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Coral Christmas Cracker Live Event qualifiers

Burnley Joe

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Poker Christmas Cracker

[h=2]EVENT DETAILS[/h] On the 13th-16th December at Aspers Casino in Westfield Stratford City, Coral Poker are sponsoring the Christmas Cracker live poker event. The Main Event buy in is £250 (£230 Buy In + £20 Reg Fee) and Day 1A starts at 7pm on the Friday evening with Day 1B taking place from 3pm on Saturday afternoon. The players that make it through the first day will reconvene on Sunday at 3pm to fight it out to be named the Coral Christmas Cracker champion. The format for the tournament sees the players begin with 25000 chips and blinds lasting thirty minutes, which will increase to forty minutes on the final day. [h=2]PRIZES AND BOUNTIES[/h] Thanks to our friends at Aspers Casino Stratford, there will be a number of high-tech prizes won throughout the festival such as Apple iPads, iPhones and some Android devices too. Also, watch out for the Coral Poker management duo that will be taking part as bounties on both Day 1A and B, knock them out to receive your tournament buy-in paid back into a Coral Poker account. [h=2]QUALIFICATION[/h] We're guaranteeing 20 x £500 packages to this event (£250 buyin and £250 expenses) in out Super Satelitte tournament on 1st December at 9pm. Alternatively, you can qualify for a seat at the Christmas Cracker Satellite by winning one of our Daily Qualifiers which will take place from the 15th of November to the 30th of November. These £5.50 rebuys can also be found under ‘Tournaments' within the Coral Poker Client. [TABLE=class: table-dark] [TR=class: table-head] [TH]Day[/TH] [TH]Time[/TH] [TH]Buy In[/TH] [TH]Prize[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Daily[/TD] [TD]9pm[/TD] [TD]£5.50 R/A[/TD] [TD]Christmad Cracker Satellite Seat[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]1st December[/TD] [TD]9pm[/TD] [TD]£50+£3 Freezeout (or Token)[/TD] [TD]20x£500 Main Event Package * [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: Coral Christmas Cracker Live Event qualifiers No luck finished way out 66th /117 , unfortunately no cards and when did they hit there miracle turns then lose flip AK into JJ Typical run 30th outta 9000+ in Hot 55c yesterday , then when only 117 runners today for much bigger prizes for 1 in 6 players I hit brick wall. Would love to play decent live event hopefully get a chance in 2014 :hope Good luck all still in representing Punters Lounge

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Re: Coral Christmas Cracker Live Event qualifiers Out 45th. Thought it was going to be my night when I had KK and called a shove. ran into AA and hit K on river. up to 10k. then card dead until 55. small blind shoves on my raise. Its only another $500 to call. He has AQ and hits 2 pair on the flop. With around $7000 get jacks in mid and call a reraise from early. Guy has been raising wide range. 3 in the pot. flop 466, I bet half the pot and first raiser folds. Guy in early calls. turn is Q. we both check, river is 8 no flush. He then bets $3600 into a pot of $5k. I fold, He has A10 off. Should have shoved on the flop when I thought I was good. Then no cards and eventually down to $2500 with blinds at 300/150. Table folds round to me in small blind. I have 97 suited and shove on big blind who only has 3K. He calls with AK, We both miss the flop and I am out. Played only 12 hands out of 125. Not even getting suited connectors. Table was pretty aggressive no difficult to open up my game when I lost with the JJ's.

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