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Signing off


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Re: Signing off

Well, I guess opinions aren't allowed here unless they agree with the powers that be. And neither is skillful poker good poker any more. I take great pride in doing what I do to the best of my ability. And I take great pride in knowing the rules of any sports/games I get involved in. I have been a qualified coach in 2 sports and referee/umpire in 3. I have been in the computer business for over 20 years, and having been a programmer for a fair few of them, I know that an application is only as good as the programming and may not necesarily be correct. I gave my opinion in an opinion poll yesterday to which someone had the cheek to question. Many of you here play only online poker. Online poker is an application... only as good as the programming and doesn't always adhere to the rules of the game. Unfortunately, most of you here don't understand that as online poker if all you know. That's fine, but as the saying goes, don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. I know the rules of poker... I make sure I know the rules of the game I am playing, and I don't need morons like you to tell me different. I'm not always right, but I know when I am! Well, worry no more as I am leaving you to your world. You will not be hearing from me again. I would very much like to say that you won't be seeing me again either, but unfortunately I may still end up on the same table as some of you. To a couple of you I say good luck. To the rest of you I say good riddence, and may you rot in hell. If I'm not banned from here, I may occasionally take a peek at the posts and laugh at your lack of knowledge. And don't bother adding to this thread because it will be falling on deaf ears.
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin That's the funniest thing I've read in a LONG while!!
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Re: Signing off

I gave my opinion in an opinion poll yesterday to which someone had the cheek to question.
wtf is this all about? Imagine that! Questioning opinions and getting discussions going. I'm shocked! Whatever next. I'm devastated to see you go mate because that was possibly the funniest post I've ever read on a poker forum. Actually 2nd thought, admit it, this is a wind-up and you have caught a massive haul. :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Signing off

Pro, seldom have I witnessed such nauseating self importance. You really have such a high opinion of yourself. self praise is no recommendation you know. ta ta :tongue2
Big Andy, think the phrase you're looking for is 'delusions of adequacy'!;). Definitely what Pro is suffering from.
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Re: Signing off

Well, I guess opinions aren't allowed here unless they agree with the powers that be. And neither is skillful poker good poker any more. (Dry ur Fecken eyes :cry) I take great pride in doing what I do to the best of my ability. And I take great pride in knowing the rules of any sports/games I get involved in. I have been a qualified coach in 2 sports and referee/umpire in 3. I have been in the computer business for over 20 years, and having been a programmer for a fair few of them, I know that an application is only as good as the programming and may not necesarily be correct. (YAWN) What was the point of the above paragraph :unsure I gave my opinion in an opinion poll yesterday to which someone had the cheek to question. Many of you here play only online poker. Online poker is an application... only as good as the programming and doesn't always adhere to the rules of the game. Unfortunately, most of you here don't understand that as online poker if all you know. That's fine, but as the saying goes, don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. I know the rules of poker... I make sure I know the rules of the game I am playing, and I don't need morons like you to tell me different. I'm not always right, but I know when I am! (Ur also a fool :eyes) Well, worry no more as I am leaving you to your world. You will not be hearing from me again. I would very much like to say that you won't be seeing me again either, but unfortunately I may still end up on the same table as some of you. (:sad gutted ) To a couple of you I say good luck. To the rest of you I say good riddence, and may you rot in hell (:sad). If I'm not banned from here, I may occasionally take a peek at the posts and laugh at your lack of knowledge. And don't bother adding to this thread because it will be falling on deaf ears.
(Bet ur reading this thread, bet u r, bet u, bet u r, bet u, dare you to reply pro if you have read this, go dare u):clap :zzz:zzz:zzz:zzz:zzz If I'm not banned from here, I may occasionally take a peek at the posts and laugh at your lack of knowledge (Also make up ur mind u say here u may look at the post) BUT THEN U SAY THIS And don't bother adding to this thread because it will be falling on deaf ears:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
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Re: Signing off As "The Boss" of PL it is my job to have the right manner more than anyone on PL, however I won't hold back with comments that I think need to be said. ThePro - Stop believing you're a good player because you are from it, get your head from out of your butt and listen to other people.

