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poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST


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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST Well, I knew I was going to jump on Gaf's BB and didn't really care what I was holding ;), but didn't expect Galronix to call...:\ Even so, this takes the tis

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #307327126 at table: PuntersLounge League Started: Mon May 22 22:58:37 2006 PLGalronix is at seat 3 with 1560.00 hagerty is at seat 4 with 1640.00 Telepe1 is at seat 5 with 6120.00 eltrev pl is at seat 6 with 3810.00 Alias23pl is at seat 7 with 1475.00 the_cloud1 is at seat 8 with 11695.00 AvonGirlP is at seat 9 with 4820.00 Telepe1 posts the large blind 600.00 hagerty posts the small blind 300.00 hagerty: --, -- Telepe1: --, -- eltrev pl: --, -- Alias23pl: 3c, Kc the_cloud1: --, -- AvonGirlP: --, -- PLGalronix: --, -- Pre-flop: eltrev pl: Fold Alias23pl: All in the_cloud1: Fold AvonGirlP: Fold PLGalronix: Call 1475.00 hagerty: Fold Telepe1: Fold Showdown: PLGalronix shows: 8c, 8d (a pair of Eights) Alias23pl shows: 3c, Kc (high card, King) Flop (Board: 6h, 6c, 3d): Turn (Board: 6h, 6c, 3d, 3s)::cow River (Board: 6h, 6c, 3d, 3s, 6d)::puke PLGalronix shows: 8c, 8d (full house) Mainpot: PLGalronix wins the pot of 3850 with full house (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
Good luck all :D
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST Out 7th, great game as always, well done to all still in :clap :clap :clap Shortish stack A9 on small blind so pushed them in, cloud calls with K8 and first card on flop was 8 :loon Cheers all :ok

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST

well done cloud :clap :clap and everyone in the money tonight and overall - including the Mrs (all my tuition starting to pay off ;) ) :ok
Mind if I borrow this post Runa ;) :lol :unsure Nice one Cloud, and very unlucky too MC. Glad to see you coming out of your recent-ish(?) slump.:ok
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST Wow, I didn't even know I was in with a chance of a place finish in the overall league. Just shows it's never over til it's over (was 14th!) I was about to post up my $10.32 for 4th in the PB thread so I'll add my $10 to it. :loon :nana Ta very much Poker.co.uk (you are my favourite site :ok ) And well played to everyone in the money tonight and overall. Not sure what Run means about his tuition - I remember a "why did you just flat call that" comment once. :lol I have learned just about everything I know from this forum and playing against you all (and reading the first 2 chapters of HOH on the way to Maxim) so this is either as good as it gets or just the start. :dude

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST

Mind if I borrow this post Runa ;) :lol :unsure Nice one Cloud, and very unlucky too MC. Glad to see you coming out of your recent-ish(?) slump.:ok
dont know what you mean V :\
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST

Mind if I borrow this post Runa ;) :lol :unsure Nice one Cloud, and very unlucky too MC. Glad to see you coming out of your recent-ish(?) slump.:ok
dont know what you mean V :\
No, thats fair enough mate, rubbish on my part.:$ I was referring to the Cloud. He had a sticky patch not so long ago mate. Sorry for the confusion. :$
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST Cheers All - Looks like the end of the slump!! Can I just mention MCFC - who was fantastically gracious in coming 2nd - and hey, I also just wanted to put in another thread - because I want to see my new Avatar again!!! :nana :rollin :nana And I thought it would look good next to Tax Monkey's thread!!!!

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