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goater14 is the best player on PL. Think you're better? PROVE IT!!


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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

I have always found the title of this thread a little tongue in cheek, no offence meant but BPP currently just signals who plays the most every day at low stakes. That is fine if the majority want it that way but maybe the title needs to change a little :unsure. An incentive to play and become BPP would be money, to attain it and not get anything is unrealsitic for my time at the moment, not sure about others though. If you were going to have a true PLBPP then it must be more akin to the points rankings Insidepoker and PokerPlayer use for their player of the year, maybe one to think about for the new year I guess.
Does BPP scientifically prove beyond any doubt who the best poker player on PL is? Nope Is it close? No not really Ultimately it's just a bit of fun, and a bit of added competition amongst "leisure" players (I know the concept of playing for fun is a little alien to you, but I think it's the real reason most PL'rs play....) I do think however that it is a better indicator of decent players than you appreciate - BPP HAS changed my opinion (for the better) of some players on here - why is it a good indicator? Mainly because it is limited to one game a day - there could be people posting $10,000 wins every day (unlikely but possible) who are bad, losing players - similarly there could be people who post occasional $10 wins who are good players - because noone posts their losses, you cannot judge someones performance with a screenshot of individual wins - sure people who dont/wont play freerolls/low stakes aren't going to get a good BPP score, BUT we have to remember who the majority of PL'rs are and what levels they play at - when we have focus games with a higher buy in, noone plays - the games aren't supported!!!!
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

Any further feedback on this, now you can see the numbers? RandR? McG? Do the numbers change or reinforce your opinions? Any other opinions? I'm not convinced the difference is big enough to worry about either way :unsure So long as it's defined beforehand and everyone knows where they stand :unsure
Well, early days, I know, but it doesn't seem to make a massive difference. It was one of my "shower moments", when my thoughts ramble about different topics, and I saw RandR's post the same day. Why not keep it like it is for the full 30 days, or so, then possible reduce it to 50%. As for the topic, I play the focus games to improve generally in a low stakes environment, where I can chat with friends (and Nade :D), even though I have never met any of you face-to-face (yet, looking forward to Virgin festival in Brum :ok). It adds to my personal enjoyment of the game. What the BPP element does is attempt to keep me on the straight and narrow, playing "proper" poker. I'll still donk off my chips occasionally, but it's less and less these days, and I put that down to concentrating more, even though the buy-in is low. That discipline has given me the confidence to progress into other MTT tourneys with a slightly higher buy-in, without feeling totally out of my depth. That said, perhaps we should consider a larger buy-in for some focus tourneys. I can fully understand some players, who might find some of the very low (and free) tourneys a waste of time when they can play cash or much higher buy-in STT's for a better ROTS (return on time spent :lol). Their place in the BPP table will be low, but that doesn't make them a worse player. It is, primarily, a bit of fun - especially as GaF has now passed Heniek's mark - and should be seen as such. Typing this at work before I set off for home. Can't make the 6pm start for tonight - what sort of chuffing time is that to start a focus game :loon ?
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! I'm appalled, i've been BPP for 20days, that should class me as a very good player :sad :D Seriously though my two penneth is that although they are low buy-ins the table does IMO give a good indication of who the better players are as if you're at the top then you're consistently finishing towards the top. I don't totally agree with the casual player thing either as it is possible to maintain a high position whilst rarely playing if you place consistently when you do play. In general though i think the higher buy-in the more points should be available. Plus more points added on for consistently finishing in the moolah.

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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! I dare say this has been suggested before but to level the playing field for those that dont play a lot of focus games why not have a "are you the worst plyer on pl" table, worst 5 scores count.Interesting to see if any one could top both tables. Having said that, if its me, you could call it the "are you the most unlucky player on pl"

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