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Goal Poker and anything to do with it


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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

lol unfortunately not mate tomorrow we can can take a guest but Weds is a single ticket :(
awww mate, id love to, but....i think id start to cry when you all go to paris and im left waving you goodbye lol unless ted or julian can wangle me a ticket hehe
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Planning on taking plenty of photos :ok Managed to take more than 100 at the last game at Highbury last Sunday :loon - a rate even most Japanese tourists would struggle to keep up with!!!! Unfortunately one of the photos it looks like I won't be taking is of the inside of my hotel room - the whole of Paris is totally booked out so looks like we're driving straight back after the match :( - unless anyone can have a word with the guys from Goalpoker and see if they've booked any 'extra' rooms we could buy off them ;)

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

Planning on taking plenty of photos :ok Managed to take more than 100 at the last game at Highbury last Sunday :loon - a rate even most Japanese tourists would struggle to keep up with!!!! Unfortunately one of the photos it looks like I won't be taking is of the inside of my hotel room - the whole of Paris is totally booked out so looks like we're driving straight back after the match :( - unless anyone can have a word with the guys from Goalpoker and see if they've booked any 'extra' rooms we could buy off them ;)
Milou/6ooner I will have a word with them tomorrow and give you a call. Mr V was it the hostesses you were most interested in as I am planning on buying another 1Gb SD card :loon
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Fenner/Dave - I can't receive PMs yet, email me at rjscott_1999 at yahoo dot co dot uk with your mobile numbers so we can meet up at hotel. We need to leave by about 5 to get to the club in good time. Mr V - got my camera charging now :ok

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

Goal Poker And Inside Edge Ibiza Game Tonight 8pm Passwords Are In The Last 2 Inside Edges Its Free And The Winner Gets A Trip To Ibiza With The Other 10 Of Us
destiny tells me im not going:( tonights game played 4 hands 1-won 2-rivered 3-rivered 4-3 aces beaten by flush:wall :wall :wall oh well i only go red and start peeling in the sun
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it :notworthy FENNERS AND IAN FRAZIER HAVE DECIDED TO SPLIT THE WINNINGS $15.5K EACH But Ian would only do it if he was allowed to have the trophy! WELL DONE FENNERS!!!!!!!:notworthy :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it well done fenners:clap :clap :clap had some success last night as well as i won the alan shearer send off tourney on goalpoker,a signed shirt by the man himself,no big deal i know but a win is a win:) many thanks to slickmik,morlspin,gilsan and everyone else who gave their support at such a late hour

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

thankyou graham' date='had a good teacher.....you better watch out now:tongue2 :ok[/quote'] Well what can i say, both of my apprentices did well last night You won the Shearer Sendoff G Man aka biggwinton came 2nd in the maxim ibiza game and qualified for the final in june so....moral of the story.....keep my mouth shut from now on, and listen to my own advice :ok
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it well, i am still waiting to hear from goalpoker after last nights win,:eyes it would be nice if someone could at least say they got the email and was dealing with it,,:unsure come on goalpoker i have spent a lot of time and money with you and it would be good if the customer support was a bit more on the ball.:spank

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Hi All, Got to say I'm a little annoyed with GP this morning. I tried to withdraw $100 onto Neteller on sunday - and received an e-mail immediately saying it could take up to 48 hours to go through. Fair enough. 5 days later (and many checks of my Neteller account) I receive an e-mail to say that they want a picture ID and utility bill. That is fair enough again, but why did it take them 5 days to tell me this???? I wihdrew money from 2 other poker accounts on sunday - and got the money on sunday.

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