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My poker "career"

the tufty fan club

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No idea if anyone wants to contrubute to this but i've seen it mentioned on a couple of threads and thought it would be a good idea to combine "bragging" with " personal bests" together with running profits/loss for the PL'ers who like to keep track. For example - I am at the mo a casual player. I play the $5/$10 STTS about four times a week. Here's how i do....... $ accounts Paradise Poker - Proft = $143.19 Bet 365 - Loss = ($18.65) Golden Palace:spank = Loss = ($2.27) Party Poker - Profit = $39.00 Ladbrokes - (Loss $11.00):unsure £accounts Betfair - Profit = £9.85 Betfred - Proft = £39.01 Biggest win - $102.38 Punters lounge league game 1st out of 25 And thats me..... Being an accountant I like my spreadsheets......:$

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Re: My poker "career" Guesswest, very interesting site, thanks for sharing. Tufty, the figures look good mate! What period of time have reached these profits? Do you just play when you feel like it or is there a certain time you find is best to play different sites? I know i found on Paradise for example your main opponents were from the states, yet at Betfair they are all european and mainly from the UK. Has this changed much. Do you ever risk playing in a higher stake game now and then, would be interested to know if the calibre of player increases much? Keep it up mate, good stuff.

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Re: My poker "career" Cheers BH. I've been playing for almost a year now. I want to play more than I do but never seem to have the time. I'm normally on between 7-10 in the evening and as it shows I play on Paradise and lately Betfred most of the time. I like both sites as I seem to do quite well in them. On Paradise I play in quite a lot of the $5/$10 10 seater STT's and can finish in the money fairly regular. I love it cos the yanks get so annoyed. Best thing I find is to respond with irony and sarcasm. For example the other night one started "calling my momma" by saying she slept with animals or something. I responded with "really? was she any good, can i now call you daddy". . Five mins of abuse from him later and he's been knocked out.. (by me:ok ) and stays around to call me gay (responding by asking if he wanted to get it on:tongue2 ). I've found betfair the hardest to play on for talent, not much joy there for me at the mo. Never upped the stakes yet, thats for the future when i can start to play consistently.

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Re: My poker "career" tufty, when you play do you have a goal in mind, or is it as long as time allows? I was just wondering how many STT's you play per night on average, as it's something I'm doing on Nordicbet/prima at the moment (with mixed success, I'm afraid). I used to have a running total in my sig., but got lazy in keeping it updated.:\ Nice to see someone is doing well on them.:clap

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Re: My poker "career" I'm just a very casual player. If there's not much happening during the night i'll go on the computer and play a couple of STT's. When i play I probably average two per sitting. The most i've done was four on Betfred (finishing in the money in three of them) one after the other. I just hover around the tables that need an extra player and if the stakes are right i'll play. I play quite a few of the turbos so the games are over quicker. I've tried playing two simultaneously but never again. Haven't got the concentration span to manage that. Especially if the tv is on too. Multitasking is just not my forte!

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Re: My poker "career" Here goes, my results for November; All played on Betfair/Interpoker 4 Stts at a time £10 Stt (my usual level)

Profit per STT£4.27
I also played some bigger games, as I am planning to step up a level or two very soon :hope £10 6pak
Profit per STT£4.00
£20 STT
Profit per STT£6.13
£30 STT
Profit per STT£6.50
£50 STT
Profit per STT£25.00
£100 STT
Profit per STT£91.00
Hopefully these figures will be of some interest to someone. Any questions/queries/comments, please do not hesitate :ok
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Re: My poker "career" Fantastc Stats mate You are what I am currently aspiring to be!:clap Valiant, my main reason for playing poker at the minute is enjoyment. I've found that anymore than two a night and I start to get a bit bored and tired - and therefore my play suffers. Plus, The GF ends up coming upstairs to talk to me - like i've said before, I can't do multitasking!!!

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Re: My poker "career" Great stats Winty! Just a couple of points i'd like to ask and maybe a pointer for others; Playing 4 STT's at a time How does this affect your game, have you always done this? Any idea if your figures would increase if you played less at the same time? Profits per STT From the figures it looks like you often get into the money whatever limit you play, does this mean the class of opponent is similar at any level. I mean £50 to me is a fortune but to someone else its loose change, it doesnt mean they are any better at Poker? Do you play any different when the stakes are higher, are you 'tighter' until near the pay off or can you block this out and play your normal game? I think this is the secret in Poker play and where many fail. They change there play when just outside the money or if its for higher than normal stakes they suddenly only play with pocket AA's or similar. Good thread

