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Next Tory Leader

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This will probably end up with no replies but anyway Im gonna go all political and I dont care if nobody replies :cry The next Tory leader will be William Hague. Get your money on it while you can. None of my telephone bookies would take the bet, but me and a mate got 14's at Laddies on Friday on the high st. Found out on Friday that Howard would be leaving, but also the general consensus in the Tory party at the moment is that Hague is the best option. No meaningful candidate will stand against him and Hague himself has said in private that he is all but the next leader. I may well end up with egg on my face. Note quite sure what a good price is. I hurredly drew up my own list of potential candidates at this stage and came up with Davis, May and Clarke.

David Davis 6/4 BET arrow.gif
Malcolm Rifkind 7/1 BET arrow.gif
Liam Fox 7/1 BET arrow.gif
David Cameron 8/1 BET arrow.gif
Andrew Lansley 9/1 BET arrow.gif
Kenneth Clarke 14/1 BET arrow.gif
Theresa May 16/1 BET arrow.gif
William Hague 16/1 BET arrow.gif
Oliver Letwin 20/1 BET arrow.gif
Tim Yeo 20/1 BET arrow.gif
Alan Duncan 25/1 BET arrow.gif
Michael Ancram 25/1 BET arrow.gif
George Osborne 25/1 BET arrow.gif
David Willetts 33/1 BET arrow.gif
John Redwood 50/1 BET arrow.gif
Ann Widdecombe 66/1 BET arrow.gif
Boris Johnson 100/1 BET arrow.gif
Ian Duncan Smith 100/1 BET arrow.gif
thats how BlueSq price them up.... grrr and I thought 14's was decent too... I would welcome anyone elses thoughts on the matter, though unless you're backing Hague, you're wrong...
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Re: Next Tory Leader To be honest mate are you having a laugh? Why would they re-appoint a failure and a recognised figure of rubbishness? No way its gonna happen! Theyd never re-appoint someone whos ran and failed miserably in an election for them b4.

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Re: Next Tory Leader Lian Fox would IMO be the tories Tony Blair, he's got the look and the personality to bring the party together, even if they disagree with him. Having Hague as leader again would be an unmitigated disaster, he's like the tories Michael Foot, you just couldn't bring yourself to vote for him. Ken Clarke has probably missed his chance, they should have gone for him instead of Duncan-Smith, it's only his pro-europe stance that stopped it, he's probably the only conservative i'd feel comfortable voting for.

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Re: Next Tory Leader fair enough its an opinion, but he didnt really fail. He couldnt have won even if Tony Blair was caught in bed with the Village People, Jimmy Saville and Lassie... I have it on good authority that he will be the next leader. Usually I wouldnt touch stuff like this but what I was told has swayed me and is good enough for me to have another bit on Betfair at 20's...

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Re: Next Tory Leader Looking at that list, theres so many non runners for me its unreal. They are devoid of talent and none of them really are ideal. I would say Davis and Fox are the outstanding candidates from the list but Im still going with Hague...

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Re: Next Tory Leader Whos authority is this, do you know william hague or something? I really cant see it, really cant. Tories will want to get someone in to get votes and build on their reasonably successful election campaign. William Hague would be definite step backwards and no one would vote for him, it would lose them votes, hes not liked.

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Re: Next Tory Leader If Hague wants the job I can't see anyone else getting it - he's probably the Tories most talented politician, and the only problem last time was that he was too young and inexperienced. But, apparently the motivation isn't there, and he is making plenty of money from private interests.

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Re: Next Tory Leader

Lian Fox would IMO be the tories Tony Blair
I've read a couple of things that have said David Cameron would be their Tony Blair. Don't know anything about him though. Can't remember who it was but one of the candidates apparently supports public flogging.
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Re: Next Tory Leader 2 Tory MP's on Friday were over heard talking in a TV studio. They had their Mics on and mustnt have realised. The only 2 people that heard them were a Producer (who I know) and one of his/her assistants. They werent 'live' and there was nobody around. They were talking about Hague and how they were canvassed for their opinion weeks before the election. The consensus is that nobody will stand against him as its agreed he is the best man for the job...

