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Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays


Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays  

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays

Robert Full House 3515c5e09df28dcf1b9c6ee011477f79.jpg Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 944
icon_minipost.gifPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:00 pm Post subject: icon_quote.gif

We've just spoken to Full Tilt head office. The server upgrade encountered a problem and it's taken longer than expected as you have all no doubt noticed. Although it's just been completed we only had a couple of minutes for people who hadn't registered yet to sign up and there's also the very real possiblity that people who had preregistered had already given up on the tournament by now. I know a lot of you were here waiting and ready to play but clearly a lot of people who wanted to play wouldn't have been able to tonight. We're really sorry about this, the tournament will go ahead next week instead and we'll be adding some extra prizes to try and make up for the inconvenience tonight. Obviously, anyone who had signed up before the servers were taken offline will receive a full refund. Rob
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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays okay these are the extra prizes on offer in next weeks tourney The next league event is already in the lobby. Click on 'Tournaments' and then 'Private'. It is on October 24th at 3pm ET - 8pm London time. We are going to give away some additional Full Tilt Poker prizes in the event on Tuesday 24th October. The first player out and the bubble will both receive a Full Tilt Poker umbrella. These are Windpro Elite golf umbrellas. They are great quality and well worth having. OI-UMBRt.jpg The 9 finalists will all be able to choose one of Howard Lederer's great poker DVDs. We have three to choose from: OI-DVH2t.jpgOI-DVH3t.jpgOI-DVH4t.jpg Also anyone that goes out having Aces busted can have one of these: OI-SHSRt.jpg to throw at the wall! (On the back it says 'I can't believe they played that crap all the way to the river). Sign up now so as not to be disappointed. icon_cool.gificon_cool.gificon_biggrin.gificon_cool.gif _________________

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays I wonder how much Full Tilt pay their pro's - hen you look at the stakes they play for, to get them to take an evening off to play a $10 buy in MTT must be quite expensive.... Wonder how it's structured too, so that they don't WANT to get knocked out first hand (and back to "proper" stakes)

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays

I wonder how much Full Tilt pay their pro's - hen you look at the stakes they play for, to get them to take an evening off to play a $10 buy in MTT must be quite expensive.... Wonder how it's structured too, so that they don't WANT to get knocked out first hand (and back to "proper" stakes)
I've seen Barny Boatman playing in a $5 Omaha STT on Full Tilt ... so although they are sponsored, I would doubt that playing 'noncy' games is part of the deal. I think such as Barny maybe they just play because they enjoy it, he's also very reponsive to the chat from the railers . High Stakes games are probably looked at as 'work', while the 'community' games are probably looked at as relaxing after work.
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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays

I'm sure if I think hard enough I'll work out what a Poker umbrella is for.
You put them up when they start throwing these at the wall
Also anyone that goes out having Aces busted can have one of these: OI-SHSRt.jpg to throw at the wall! (On the back it says 'I can't believe they played that crap all the way to the river). .
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