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Re: My poker "career" Playing 4 STT's at a time How does this affect your game, have you always done this? It doesn't affect my game too much, but you have to build up to 4 tables gradually. I just started off like everyone else playing one table at a time then gradually added another table and another and finally 4. Once you have experience of playing extra tables, it shouldn't be too much of a problem by adding another. An important part of multi tabling is to focus solely on the STTs you are playing, so that means no MSN,AIM, watching movies, reading PL :tongue2 ar any other distractions. You also need a decent monitor if you are going to do it properly. I am using a laptop with a 15" screen, it is really bad on the eyes and the tables have a lot of overlap. The monitor of choice between multi tablers is dell 2001fp 20" lcd, it allows 4 tables with no overlap. i am hoping for one within the next few weeks :hope Any idea if your figures would increase if you played less at the same time? I have no stats on this as I wasn't keeping records when i was just playing one table but i am certain the figures would increase. The important thing to consider is your hourly rate. If i can somehow make £5/stt playing 1 table at a time then my hourly rate is £5/hr. Yet playing 4 tables making just £3/stt equals a £12/hr hourly rate. As you can see, more tables = more money ! Profits per STT From the figures it looks like you often get into the money whatever limit you play, does this mean the class of opponent is similar at any level. I mean £50 to me is a fortune but to someone else its loose change, it doesnt mean they are any better at Poker? Agreed billy, you wouldn't believe some of the plays i have seen at the higher limits. People do play for fun, even at the highest limits. The higher games aren't full of sharks in the slightest, the play isn't much better just different. The £5/£10 games are pretty passive (a lot of checking and calling) whereas the £30/£50 games are much more aggressive(more betting and raising). £50 is a fortune to me, but to ensure this doesn't affect your play you must always consider it as 1 buyin or 1000 chips. If you don't, it will be a killer for your game and you will be more concerned with what you could have bought with that £50 rather than getting your aces cracked with it!!!!:sad Do you play any different when the stakes are higher, are you 'tighter' until near the pay off or can you block this out and play your normal game? You are right billy, around the bubble (6/5/4 handed) is the most important time in the STT for me. The first few levels of a STT i play very tight but as the table loses players and the blinds rise, i completely open up and play very aggressively regardless of the buyin. I will push lots of hands if the players to my left(the blinds) have showed me that they are playing tight and will only be willing to call all in with a real hand. If I sense a certain player is waiting for top 3 for a payout, i will target him/her to steal their blinds every time with any two cards if I am SB and he/she is BB. Aggression is the key here. I think bubble play deserves me to write an in depth guide as it is so important, I am planning to write one in the next week or so, if you would like to see it please let me know as it will encourage me to write it :clap I have spent a lot of time reading about STT strategy for the last 4/5 months so I hope i have some useful insight to offer to PL players. I plan on writing some strategy posts in the next few weeks, so if there is anything you would like just let me know here or PM me :ok Hope this is ok billy, trying to play 4 games at same time doesn't help :D Oooops, think i just contradicted myself, I should follow my own advice and focus on the games rather than PL :tongue2 Any questions/comments welcome Good Luck on the tables :beer

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Re: My poker "career" I look forward to this strategy guide too winty. It'll be interesting to compare how we play to see if there's much difference. I'll be needing pointers about raising my game to the higher levels eventually although I happy with the level I play at for now. For the most part i play tight when blinds are very low (ie) 10/20 chips with a starting stack of 1000 chips and limp in with the odd decent hand. The main think I do is watch the other players in these earlier rounds. Its amazing how many draw all the way to a showdown and you see there cards and say to yourself "why the F$%k did you play with those cards, you're mine!:lol " I can usually pick off one of the first players with an all in when I hold a decent hand. Although this doesn't work all the time poker being poker... :unsure . I find later on that a lot of players call your bet if you don't put in enough of a raise. This is something i'm trying to work on at the mo. I've also found trying to bluff very hard as it seems people at this level will call anything!

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Re: My poker "career" Winty, thanks for the reply mate. I've always found Poker an intriguing game, the tactics and strategy are great to watch around the table. The 'bubble' is, as you pointed out worth a chapter on its own, i think everyone has sat and suffered at some point just hoping the guy opposite goes all in and gets called to leave you in the money. How many more times have we been eaten away by the blinds and ending up going all in with a much weaker hand than we had say 5 hands previous. Its a learning curve and it also takes guts to be aggressive knowing your so close to the money and if you run into a good hand your out. Its a fine line between making it pay or not. I'm sure we look forward to your views. Cheers BH

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Re: My poker "career" I now only play purely £10 STT's on Betfair. I have been recording my stats since the 1st October this year although I've been playing "seriously" for over a year now, but never bothered to record results in the past. This is something I recommend all players do. I was mixing it up with £5 games but found that my overall profit for these games was poor in comparison with the £10 games for some reason. I'm interested in playing more than 1 game at once or even raising to £20 level, but close friends say I've found my level and should stick to it. Here are my stats since 1st Oct, bearing in mind I've had little time to play during December. Games played : 82 Invested : £902 Returned : £1310 Profit : £408 ROI : 45.23% Average game profit : £4.98

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Re: My poker "career"

I'm interested in playing more than 1 game at once or even raising to £20 level, but close friends say I've found my level and should stick to it.
Danny, you're obviously doing well, so how have you found your level? You have already said that you do better at the £10 STT's than at the £5 level, so why not allow yourself, say 5 trial goes @ £20? After all, the worst that can happen is that you cut into your (very healthy) profit. I'm going to jump on the bandwagon after xmas, and any STT's I play I'm going to keep a record just to show you all how well you're doing, and badly I am.
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