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Re: Next Tory Leader It smells like the kind of a "fixed" match info, AFU, to be honest - the trouble is it can well be correct and true or not. If you believe it, than 14/1 is like a gift for sure. If it was such a consensus, though, there's no way he would be 16/1 with BSq today.

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Re: Next Tory Leader Tul, yeah I know and of course it crossed my mind. The only thing with pricing up such a market is that the outcome is often the most unlikely one. Looking at election of IDS for example, the favourite did not win. He wasnt the most popular or obvious choice - but he was a compromise. The Tories are notorious for being un predictable and shooting themselves in the foot in recent years - which is why Hague is perfect. I think the Tories will change the way the leader is elected. They will opt for the leader to be elected by the MP's rather than the party member as it is currently. The Tory grassroots are too old to have the responsibility of electing the leader - they are out of touch with the rest of the country. As a consequence of the change I think is imminent, I expect Hague to come through as the elected leader.

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Re: Next Tory Leader No. He's supposedly looking to sort out the rules for the selection process before he steps down which could take as long as the annual Tory conference in Bournemouth in the autumn. Wouldn't be surprised if it's William Hague at all but be wary.

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Re: Next Tory Leader The problem with the Tories is that none of them are really electable - except Ken Clarke (25/1), but it's very unlikely that his pro-Europe stance will find favour amongst MPs or Tory grassroots, unless the party does a complete U-turn. I can't see them going for an out and out right winger - a couple of them have already said that the Tories need to look at Lib Dem style issues such as the environment if they want any chance of power, so that rules David Davis (15/8) out (although if they didn't change the method of electing leader he would win without a doubt). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4528371.stm Tim Yeo (33/1) and Nicholas Soames (100/1) have both quit the shadow cabinet to concentrate on "rethinking the party's future". Soames has ruled himself out, Yeo hasn't. John Redwood (80/1) is one who is likely to make a bid for the leadership, but his image in the country won't help. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4522075.stm Malcom Rifkind (10/1) hasn't returned to politics after an 8 year break for nothing. Liam Fox (7/1) has, apparently, been the "public face of the party machine - driving media, policy and campaigning issues." Not something that has gone too well it seems. David Cameron (9/1) and George Osbourne (14/1) are potentially more electable on age alone - and the fact that they won't have all the baggage that plagued Michael Howard (ie Poll Tax). I don't think that's really helped - there's every chance that it could be one of those I haven't even mentioned. But I think that a lay of David Davis (who would be a nailed on certainty if it were left to the grassroots) looks the way to go.

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Re: Next Tory Leader

David Davis 2/1 BET arrow.gif
William Hague 5/1 BET arrow.gif
Malcolm Rifkind 7/1 BET arrow.gif
Liam Fox 7/1 BET arrow.gif
David Cameron 8/1 BET arrow.gif
Just thought I would update with todays prices on Blue Sq - Hague is currently trading at 14's on Betfair and 5/1 with Blue Sq. Was hoping to lay Hague on betfair for 6 or 7's but dont think I will bother at that price. It will be interesting to see who has got it right out of the punters and the bookies like...
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Re: Next Tory Leader Interesting that with Davis, Hague, Fox, Cameron and Osborne the tories actually look to have a team of very good, relatively young politicians. Any ideas when the 2009 election prices go up cause an early punt on the tories is well worth looking into.

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Re: Next Tory Leader Yeah, would be quite a good compromise really. There's no way some of the Tories will want another youngster after recent experiences of Hague. On the other hand there will be those who want someone to modernise the party, and Rifkind is quite capable of doing that. Also, as pointed out above, he didn't return for no reason - he either wanted a top post in the shadow cabinet (which he hasn't really got) or a crack at the leadership.

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