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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES)

ooh, great post, sorry guys got to add my 2 pennies worth here :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol what a croc of sh*te. If this is the case, nobody would ever rely on any internet session, that required a sticky session. they certainly can Completely agree hmm, sort of agree. The app will use TCP. The routing protocol ( to transport the tcp) will be definetly IP (version4), I very much doubt decnet,ipx, appletalk ... etc is being used for this app. STP only relevant with backend ethernet connecton and used to determine master switches and paths to to the root switch Half agree, the router doesnt care as long as the next hop ( or in the internet case path as it will most likely be using BGP) is available.Its the app, at the tcp layer that will control and check packet delivery.So this done between pc and server. True but then this would affect everyone and not just a small subset of users Oh go on Completely agree AJ :clap Very Possible, or possibly all those affected had cookie sessions to the same server Either way its not right is it and I think you need to be compensated in the right way More poker /network posts like this please Mike ( Cisco Certified Network Profressional / Poker Amatuer ) ;)
Great post Mike, my own CCNP expired end of last year, so i'll bow to your judgement here.
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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Ok, here's the official reply, let me know your thoughts on all those who were affected. :ok ------ Please let me apologise for any miscommunication you received from MANSION regarding the disconnection issue you suffered in Wednesday morning’s $100,000 guaranteed tournament.

I will do all that I can to make sure that our Member services department advise all customers correctly and efficiently in the event of any future problems.

It appears that rather than simply saying “I don’t know, the poker and IT teams are still looking at this” certain members of our member services team responded to players with the best information which was available at the time. While this might be seen as an understandable bit of initiative, trying to get the most up to date information to our players as soon as possible, in this case it led to assumptions and conclusions being made.

Having looked at the issue thoroughly and as a matter of priority, our team has diagnosed the issue and I would like this opportunity to explain ‘in one go’ what may have been presented as slightly confusing fragments to your readers.

At the time of the issue there were 64 players left in the tournament. We have done a thorough investigation into this tournament and have found that there were a total of 15 players who were all disconnected.

At the time of the disconnections our servers were running with no issues at all and the remaining connected players were able to continue to play with no problems whatsoever.

It is not possible for a connection problem like this to occur which only disconnects a certain amount of players. If the issue was from MANSION’s servers all players would have been disconnected and the tournament would have been settled according to our 50/50 tournament cancellation policy. As it was, we had to honour the 49 other players who were able to play the tournament through to its conclusion.

Understandably, MANSION is not responsible for 3rd party connection problems. To connect to the MANSION poker servers you will go through a number of hops along the route. If one of these hops has a problem then it is very possible for a number of people to be disconnected at that time. I think this is where the confusion surrounding the location and control of our servers arose. For the record, they’re located and maintained 24/7 here in Gibraltar.

As well as our sincerest apologies for the unsatisfactory response the effected players received from MANSION, we will be crediting all 15 disconnected players with $100 as a gesture of goodwill, enabling them to enter another tournament of their choice (our $100K tournies will be held @ 18:00 GMT as of Sunday) or simply withdraw the funds – whichever they prefer.

Finally, there was a great deal of discussion of whether MANSION deliberately misled these players. I would like to make it clear that this is not the case. As well as it being completely unacceptable from a business point of view, PuntersLounge.com has clearly illustrated that any communication we have with our players is (and should be) open for discussion with others. ------

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Cheers Paul :ok Whilst the problem has been "diagnosed", there does not seem any explanation of what the problem was. Whilst Mansion say it was not possible for three quarters of the field to be able to carry on playing normally if the problem was their end, I cannot grasp how a quarter of the field, from various ISP's, and indeed various continents could possibly be disconnected simultaneously if the problem wasn't their end? (or with someone they are directly contracted with). I cannot hypothesise though as I am in no way competent in hardware infrastructure, but do feel that further explanation is required!! The structure of the tournament was that the top 63 shared the $100,000 prize money - with 64 left we were at the bubble. Whilst everyone disconnected I'm sure sat out to some kind of prize money, I'm sure combined shared winnings were a fraction of what they would have been had it not been for this failure. I was sat in 4th at the time with a very real shot at the $24,000 first prize (or thousands just for the final table). On the assumption that the "fault" for this lies with Mansion (or close support partners), I find the $100 offer ridiculous!!! Further, whether the "fault" of Mansion or not, their staff were informed of the problems at the time and that there were significant numbers (25% we now know) of players unable to connect. On this basis I requested that the tournament be paused until the problems were resolved. I was told that because I was the only one disconnected, the tournament could not be paused - why can the support staff not see when 25% of the field in a large and valuable tournament are disconnected? And when the problems are brought to their attention, why was action not taken to protect the disconnected players? Whilst I strongly suspect that the disconnection issues were down to Mansion, surely that is irrelevent if it is dealt with properly?

