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Fill In The Blanks


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Simply read this hand history as though you were playing, and fill in the blanks at the bottom.:ok

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #243902815 at table: Texas Holdem Started: Fri Mar 24 16:02:15 2006 RiveRo is at seat 1 with 1760.00 ogod is at seat 2 with 1480.00 Kora123 is at seat 3 with 1350.00 TOSIO1 is at seat 4 with 1480.00 joakim1971 is at seat 5 with 1500.00 tarcy67 is at seat 6 with 1480.00 Bayfax is at seat 7 with 1500.00 wolverine3 is at seat 8 with 1480.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 9 with 1440.00 BE KOOL is at seat 10 with 1500.00 TOSIO1 posts the large blind 20.00 Kora123 posts the small blind 10.00 Kora123: --, -- TOSIO1: --, -- joakim1971: --, -- tarcy67: --, -- Bayfax: --, -- wolverine3: --, -- Higgs23pl: Ad, Ah BE KOOL: --, -- RiveRo: --, -- ogod: --, -- Pre-flop: joakim1971: Fold tarcy67: Call 20.00 Bayfax: Fold wolverine3: Fold Higgs23pl: Raise 100.00 BE KOOL: Fold RiveRo: Fold ogod: Fold Kora123: Fold TOSIO1: Call 100.00 tarcy67: Fold Flop (Board: 8d, 7s, 4s): TOSIO1: Bet 20.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 200.00 TOSIO1: Call 200.00 Turn (Board: 8d, 7s, 4s, Qs): TOSIO1: Check Higgs23pl: Check River (Board: 8d, 7s, 4s, Qs, 10h): TOSIO1: Bet 20.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 200.00 TOSIO1: Call 200.00 Showdown: Higgs23pl shows: Ad, Ah (a pair of Aces) TOSIO1 shows: Mainpot: __________wins the pot of 1030 with _________,__________ (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
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Re: Fill In The Blanks

Tosio1 wins the main pot with two pair' date=' 4s and 10s:ok[/quote'] Wouldn't that give him a flush? I'll go for Tosio1 wins the main pot with two pair 10 and 8. Edit: Notice what a bunch of pessimistic old gits we are, no-one gone for the aces :)
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Re: Fill In The Blanks dunno - he can't have a lock otherwise he would have re-raised on the end, but he has called raises twice so he must have a made hand 2pr Q 10 maybe? more likely a straight and worried about the flush possis, so prepared to call but not re-raise, so he has 56, 69 or J9 - of those all are possible, as he called with a OESD/Gutshot on the flop and got a free card on the turn if chasing his gutshot Of course it is prolly something shite like 23spades for his flush.... 10 10? called preflop hoping for just AK or AQ etc, led out with a bet on the flop to 'see where he stands' and called your raise now fearing the overpair, gladly checked the turn when the Q hits and just called the river when hit his trips scared of the flush, straight or higher trips or AA - just like you, slowplayed em to draw you in and shut down turn/river to flush and straight possibilities, as he assumed YOU were the muppet with your J9! :lol I am leaning towrds trips 10's or AA Damo :cheers

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Re: Fill In The Blanks

dunno - but he has called raises twice so he must have a made hand
That's very optimistic.:) Reason I think he could have almost anything is that he called the pre-flop raise in his BB, which plenty players will do with any two cards. Then the flop comes rags so if he's caught any piece of it, underpair or anything, even his own overcards, he's possibly going to call V's bet, because it looks like a continuation bet with AK etc. V checks the turn which confirms (maybe in his mind) that it was a continuation bet. He bets minimum on the river which looks like a bet to discourage V buying the pot, but could equally be the opposite, a fishing bet for a reraise, and the call doesn't mean anything because with the info he has there's every chance v is holding overcards that missed and is trying to but the pot. He could really have absolutely anything from bottom pair, underpair through to a non-nut flush - I don't think the information is there to really get much idea, since he didn't do any betting himself.
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Re: Fill In The Blanks

V checks the turn which confirms (maybe in his mind) that it was a continuation bet.
I think you respect the opponent too much - he has throughout either flat called Mr V's bets or Bet 20 into a pot of 100's!! A bet that IMO serves no purpose and any half decent player wouldn't make (twice!!) - it's not big enough to be a "probe bet" (and if it was a probe, Mr V gave him a clear answer!!). This opponent won't know what a continuation bet is!!! There are NO 2 cards I would say with confidence this player hasn't got ..... from 23o to AA........
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Re: Fill In The Blanks

