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apat live tourney birmingham


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Re: apat live tourney birmingham GaF ,No pics here for me either. :( :welcometo PuntersLounge Chris -(Shawyboy) - glad you found us, stick around post and join in ask for help or info at any time (check out the daily diary so that you know where we are all playing )and have fun, we don't bite. :ok

Please dont tell me you let the young guy on the end of the table take you out, he seemed to hit everything he played !.
No mate he didn't get me, the table was broken up at around 10pm and he went out before the night play ended.
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham DO NOT READ IF SQUEEMISH I forgot to mention that last night when i was wrecked in the casino i went the bogs for a dump. Anyway because you cannot wear caps in the casion i put mine down the back of my pants. So i`m sat on the bog and come to wipe, look down and there covered in turd is my poor folded up baseball cap! Gutted Abercromibe cap that cost me a fortune covered in Shit! thought it was funny at the time, although did not say owt, as embarrased!

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

DO NOT READ IF SQUEEMISH I forgot to mention that last night when i was wrecked in the casino i went the bogs for a dump. Anyway because you cannot wear caps in the casion i put mine down the back of my pants. So i`m sat on the bog and come to wipe, look down and there covered in turd is my poor folded up baseball cap! Gutted Abercromibe cap that cost me a fortune covered in Shit! thought it was funny at the time, although did not say owt, as embarrased!
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

DO NOT READ IF SQUEEMISH I forgot to mention that last night when i was wrecked in the casino i went the bogs for a dump. Anyway because you cannot wear caps in the casion i put mine down the back of my pants. So i`m sat on the bog and come to wipe, look down and there covered in turd is my poor folded up baseball cap! Gutted Abercromibe cap that cost me a fortune covered in Shit! thought it was funny at the time, although did not say owt, as embarrased!
Oh Joe - they say muck for luck! :eek
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

:rollin :D :clap Now that is funny - well played Joe :notworthy Nice effort on the cash Mike - thought you were a tourney boy thru and thru? Maybe the clearing lurgey / increasing lager helped :lol Well played to all PL guys n gals :ok Good effort all round. If I wasnt (literally) at the other end of the country I woulda been there. Oh, and if Des coulda fixed the draw so I got in... ;)
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Not sure if I'll beat Run to post..... Just a quickie from me for now. 1. Don't ever ever drive to Birmingham, especially if the exit you need from the M6 is closed. 2. Don't come back on day 2 to the big blind and go out 1st hand. 3. Don't spill your cup of coffee all over yourself. 4. Don't lose your glasses. 5. Do have a bloody good time. :ok Fantastic organisation by APAT. Des and the gang all top people. :notworthy PS. Joe mate, glad to see you made it home. You disappeared whilst we were chatting to 'Ironside'. Wasn't sure if you knew where your car/hotel/head was but hoped you'd remember by morning!

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Avon and I have not been home long as we stayed to the end to see the winner crowned (actually cupped and medalled) - a lad called Daniel who I think lived local to Birmingham. This is the short version of my weekend (although I am typing it for the second time as the first was stopped by a power cut!) with the longer version to follow after work tonight. I survived the first day with 22k in chips (average 36k) to be out first on the second day :sad so placed 34th. Echo everything about how well the tournament was organised. Enjoyed meeting old PL faces and the new - McGin (top placed PL in 11th, well done), MoneyIvey (sorry for putting you out) and Prowler - hope to see you all again soon. Playing live is very much still a learning curve for me but I look forward to getting back on this particular horse in the PokerPlayer Grand Prix final in London on 4th October. :ok

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Just checking in now folks. Have to say I really enjoyed the tourney, well organised & run and a big hats off to DesD & Tikay, couldn't ask for nicer guys to be running it. First off let me say apologies for not heading for a few drinks with you guys on the Sat night, was there with the missus, and think if I'd headed to the bar after leaving her wandering the streets of Birmingham for two days I might have been coming home alone :) Secondly apologies to tealuc for sending him to the rail by hitting a straight on the river, Sorry mate :) And lastly, I believe I was sitting to the left of Sir Fish Pie (if his early exit and fish food comments are to be believed). Unlucky on that last heart m8 :rollin Gutted I didn't make the final table after making it down to 11, but theres always the next one I suppose.

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Hi all Danarama here, Think Alex may post separately but just wanted to say well done to all PL'ers on their performances over the weekend, including and especially the railbirds who must have got bored out of their skulls not being able to see the hands and that! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy I thoroughly enjoyed the tourney even though I only just scraped through to the second day on 10,200 chips with 1500/3000 blinds to start! :lol Think I finished 32/31 ish and Alex (JarJar) was 27th. Has to be said again that the organisation, the venue, the APAT guys, and the standard of play were all exceptional. Even though it's a long way we are gonna do our best to play in the Scottish event as we had such a great time and , to be honest, I think I learned a few things about my style of live tourney play which has to be a bonus:dude Great again to see PL'ers and Joe, sorry about taking you out buddy.:tongue2

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

Had some banter with some of the London Poker meetup guys on here, they were a good bunch, although probably not too impressed with my 94o which made me a few quid, after raising preflop and then again despite AK on the flop - although they were callin with 52o - so we both as bad as each other. No complaints though, they were nice guys.
Steve "The Pie" from LPM here, just like to congratulate all from PL who did well in this event. LPM's representation was, to be blunt, extremly bad with not one of us making the second day. Was nice to meet those of you who I joined on the cash table, the call with the 5-2 was me, I did think I might be a slight bit behind :lol when i called, but by that time saturday night, I was determined to just have a laugh and throw a few quid around. Suprisingly I did make a few quid, buthad to depart when a.I was too drunk to see the cards, and b.The big boys started to sit down with their scary wads of 50's Dispite being utterly blotto, i do remember a convo that was had at the cash table about possibly sorting out a live tourney/challenge game between LPM and PL. Should you guys ever be interested in something along those lines, you know where we are, and it'd be a pleasure to throw something together with you guys Look forward to bumping into a few of you again soon Steve "The Pie"
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham hey guys!! long time no post...... great weekend as i'm sure those that weren't there are sick of hearing, and nice to see some of you again....think i finished around 50th which wasnt too bad considering i was pretty card dead for most of the game and played 2 50/50 hands one of which was when lou saban joined my table pretty short stacked with 1800 and pushed all in with pocket 9's and i gave her a spin with aks to double her up! the other was an all in push low stacked with KQs only to be called with JJ and no improvement which led to the embarrassing round of applause as another one bites the dust! spent the 2nd day railing with runa and avon between spunking cash on roulette and blackjack while my lpm mates were trying to railroad me into the rebuy later that night...... there was talk of an lpm vs pl game in the near future which i for one would be very interested in, and hopefully be another chance to meet up with some of you and take your cash in the name of friendly rivalry!! the next apat is the scottish open and as far as i know gonna be held in stanleys with a much better setup so theres no draw involved all who wanna play can so i guess there'll be more names and faces to remember after that one but i'm looking forward to it already!! see ya all in glasgow!!!

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Hi, JDforce from LPM, good to see you guys there having never heard of the site before the T-shirts worked, was told to join from someone on the cash table and of course Pie and prowler said its good, I'm not much of a poster so will just rape your betting tips and hopefully make a fortune. Would love to see an LPM vs PL going on, we need to prove ourselves. JDforce

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