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AA on the bubble would anyone fold?


AA on the bubble would anyone fold?  

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    • call you fecking muppet
    • fold? are you a muppet?

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I can't quite believe this 5 handed game and this happens with aces on the button - is anyone folding at this point? Damo LizziePL is at seat 2 with 2980.00 skellum0 is at seat 4 with 2250.00 gbbob is at seat 5 with 1820.00 gbbob posts the large blind 300.00 skellum0 posts the small blind 150.00 skellum0: --, -- gbbob: --, -- LizziePL: As, Ad Pre-flop: LizziePL: Raise 600.00 skellum0: All in gbbob: All in

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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold? I've got to say this kind of thing annoys me a bit. I always hear about "get your money in" if you're favourite. Barring satellites, why the hell would you not call with Aces ever? It's madness folding aces - ok, you might get outdrawn and the more people in the pot, the more chance of that, but get your cash in the pot and you're ahead. Then see what happens and as staffy says, get mad. :loon

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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold? might be of interest: (by the phil the brat) When to Fold Aces Preflop While playing recently in ESPN's World Championship of Poker, the following hand came up. With the blinds at $2,000-$4,000 and an ante of $500 a man, Michael picked up A-A in first position and folded it. I stand by Michael's play and claim that it was the right move, 100 percent! Why do I support the laydown? How can it be correct to fold pocket aces before the flop? Well, here are the facts: Michael was at the table before the final card was dealt, he had the chip lead at the table, there were 55 players left, and 45 of them were going to get paid. So, what the heck was going on here? Michael Madsen is a famous actor who has been in 64 movies. You might know him from Reservoir Dogs, a recent James Bond movie (as Felix), or his starring role in Kill Bill: Volume Two. Or, perhaps, you know him as the lead character (Don Everest, nicknamed "The Matador") in the new ESPN series Tilt. By the way, ESPN's World Championship of Poker exists only in the show Tilt. Things went down like this: I was on the set of Tilt, sitting in the No. 7 seat, with The Matador in the No. 4 seat, when the director, Jeremiah Chechik, said, "Michael, we will deal you a hand, and you fold it and walk over to talk to another character on the rail." Michael then looked at his hand, but it took him almost a full minute to fold it. I noticed that he was slow to fold the hand, but thought nothing of it. When the scene was over and we were all sitting back down for the next take, Michael looked over at the dealer and said, "What the hell, man, why did you have to deal me pocket aces that last hand?" I said, "I noticed that it took a long time for you to fold." Michael responded, "No kidding, man, it was pocket aces." At this point, a good laugh was had by all. I then said, "That's the only time I've ever heard of it being correct to throw away pocket aces before the flop!" Look for my scene in episode eight, where I conduct myself with my usual table decorum … By the way, poker star Annie Duke tells me that she has folded pocket aces before the flop on at least one occasion. Of course, there are situations in which this would be the correct play. For example, in a supersatellite when you have, say, 30 percent of the chips, eight players win seats, there are nine players remaining, and a player with more chips than you moves all in, it would be correct to fold pocket aces. Why risk getting eliminated when you're only a 4.5-to-1 or less favorite? Why not simply fold and wait for someone else to go broke? After all, the eight players all get paid the same in a supersatellite. It is a very rare case indeed that it would actually be correct to fold pocket aces before the flop, but it just goes to show you, never say never in poker! spade.gif

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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold?

fold- 5 cards to come' date=' best hand with 2 cards, one of em could be out and you're closer to th big one- don't get involved.[/quote'] Call - 5 cards to come, best hand with 2 cards, you win, and you're much closer to the big one - get involved.
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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold? Some people seem to be thinking too much about the bubble here. Are you insterested in JUST making the money? If you are, fold. If you want to win the thing, call for gods sake - what kind of coward puts the best hand in the game down because they will make the money?? Take your "chance" and you might just be favourite after that.

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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold? Agree, against 1 other caler, I'd always go. Only situation where I might not is a sat where there is no difference in prize betwwen places 1 to 5, in those circumstances, why would you risk for no reward. Agaisnt multiple callers, at the bubble, I might not. Seen AA cracked too many times, hell I called with AA last night, got a third A on the flop and still lost to a crappy straight.

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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold? EDIT just wondering why the image is not appearing? Damo ----------------------------------------------------------------- thought this might provoke an interesting discussion :) anyhoo I did think about it for about 5 secs before calling what happened next is detailed below......... niceflopsv0.jpg

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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold?

Nope. Why on earth fold the best hand??????
Because in my scenario even if you win you have 1500 chips to the other guys 6000. You are still a big dog to win the tournament, as you'll have to gamble in the next 1 or 2 hands. Say you've got 50% chance of doubling up when you shove. That might get you up to 3000 against his 4500 so you're still behind but at least you can play properly a bit. Let's say you are 45% to win the tournament from this point. Also say you're 30% to lose with the AA. Make it a $20 tournament so the prizes are $70 and $30. So 30% chance you finish 3rd, 50%*45%*70%=15.75% chance of winning and thus 54.25% chance of coming second. Expectation: E(call) = $0*0.3 + $30*0.5425 + $70*0.1575 = $27.3 So an expected profit from the tournament of $7.3. So what if you fold? You are guaranteed to finish in the money. However, you've got 500 chips and the other guy has 7000, and the BB of 300 if right there. You need to double up twice in the next two hands to have a chance. So assume 25% chance of doing that, then you are at 2000 against 5500. You still got problems but you have 26% of the chips so it's not dire. Shall we say you've got 20% chance of winning from here? So that's 25%*20% = 5% chance of winning the tournamnet, and thus 95% chance of finishing second. Expectation: E(fold) = $30*0.95 + $70*0.05 = $32 So an expected profit from the tournament of $12. I know it's a stupidly simple model, but I think it makes my point. In a 10 player STT with 4 people left and a flatter payout structure, if you're the short stack it's more compelling to fold. Obviously, with you the short stack it's very unlikely the bigger stacks will go against each other, but theory has always been easier than practice;). Edit: Obviously I forgot to add so fee for the tournaments, so just knock off $2 from the profits;)
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Re: AA on the bubble would anyone fold? There does come a point where you might consider folding AA as a shortstack. If you had, say, 10 chips and were looking to double up a dozen times just to have a playable stack, in a situation like this you probably have more positive expectation folding and hoping one takes the other out. You're nowhere near that point with this stack, should be calling it every day of the week, I'm struggling to see what there is to think about here :)

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