I think you respect the opponent too much - he has throughout either flat called Mr V's bets or Bet 20 into a pot of 100's!! A bet that IMO serves no purpose and any half decent player wouldn't make (twice!!) - it's not big enough to be a "probe bet" (and if it was a probe, Mr V gave him a clear answer!!). This opponent won't know what a continuation bet is!!! There are NO 2 cards I would say with confidence this player hasn't got ..... from 23o to AA........
Certainly think you're right that he was giving this hand nowhere near as much thought as we're all doing :lol And probably right on the continuation bet as such, though I think there might be some kind of basic mechanism going on there to the effect of 'he wouldn't raise with them cards'. Basically I think I was just trying to say that with the little information we have from his flat calling and silly non-bets we can put together a believable 'story' for pretty much any hand. Thinking about that tiny betting thing, which I agree is almost always bad poker, I'm thinking of 2 reasons why people do this when they do actually have a plan, though it may be that neither apply to this guy. To keep the price down on draws, ie it's better than what their opponent would charge them, and to see if they get a flat call rather than a raise which gives information that they're in a position to buy the turn. No kind of fan of that strategy, I think they're both pretty transparent, but I suppose it could have limited use a few times before your opponent got a read on you. C'mon V, we wanna know what he had :loon Edit: And a third reason! Which happened to me in a tourney on Paradise last week when I flopped the nut straight, slider tab randomly stopped working!
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Re: Fill In The Blanks Sorry all - I planned to answer this sometime yesterday but got sent 250 miles away at about 1730, didn't get back home til about half past one.:sad Preflop 5xBB (2nd or 3rd hand in the MTT) I thought it was a healthy enough raise to chase the crap away. The board showed possible made straight, and when he bet 20 initially I had him on a draw, and tried to make him pay, hence the 10xBB bet - I was prepared to drop in the face of any raise, as surely TOSIO would do if he had 5,6 - in case I was holding spade hole cards. When the spade came on the turn I was mortified, hence the check. I was happy to accept his check as a sign that the spade scared him as much too, but was nervous about betting into a hand where I was so obviously the underdog (I thought). I tried one last bet to see what he had. I had no idea - apart from the straight or flush, and his small bets indicated one pair. I re-raised in the hope that he'd fold. Anyway, the answer is...... :drums :drums :drums :drums :drums

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #243902815 at table: Texas Holdem Started: Fri Mar 24 16:02:15 2006 RiveRo is at seat 1 with 1760.00 ogod is at seat 2 with 1480.00 Kora123 is at seat 3 with 1350.00 TOSIO1 is at seat 4 with 1480.00 joakim1971 is at seat 5 with 1500.00 tarcy67 is at seat 6 with 1480.00 Bayfax is at seat 7 with 1500.00 wolverine3 is at seat 8 with 1480.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 9 with 1440.00 BE KOOL is at seat 10 with 1500.00 TOSIO1 posts the large blind 20.00 Kora123 posts the small blind 10.00 Kora123: --, -- TOSIO1: --, -- joakim1971: --, -- tarcy67: --, -- Bayfax: --, -- wolverine3: --, -- Higgs23pl: Ad, Ah BE KOOL: --, -- RiveRo: --, -- ogod: --, -- Pre-flop: joakim1971: Fold tarcy67: Call 20.00 Bayfax: Fold wolverine3: Fold Higgs23pl: Raise 100.00 BE KOOL: Fold RiveRo: Fold ogod: Fold Kora123: Fold TOSIO1: Call 100.00 tarcy67: Fold Flop (Board: 8d, 7s, 4s): TOSIO1: Bet 20.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 200.00 TOSIO1: Call 200.00 Turn (Board: 8d, 7s, 4s, Qs): TOSIO1: Check Higgs23pl: Check River (Board: 8d, 7s, 4s, Qs, 10h): TOSIO1: Bet 20.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 200.00 TOSIO1: Call 200.00 Showdown: Higgs23pl shows: Ad, Ah (a pair of Aces) TOSIO1 shows: Qd, 8c (2 pair) :@ :@ Mainpot: TOSIO wins the pot of 1030 with 2pair, queens and eights (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
I posted the hand history in this way to see if anyone else could see what I missed, and I am extremely relieved to see that no one else saw it too. Was it bad play on my part (I don't think so btw), or one of those things?
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Re: Fill In The Blanks Just one of those things I think. Might have been a cheapo fixed limit cash game player having a punt at an STT and not believeing you and having a slightly above average hand (was it an STT?) thinking they will see the flop. Also if someones playing "relaxation poker" for stakes that they aren't worried about losing then they can play totally non logically. IMHO..... Once the 8 comes up then his (and your play) is vaguely OK (only vaguely). The 20 bets bt TOSIO seem a bit strange - to my mind he should be making a decision as to whether he's ahead or not and either trap checking or making pot size and beyond bets. Mind you some people play softly-softly and just go with the flow - and usually end up getting nibbled away. :D hey if you want revenge looks like TOSIO is in the 13:00 $10 game on SO as am I .

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