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**November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT


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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT Well, on the bright side.......:cow that cow still makes me smile.:lol As regards the Dollar up, out in 63rd - embarressingly bad play.:$ Think I'll take my frustration out on the PS2. God I wish I drank on nights like these.

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT Out in 61st No complaints - KQd beaten by AQos (Q on board) Annoyed about the Sun comp tonight as won big hand early and should really have sat out for a bit to concentrate on SO but tried still doing both and AQos (Q on board) beaten by Q 10 os (2 pair). Ah well. :eyes GL to all left in either tournament.

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT

Well, on the bright side.......:cow that cow still makes me smile.:lol As regards the Dollar up, out in 63rd - embarressingly bad play.:$ Think I'll take my frustration out on the PS2. God I wish I drank on nights like these.
Who are you calling a cow - was about to get you that drink! tongue2.gif Coffee?eyes.gif
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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT I have another bad beat to report. (not the 1st one I've had today) One limping in and I have A 10s so raise $300 - just the limper calls. Flop is 3 6 10 - he raises $600 - I re-raise him leaving me with $240 and this tube re-raises me leaving me no option but to call. He then shows J 5 !!!:nana and hits a f%%kin Jack on the turn. :puke Probably thinks he played that clever. 52nd place for the yellow jersey - go for it guys!!! :ok Think it's time for a wee break. :dude

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT As usual I went to pieces after the break. 46th I think...a tale of the biggest kicker won as usual. Good luck Sheedy and Gaf on my table and of course those still in.... See you guys around. :sad

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT That's me out, was short and went in on 2nd pair in SB on a pretty non-threatening board. Guy had the Q (with Q6, call in mid position for half his stack :D). Can't complain tho, not a bad beat by any means. Best of luck to both remaining, especially GaF who had really crappy luck in the previous 2 :)

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT Went out with pocket 8's, think i was a bit stupid. One caller (big blind was 600)...raised to about 3000....he called...flop 7 7 K....i go all in for other 3000 chips...he had pocket 10's. Was that bad play from me? I didn't expect him to just call with pocket 10's at this stage of the game

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin Jesus, sorry mate. I truly thought you'd the nuts. Good play.:ok nuts. The git called hindsight says yes, but in all fairness I have made SO many moves like that it is hard for me to criticise. I'm a fool to over aggressive play which was probably the only fault with your play. I'd suggest that you didn't need all of your stack to send a signal that you're hand was strong, and if he calls/raises you have to be able to get away from it. I've really tried to balance my aggression with passivity at times, perhaps that was what boca did. We all get caught up in the thrill of doubling through, when all we need to focus on is Position No 10 (at the least). I'm not saying I know better, just a critique.:ok

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Re: **November MTT Leg 3** Wednesday 9th November 9pm GMT

:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin Jesus, sorry mate. I truly thought you'd the nuts. Good play.:ok
Hehe - If I had the royal, I would have checked to give them a chance to make something...........
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