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**Poker Thursday 27th October**


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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

Another thing. That puts you in 5th place on the PB table........assuming you've got a screenshot of course.;):lol:dude
Um.....just updating this mate - it actually puts me top :nana :cow :nana :cow Mr M - you don't fancy swapping this for your cruise do you? :$ Big thanks for the support everyone - especially to Brael (I "thought" thanks last night, but doesn't look like I said it) and Pocket Lady (for the image of her scrambling out of the bath ;) ) Cheers Paul - might take you up on that ...... I'm going to give my local casino a buzz shortly (Grosvenor in Ramsgate), to sound them out - see if they'll help aclimatise me at all.......
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

Cheers Paul - might take you up on that ...... I'm going to give my local casino a buzz shortly (Grosvenor in Ramsgate), to sound them out - see if they'll help aclimatise me at all.......
Might help, but you wont get the atmosphere that you will get at The Gutshot - I think it's massively important to go if you want to do well and I'll take you there no probs. I've been 3 times now and I feel ok playing live now, but at first I just wanted to get the chips out of my hands I was shaking so much. :lol I did want to punch some twat who was giving it large other night though. I went all in as I had a 10 straight, only JT could beat me and the guy did have it, but I aint laying down a high straight no matter what as it's likely he has the same anyway, rare it will be that you are beaten. He was laughing with his mate as if I shouldn't have called, I eyeballed him and he soon shut up though. :lol Another example of what you'll get at the gutshot but not at a casino. ;)
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** What I'm thinking at the moment Paul is trying to get myself "initiated" at the casino tonight, and maybe Gutshut tomorrow (and TV cameras Sunday :eek) - but I haven't heard from the Mirror or anything yet - so not sure about if there are other things I'll need to worry about......

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** GaF, that's absolutely fantastic - well done mate!! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap All the best for Sunday, would be great to see a PL member walk away with a ton of cash - and noone would deserve it more than you do. :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** 1st Brael wins a Big Tournament , now GAF wins a Seat on the TV .... Certainly makes me extremely proud to be part of this Community. Absoloutely fantastic stuff GAF really pleased for you mate :clap :clap :clap :clap I wonder who's next for the Spotlight :loon :loon :loon :loon Unfortunately i missed it all last nite but having a read back thru the threads certainly sounds like it was a exciting evening not only for GAF but for all PL members as they cheered you on, great stuff indeed. :nana :nana :nana

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

I wonder who's next for the Spotlight :loon :loon :loon :loon
That's just it - Brael, MrM, Jamiebhoy and myself - next it could be ANYONE here. There are MANY better players than me here, and if I can do it, then it proves that anyone here can do it, and it's worth perservering with ..... if we take inspiration from this, then the next major one for PL is not far away ...... still time top join Brael in the Sun everyone ..... get in there and stick with it!!! However, if I do pull it off and win $1/2 million (hey, the dream is there....somewhere), then I think it will be a while before my PB could be beat ......
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** Just had a phone call from them - can you believe it - they are filming at Maidstone Studios!!!!!! (literally just down the road from me!!) They've invited me along to watch the next heat that they're filming today at 4:30 pm!! and to go along to the hotel, for some friendly games of poker (and some drinks!!!). Looks like I'm playing on the same table as Ronnie O'Sullivan (don't know who else). I'll be staying over in the hotel again tomorrow night, for more poker and drinks (sorry, means I'll miss the inter forum game :sad - and I've just assured Paul I'll do everything I can to make it......) Also looks like I'll skip my local casino tonight and the Gutshot tomorrow - I'll just get there - practice with them tonight and tomorrow and see what happens .......... OMG - I still can't believe it ......

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

Looks like I'm playing on the same table as Ronnie O'Sullivan (don't know who else). I'll be staying over in the hotel again tomorrow night, for more poker and drinks (sorry, means I'll miss the inter forum game :sad - and I've just assured Paul I'll do everything I can to make it......)
Take a laptop and persuade Ronnie and the rest to play for us :rollin Sounds like you have a fantastic weekend ahead of you, GaF! Hope you have lots of fun (and get a bit closer to half a mil!!)
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

