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Interforum Challenges


Interforum Challenges  

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    • Both events
    • Freeroll only
    • $6,500 added only
    • Neither

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Re: Interforum Challenges For those worried about getting tickets for this, have had the following email from OFC.

There have been a lot of questions regarding the ticketing process by PokerStars.com. They will be issuing tickets as we get closer to these events. Registration will open 24hrs before tournament start. More events are being planned and finalized. I will let you all know about them as soon as possible.
Remember - registration for this closes on Wednesday 5th July - SO SIGN UP NOW if you haven't already.......
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Re: Interforum Challenges I'm downloaded and registered as PL-AvonGirl on this site (there must already be an avongirl on Pokerstars so beware of impersonators - if she ain't got the PL avatar, it ain't me!) Requested both tickets, but might see how I get on with this site in the freeroll before I decide whether to deposit and reg for the 2nd one (unless that will be too late for the Sunday reg). Trying to work out what time it starts - is it 8.00 BST - hope it's not 7.00, otherwise I'll be sitting out til Doctor Who finishes! (last episode :cry )

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Re: Interforum Challenges

The final list of 3 pre-registrant lists was sent in to PokerStars today. Please give them a couple hours to get everyone ticketed. Earlier today, PokerStars ticketed all valid player accounts on the first two lists I had previously sent them. Now they must do the third list. This was not supposed to happen until 24hrs before each event's start time, but I am sorry to say, this detail was overlooked by PokerStars. As a result, registration for both OFC events is now open.

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Re: Interforum Challenges 1864 registered for tonight's freeroll already :loon is it open to everyone as I never received an email, but managed to register okay? Didn't think there would be that many forum people in this. Hopefully Punterslounge will pick up some points, but it's going to be a lonnnggg night :zzz for anyone getting to the final few tables. Good luck all. Red.

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Re: Interforum Challenges Over 2000 entrants in this and according to the stats we aren't in the top 20 represented forums! Having said that some of the forums in the list seeem little more than freeroll notification clubs rather then real forums like wot we have :lol (bet you none of them sites ever take you racing) . Its gonna be all that more impressive then if and when we kick their bums and win a freeroll for ourselves :spank :spank . Pl Chaaaaarrrrrgeeeeee.

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Re: Interforum Challenges I'm out in 1410 - :$:$:$ :sad:sad:sad After I lost half my stack when my trip 4s walked into trip As.:wall:wall:wall I then went all in with my 88 (table with 4 sitouts) called by 1 with KJs. The board gave him A high straight. :wall:wall:wall :hope:hope:hope to all the PLers still in :okcome on guys/gals - PPPPLLLLL--CCCCHHHHHAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE!!!! :nana

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