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Re: Signing off I am gutted. I was really looking forward to Saturday night, having the chance to play in the presence of ThePro. I have been swotting up on the 'real' rules, so that I would pass the little test that he was going to give us before being deemed worthy to sit at his table. I have now been robbed of the opportunity to learn from this experience, and I have no doubt that I will now not ascend to the poker heights that once beckoned. So looks like just us bums on Saturday then eh? :eyes

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Re: Signing off

And the reason Fenners knows that is my new bird??? He would recognise his wifes arse anywhere!!!! In fact most of the fire station would
very good dan one to you me thinks well until tonight anyway when she comes home and sees your post Ill probably here her laugh from Glasgow (where I am tonight any one know any good bars):beer
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Re: Signing off Having only been a member of this forum for a few weeks now... and been getting excellent advice from the nutters here... I am shocked at this outburst... an open forum should allow freedom to argue any point. Even if you're wrong, stupid or both! Nothing 'pro' about this little outburst. If you're upset and want to have a rant fine, but don't get personal and start abusing othe people. Sit down, roll a fat one and chill... :dude life's too short... let's get back to having fun playing poker. :ok

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Re: Signing off

very good dan one to you me thinks well until tonight anyway when she comes home and sees your post Ill probably here her laugh from Glasgow (where I am tonight any one know any good bars):beer
Try the "Louden" Fenners, just make sure you've got a nice new Celtic Shirt on when you go in. :eek
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Re: Signing off FENNER. I come on this forum to discuss poker and the stratagies therein. I don't expect to be lambasted for having an opinion. I have the right to an opinion and it really bugs me when Scandanavians, Americans and people originally from near Darlington argue with me. The Americans don't know ****ing **** about poker and the scandanavians are too busy eating greasey meatballs and making flatpack furniture to understand what I am explaining to them. People from the frozen North of Yorkshire, such as yourself have no right to disagree with my opinions as you are too busy tending to the sheep to be able to read books about poker so therefore I am for more informed about what is factually correct. For you to resort to abusive messages and pictures about who I may or may not be currently seeing is childish and bugs me unbelievably. Who are you to question my choice in ladyfriends? It is FACT that tehre is a limited choice where you are so to be disrectful to MY friends is cheap and patronising. ( Patronising is when you talk down to someone.) You may think that some of the things that I have posted ( all of which are always 100 percent correct) are condescending but I can assure you that they are not. You need to look up the rules of grammer and spelling. And I am far too busy doing things that you wouldn't understand to be condescending to you. I am sick and tired of coming on this pathetic nerdy geeky site to have an interlekshual discussion about poker and to be argued with by people who prove that they are stupid and crap by trying to tell me that my opinion is wrong! I am never wrong because I have read every poker book in my mobile library and seen Cool Hand Luke three times. With that kind of background research I cannot, I repeat CANNOT ever be wrong. It seems to me that I am being picked on and am not allowed to have MY OPINIONS or choose the lady friends that wish without having morons like you FENNERS constantly wandering back from the pastures to type one fingered about things you cannot know anything about. Before any of you start calling me Xenophobic, I am not. I have read a dictionary and therefore I know more about Xenophobia than any of you and therefore I cannot be Xenophobic because I have knowledge. Because of all of you ( FENNERS in particular) I will not be coming back on this site again. I am banning myself as the idiot moderators probably don't know enough about programming to be able to ban me. I know everything about programming as I used to have a Spectrum zx 81 and could make the screen change colour for blue, to green, to red and then to magenta. The colour change process would then repeat itself. So you can see that I know everything about programming. Therefore I ban myself, not only from this pathetic site but also from my own house. Got to go... I have to lock the front door so that I am truely banned from my own house. Goodbye to two people on here and good luck to them. I am not going to tell you who. No point asking. And I hope the rest of you rot in hell. Especially you FENNERS. Bye.

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