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PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III


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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III lou here just got back to the hotel , happyhornet had verymany drinks, sam and andy looked after me no end. will post when ive sobered up and had a kip. story is i went out early (wont ever live it down, but i made good use of the free bar) and ya never guess what , bloody mike went on to win the bloody then :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana . at the mo im very much druck and boucing round like an idiot, mike looks like hes just put his smalls in the laundrette. full mat report and praieses to all deserving after ive had some shut eye. :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III well done mike:clap :clap :clap , had very many drunken phone calls off lou last nite, keeping me updated, the last 1 being 4.15am,classic moment was when lou rung me and said she'd rung her mum to tell her the good news(which was around 2.30) to which her mum wasnt impressed with lou at all, :lol :lol :lol anyway well done again mike and hopefully i.ll be comng to 1 of the games with you and lou:ok

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Was good to meet MoneyIvey, HappyHornet and Goater last night. :ok Poor old Mo went out first (with a play even Jaded would be embarassed about) followed by Lou, who decided the free bar was hers for the taking if she was quick about it.:lol A wise decision as the 'free' bit stopped around 10.30-11.... coincidence? You decide.;) Well done Gramps, I'm really really made up for you and it's good to see that Lou's coaching has finally done some good to your game. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Happyhornet did not have verymany drinks!! He had way more than that:loon, and still has no idea how he got back to the Hotel. Answers on a postcard, please! At least I caught the right train home, unlike our winner, who when I spoke to him about an hour ago, was still on the Docklands Light Railway!! It was nice to put a face to a few names (even if I have completely forgotten them now). Next time we meet up, I promise to drink less:hope . Well done to Mike:nana :nana :nana .

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III

you looking for a ban ??? :eek you drink MORE at a PL meet-up not less, :spank Nice to meet you too.:)
I woke up just outside the lift on the wrong floor of the hotel minus my coat and my watch!:sad I also have no recollection of where I came, what knocked me out, how I got back to the hotel etc etc etc!! So I may need to drink a little less next time, just a little mind you!!:beer
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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III

I woke up just outside the lift on the wrong floor of the hotel minus my coat and my watch!:sad I also have no recollection of where I came, what knocked me out, how I got back to the hotel etc etc etc!! So I may need to drink a little less next time, just a little mind you!!:beer
:eyes :unsure hope that the watch wasn't of sentimental value rather than monetary.
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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Thanks all. It was great to meet some more PL'rs for the first time; goater,hornet,moface,cymrucymru and of course see some old friends again; Mr V, PocketLady and Moneyivey. I actually finished 2nd.When it got to heads up between Hilly the fish and me, poker player editor Dave Woods, said that hilly couldnt have the first place, which was pretty lucky because he had me out chipped by probably about 4 to 1. Anyway when I realised that I had the prize, I just pushed all in with J3o and lost.Obviously if I had to come first, it might have taken a few extra minutes :lol The prize, from what I remember is entry to 3 major uk tournaments as a betfair sponsored player, tuition from betfair pro Ben Grundy and I'm sure they mentioned joining the pokerplayer mag dream team for the next grand prix. WIll write more later, but a quick thanks to city bunker, pokerplayer magazine and betfair for putting up a great tournament.And MoneyIvey and pokerplayer staff for the after tournament party, which went on to about 5 this morning :beer :ok

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III :notworthy well done Mike congrats, wish I had stayed to the end now, must of been late we left at 02.30 and their were still 5 left! Must of been eric morcambe on the i-pod that saw you through! Dont forget their will be a bounty on your head next year. One thing I did learn is that alcohol and playing good poker do not mix, I didnt realise how drunk I was untill I went on the golf simulator and the first three shots I missed the ball completley {I play twice a week and have a handicap of 12] As for you happyhornet all I can say is a star is born:ok Can you remember playing the sng later on, no course you don,t! I think you should blame lou that gin she brought you sent you over the edge. We called of the search party for you when the bouncer said he put you in a taxi! Must say it was great to meet all of you on here mike, lou, valliant, money ivey, moface, pocketlady, cymrucymru and of course happyhornet. A big thanks to pokerplayer and betfair for a great night definatley will try to qualify for it next year, of course some people havent got to qualify now:ok well done again mike really pleased for you.

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III :ok :clapMike - Excellent, Excellent,Excellent :clap :ok Now we do have a real professional at Creswell, not just a couple of lightweights like me and Kev !!!!!! :eyes - Do you think you could get Ben down there one Friday night-:unsure I'll see you in a few weeks for a full report, and let you return the free drinks;) Oh BTW make sure you do yourself a really nice poster :lol :lol

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Cheers guys :ok

Must of been eric morcambe on the i-pod that saw you through!
I'm hoping I just dreamt singing "Bring Me Sunshine" at the final table :$ and didnt actually do it.You put some doubt in my mind now.
Oh BTW make sure you do yourself a really nice poster :lol :lol
:lol I dont think Lou would put it up
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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Hi Mike Congrats again! It was a great night and am still suffering for it now. I think the champagne finally did for me :D Also, in the after-party celebrations, I seem to have ended up with a camera which I think is yours or Lou's. Drop me an email with your address and I'll make sure it gets back safely. On the up side there are a few great photos on there from back at the hotel. See you soon, Dave

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Brilliant thanks Dave,:clap we've been worried about that most of the day, and couldnt remember where it had been used last.I'll drop you a mail later tonight/tomorrow. Once again thanks for another excellent night.:ok

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Re: PokerPlayer Betfair Grand Prix III Hi All - Now my Corona/Champagne induced fug has cleared I feel I am now in a reasonable state to post some observations about this event in no particular order: 1 - The evening itself was fantastic from the venue to the free bar, to the food to the whole atmosphere of the event to the dealers, especially Jake - just don't mess with the bloke! 2 - Great to catch up with all the PLers who almost made up a fifth of the field. 3 - I finished 8th by the way! 4 - Hornet...oh dear :) A little too much hospitality me thinks :beer . Did you find your watch? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I eliminated you when my Pocket 9's held up against your AT. You hit a 10 on the turn but cruelly a 9 appeared on the river - sorry! Highlight was when we were down to the final 2 tables. You came and sat next to me after I had just eliminated KiwiKev and asked if this was a cash game or a sit and go. I politely replied it was still the tournament before the Tornament Director asked you to leave the table. NB TD also did a good job although funniest thing was him trying to explain dining arrangements to the whole room but forgot to use the microphone he was holding! 5 - Glad you have discovered the whereabouts of your camera Mike - congratulations on your poker play but not your slaughtering of Bring Me Sunshine at the final table! It was marginally better than your rendition of Two Tribes :ok 6 - The post event party at the hotel was quality and a big thanks to the Poker Player magazine staff and the helpful guy from The Britannia who came up trumps with the alcohol. 7 - Looking forward to seeing the photos/video on both this site and Poker Player magazine site. 8 - Well done all for qualifying and looking forward to Betfair Grand Prix IIII. Right time for some sleep and paracetamol. Moneyivey/Coach73

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