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The end of Daily Winnings


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Hi guys - sadly this will be the last month that I am going to update a daily winnings thread. This month we have had just 7 different people posting, so it just doesn't seem worth bothering with. My suggestion would be replacing with a Daily Thread (just one, rather than a new one for each day) - put what/where you're playing, post any progress/railing requests and results. :\ Post up if you think its worth it/or to suggest something else :ok I am keeping my own data on buy-ins/cashes using a basic excel spreadsheet to cover cash/satellites/tourneys/sngs - if anyone wants a copy for their own use PM me your email address and I'll send.

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings Echo the above, most probably don't appreciate the amount of time this actually takes up. Really appreciate all your efforts Rich and those of other members too. Self recording is a great way to build up awareness of and improve effectiveness. Maybe members can consider use of their signatures and/or a personal thread in the challenges area of the forum too. Thanks again :ok Sent from my XT1052 using PL Forum

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings I am very sad to hear this...I would be willing to take over the admin of this if you wish...although I think the problem is the lack of interest and traffic on our forum at the moment....seems a lot of people are not posting up much or feel the need to contribute. It feels very much in tune with what is being reflected in the bigger picture of the poker world....lots of recreational players leaving the game, UK licensing coming into effect (shutting us out of some sites), Stars plus other sites culling pro rosters, Stars increasing their rake and adding it to rebuys (lol), distinct lack of value in weekly tournaments. I personally feel quite strongly about all of this and would like to make a concerted effort not start the end....I think we need to all put a bit more effort in....we could also do with some fresh ideas....PL value mtts or even just recreational private mtts.....all ideas welcome? It would have been good to have had PL WSOP this year where part of it could have been a short meeting to discuss in person etc...(obv with a few beers etc..).....

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings Same thoughts as Al & Bart unfortunately don't have time to play MTTs often so couldn't really utilise that section apart from sparingly , but I do agree it's time for this site to move onwards & try to build back upwards. Previously the Daily Threads did see some resurgence however I think that when the score's ain't coming and the value added games are quiet so does the forum unfortunately , I still hope we get another PLWSOP soon as these sorts of events help to demonstrate the atmosphere that being part of a small community can be , so come on PL a few less bad beat stories and bit more support ..... okay so I'll settle for one of the two :rollin

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings Maybe it's time for a refresh/rethink and a start over? As someone (relatively) new to this forum I've never posted in the daily wins/satellite wins thread as I've a) never been quite sure what it's all about and b) always felt as though it was something other people had already started on previously and I'd almost kind of be intruding. I know that you can't keep explaining something over and over again just in case someone new pops along at some point, and also I know there IS an explanation at the top of those threads about some basic rules (and I'm probably just being thick), but perhaps a relaunch with some context explained as to what the threads are actually about might drum up some interest from some newer bods? It's always a shame when interest dwindles in something when people have clearly put effort into maintaining it, and I'm sorry that it has come to the point where it's not worth continuing. If someone else starts up something similar or slightly different or whatever I'll try to join in if I know what it's all about.

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings i have not been posting of late simply because i have not been winning! Ive rarely played of late - just the Grand Prix games and live IPO seats. Appreciate the efforts of everyone who helps on this site. I only became a profitable poker player in 2013 after i started coming on to the site daily. PL has played a big part in me upping my game.

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings Live meet ups and online leagues will happen, we will hopefully have a meet up or even a couple of smaller informal ones (as opposed to formal piss ups? :unsure I'm sure you know what i mean :D ) next year, it just wasn't possible this year due to lots of other things going on. These things again unfortunately take a lot of organising and something that Paul takes on alongside literally everything else albeit with a bit of support from the volunteer moderators. I know Paul, Al & Helen have done some prep work on leagues just recently which I & others haven't had the time to support them on yet, but will of course. Obviously as already mentioned it kind of works both ways. We need the interest and numbers of active members in place in order to justify the time & money spent on organising activities and/or value added. I'm sure Paul would welcome any and all suggestions on how we can reinvigorate this part of the forum again. In the meantime we can all help by posting up promotions when you see them, help to keep the poker diary up to date, let everyone know what you're currently playing or how you're challenging yourself, by posting interesting hands or thoughts on how to approach certain aspects of the game or by putting suggestions forward.

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Re: The end of Daily Winnings Fair play Washman for all the time and effort you put into this. I haven't been posting a lot recently as I've been hit by the leak of 'life' and only recently since mid October been grinding again - and grinding hard / coupled with work has left me little time to do much else. I check in here everyday but am afraid I am guilty of not posting enough. Hoping to see a forum resurgence and will endeavor to be a part of it. This is a very valuable forum and any proper live meets I would be well up for. Gutted I had to miss the one last year as it fell on my birthday weekend if I remember correctly and I was away.

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