Just had a phone call from them - can you believe it - they are filming at Maidstone Studios!!!!!! (literally just down the road from me!!) They've invited me along to watch the next heat that they're filming today at 4:30 pm!! and to go along to the hotel, for some friendly games of poker (and some drinks!!!). OMG - I still can't believe it ......
Remember something else... above all it's supposed to be FUN! :ok This sounds like it will be an absolutely fantastic weekend so get in there and enjoy yourself!!! :clap
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** Well, I spent the afternoon in Maidstone studios - got a couple of live games under my belt (finished 3rd and 4th - didn't disgrace myself). First game, I was all in with a pro who has finished 2nd at WSOP (didn't get his name) - was well ahead - on the river, the only card that could beat me was Q - river was a Q - :sad..... They've all gone into Maidstone for a chinese, so I decided to come home (7 miles away :loon) and get some practice in with 6 seat STT's ..... Back in the studios for some more live practice about 11 am tomorrow morning ..... (and the Green Room, with alcohol on tap!!! - which Jesse and Paidraig (sp?) certainly enjoyed during their commentary!!!! Unfortuantely, I found out, I don't get the $2500 travel and expenses :sad - so I may well have been better off with second - Vegas (not that I'm complaining mind) .... anyway - my PB and the scroller will need to be changed :sad This afternoons recording saw an American, Hubble win it - if you watch it, watch his cards - it's incredible the luck he has and what he manages to hit - that's what I need on Sunday!!! (Don't know when my game will be broadcast - but my "real" name is Trevor Page!!! ) Should I tell you the result on Sunday night, or leave you in suspense to watch it? Hmmmm....... Anyway I came home to get some practice in, so that's what I'll do ......

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

Unfortuantely, I found out, I don't get the $2500 travel and expenses :sad - so I may well have been better off with second - Vegas (not that I'm complaining mind) .... anyway - my PB and the scroller will need to be changed :sad
Fcuk Vegas, go and win the bloody tourny. :lol
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

(Don't know when my game will be broadcast - but my "real" name is Trevor Page!!! ) Should I tell you the result on Sunday night, or leave you in suspense to watch it? Hmmmm....... Anyway I came home to get some practice in, so that's what I'll do ......
GaF? Can we find out how long after the game is the show broadcast? If you play on Sunday, do we get it Sunday night, or later? Reason I ask is I'd prefer to wait a little while, but if its a week then I'd rather be told. Perhaps we could have a Poker forum poll. Choices are those want to know get PM'd until after the broadcast, or you tell all as soon as possible. But the question we ALL want answering is, :drums :drums :drums What does the 'L' stand for? (Telepe)
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

GaF? Can we find out how long after the game is the show broadcast? If you play on Sunday, do we get it Sunday night, or later? Reason I ask is I'd prefer to wait a little while, but if its a week then I'd rather be told. Perhaps we could have a Poker forum poll. Choices are those want to know get PM'd until after the broadcast, or you tell all as soon as possible. But the question we ALL want answering is, :drums :drums :drums
I'll find out tomorrow when it's likely to be broadcast - but it will NOT be the Sunday night....
What does the 'L' stand for? (Telepe)
hehe - nicely deduced - Lee BTW - forgot to add - my heat isn't full yet, and they're planning on running more satelites if anyone else fancies joining me .......
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** What a thread!! I know its been said before - but well done GaF :clap I think it just desserts for the time and effort that you have not only put into your own game, but also the time and effort you put in here. What better advert for the PL than to have the Poker Mod on telly!! Really hope you enjoy yourself this weekend, as long as you report in first thing Monday to file your report :ok

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October**

you enjoy yourself this weekend' date=' as long as you report in first thing Monday to file your report :ok[/quote'] Hmmmm...... that's the question isn't it ....... do I file the report or make everyone wait to watch it on TV? Last night it was heat 3 that was broadcast - I'm in the last, Heat 18 - so we're looking at 2 weeks till it's broadcast ...... Semi finals are tomorrow and Monday, Final is I presume Tuesday.......If the unimaginable happened, I can't imagine keeping it quiet for almost 3 weeks!!!!
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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** Hehe - no chance Paul!!! Devilfish isn't in it this year - apparently he was in it last year, but stormed off unhappy about something ...... Went in the 888.com stretched Limo yesterday (just for a browse) - Incredible beast of a vehicle!!!! One Punters Lounge t-shirt in my possession - so (assuming they let me wear it), no trouble with ID'ing me......

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Re: **Poker Thursday 27th October** Ok - a couple of hours break before the next heat .... was Darren Campbell this morning - he seemed a jovial and friendly fella ..... I've watched 2 heats now, and both were won by players from Oklahoma!!! Just found out the first name of the guy I played yesterday (who finished 2nd at WSOP) - it was Julian - any ideas who he is? Had all his family there today and his daughter (aged 9) went and won!!! :loon Watch for her in years to come.... Unfortunately they won't let me wear my PL t-shirt :sad I've played 4 live games now - third twice and fourth twice (9 or ten in each) - so reasonably happy with that - suffered some REALLY bad beats - worse than I get on the net ;)

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