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Didn't realise you were 4th GaF. :eek Well, I'll go back to them and say it's not good enough, and that they should settle this based on the positions people were in at the time. Effectively, you should get good compensation and someone in 64th may have to settle for quite a bit less etc..... Does that seem fair? I don't see any other way around it. I'd like to thank Mansion for not blanking the issue anyway and whilst they are a big supporter of PL, I will not short change any of you involved I promise. :ok

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES)

The "correct" settlement, I suppose would have to be from the usual calculation at server crashes ..... so a quick calculation ..... $50,000 / 64 Players (I THINK!!) = $781.25 $50,000 * (54 408 / 1 382 500) = $1967.74 Total: $2,748.99
Post 100 Paul - this is my calculation on what that settlement would be!! If I'm honest, I'd be disappointed with that, BUT it's what I now feel would be the fairest/most reasonable solution......
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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Apoligies for adding My tuppences worth but the the $100 offer is way of the mark. GaF's figure of $2,748.99 is in IMHO not far off the mark, subtract what he actually won and it leaves him close to 2 grand to try and win what he could have won in the position he was in. It is obvious that the people who decide on theses figures know nothing about poker or gambling in general. All sites should change their employees who make these and similar desicions. The sooner the online poker industry employs someone to adjudicate on events like this the better, but it appears that Mansion dont care if they lose business over events like this because they know they will attract punters from other sites(ie Pokeroom) who are unhappy with the service they have recieved elsewhere. I really did expect better from Mansion as they appeared to be more than the accountants and advertising executives that run the franchises that the majority of the major poker sites are. Were do we go now? Well despite what I have said about Betfair in the past at least their independace is not in doubt

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Hello Thank you for your recent contact. Please let me apologise for any miscommunication you received from Mansion regarding the disconnection issue you suffered in Wednesday morning’s $100,000 guaranteed tournament. After discussing the issue with all departments, it has been found that some of the early information given to members contacting, us was incorrect and we do apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. At the time of the issue there were 64 players left in the tournament. We have actioned a thorough investigation into this tournament and have found that there were a total of 15 players who were all disconnected. At the time of the disconnections our servers were running with no issues and the remaining connected players were able to continue to play. It is not possible for a connection problem like this to occur which only disconnects a certain amount of players. If the issue was from Mansion’s servers all players would have been disconnected and the tournament would have been settled according to our 50/50 tournament cancellation policy. However the tournaments did complete and member where rewarded according Mansion are not responsible for 3rd party connection problems. To connect to the Mansion poker servers you will go through a number of hops along the route. If one of these hops has a problem then it is very possible for a number of people to be disconnected at that time. MANSION servers are located and maintained 24/7 in Gibraltar. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the misleading response. Effected Members will be credited with $100 as a gesture of goodwill, enabling them to enter another tournament of their choice (we intend to schedule 100k tournaments at a more euro-friendly time as of next week) or you can withdraw the funds. Should you require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact MANSION Member Services. Kindest regards, Rosemary MANSION Member Services they are that good they did not personalise the email Who is Rosemary it must be serious If you cant be arsed addresing to me personally, ram it :ok

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Ok, spoke to Mansion just now and told them the deal is not even close to being acceptable. It's clear Mansion are at fault, by the posts of our network professionals on the forum, so either their techys are giving the managers wrong info or they're covering their own butts with lies. Either way, Mansion are cooperating, so please be patient and let me deal with it on my own, rather than anyone else emailing them for now. :ok We'll here more soon. :ok

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Cheers Paul :ok I hope they sort it soon - I'm not playing in it till this is resolved, but looking forward to going for the big prize again soon!!! :loon As there's an overlay in all of them, they're effectively paying my entry fee for every game I dont play (that I otherwise would have!!) - they've probably not far off given away what I feel I should be entitled to already!!!!

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Ok, I'm asking for everyone involved on this thread to give me more time to get this solved. Yesterday was a bank holiday in Gibraltar, but I have just spoken with the Mansion Poker Managers on the phone. They have assured me that this is now an urgent matter and that they are going to get their technical staff to respond to what both AJ and Mike Saban have said in posts 103 and 117. To Joe and GaF and anyone else involved, thanks for being patient.

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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES)

They have assured me that this is now an urgent matter and that they are going to get their technical staff to respond to what both AJ and Mike Saban have said in posts 103 and 117.
For me that's what's needed - I need to be convinced that there is some realistic possibility that 25% of their customers could be simultaneously disconnected (and simultaneously reconnected) from JUST Mansion poker without the issue being their end. I just can't see it!!! Was reading this with interest - http://www.sportandtechnology.com/features/0443.html - think we need assurances from Mansion that the problems were not with their sub contractors either!!!
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