunk and got told off for laughing so lound in the resturant thinking of Paul sound asleep in our room. After breakfast Jackie tried un successfully to wake Paul up so we could go to bed proper. All he kept telling me I was his "Internet Dad". :$ Hope you got home ok mate. :ok Well done to morl on winning the tourny :clap :clap :clap :notworthy , 3 live PL wins :notworthy Although Jackie tried hiding the trophy in her bag. :lol. The hotel was ok and the young lad on the reception had to go to a room to find these 2 blokes in their boxers and loads of "leather gear" around the room. Turns out that Birmingham had a Gay Pride march on Saturday.:eek I have a couple of pics on my phone and will post them when I work out how to get them on my PC.

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Just got back in the house now, after having a good two days in birmingham with a lot of great people :notworthy My 1st time at Barries and hopefully it wont be my last, great staff, great people and a great time had by all, nice to finally meet Rich, Norman and the others!, Thanks for a cracking game of poker:nana Thanks to everyone for the congrats :ok Chin up Donna:lol lesbians are all the rage these days!

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th many congrats on your win graeme:clap :clap , just sorry i couldn`t make it,i miss these meet-up`s....got absolutely soaked watching my son`s football games over the weekend,haven`t known such bad rain in ages:loon :hope i will be able to get to the next one:ok

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

a big thanks to all involved in making it such a great night , yet again.:clap :clap :clap :notworthy :notworthy after an early exit at the poker (deliberate of course, cant keep showing mike up ;) ) it was time to start hitting the stella and mingling. had a good laugh playing killer but must be the only person who can have 2 shots and still not pot a ball to go out 2nd. took to the karaoke late on and think i stayed there for quite a while (oops) couldnt speak for the best part of yesterday. donna , cheers for making me your choice of prison bitch for the night :eek , it was an experience i will never forget :eek . was p**sing myself , as we were leaving birmingham yesterday, passed a big sign, "gay pride week from 27th may" now i know why you were so keen to come to birmingham :lol :lol :lol not sure what time we left barrys but i know there was only a 20 minute wait for breakfast at the hotel when we got back , unfortunately there was no way i could wait for it.:zzz :zzz . got woke up with a phone call from my mum at 1150 asking if we were nearly home (promised we'd be back to pick the kids up at 1200, oops again) well done morls for another win :clap :clap a big :notworthy :notworthy to all at barrys for making it a great night and to paul and co for organising another fantastic pl do.
Ditto all the above. Glad to see you put my chips to good use Morls :clap Hope to see you all again soon. P.S Donna - I'm sure your not the only gay in the village :loon
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th what a great night it was, a BIG thanks to paul, and all at barrys for another brilliant night:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy and also a BIG thanks to the dealers, what a great job you guys do:clap :clap :clap it was great to see everyone again and also to see a few new faces, cant wait till the next 1. didnt do much in the poker after a very early exit, but managed to make 3rd in the last stt which got me double my money back:clap :clap . did a few songs on the karaoke(and maybe a few more than i can remember:$ :$ ) well when we got back to hotel like lou said it was only 20 mins to go till breakfast(which was gorgeous but felt quite :$ :$ due to the fact that we were the 1st ones there waiting for the doors to open:lol :lol finally i would just like to thank everyone for there support about my sexuallity but IM NOT GAY:rollin :rollin

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Would just like to echo all the sentiments already posted. Was a great day, very well organised and much appreciated. Thought the poker venue was great, very friendly and the dealers did a great job.:notworthy :notworthy Was my first proper PL meetup, so was great to put a few faces to names, can't wait till the next one, although can't make it to the races in July unfortunately.:sad As for the actual tourney, got nowhere in the main event, when Paul took me out, won the 1st STT and won killer, so all in all was well pleased. Well done Morls on your victory, very well played.:clap :clap :clap p.s. I owe you a breakfast next time Mike, or at least a couple of pints, certainly helped to soak up a little of the alcohol.:ok

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

anyone got any photos of the night then?
Was just going to say the same.
:$ :$ :$ :$ :$
Well... I must admit... I had my camera with me, but decided to give it a rest this time ... It is such a relief to enjoy a party without looking through a lense all evening :D
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

anyone got any photos of the night then?
My mrs got a few on her phone that I've just uploaded. The old fella in barrys took loads on his camera, maybe we can get Dik9 to upload a few? Here are the one's i've got: DSC00261.jpg KOTP looking a bit drunk DSC00260.jpg Me and Paul on karaoke DSC00257.jpg Ash (my mrs' friend) and Mrs Mowgli (Donna - the one that isn't gay :lol ) DSC00259.jpg Me and Paul belting out a bit of Keane DSC00254.jpg Paul Ross, Matt, Tayspoon, Paul M, Mike Saban, KOTP DSC00251.jpg Mrs Morlspin, Les, Mike Saban, Donna 1 (the lady lover ;) ) and KOTP DSC00253.jpg Paul, Matt, Tayspoon, Mike Saban and KOTP DSC00255.jpg Nick and Ash
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th took me all night to do the flip over trick - and it wasn't until about 5am that I figured out how to do it - I still couldn't, but i figured it out :lol anyhoo, its the 'Rose between two thorns' pic really - just what you want - Pene sitting directly to your right knicking your blinds every hand :tongue2 and Slapdash on the button to your BB knicking your blinds when Pene isn't! ahhhh what a fun experience that is! :lol Damo

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