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WNBL Season 2013/14

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 Yes, try to work this mob will ya! :loon I marked Melbourne about +6.5, so forced to have a bet I'd have to take them. Just a little wary about them being 'cold' coming off the break - was hoping for a better deal on a Bendigo HT bet, actually.

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

i am on: dandenong and the over against you and playing Sydney and the under thinking Canbeera they will struggle after blowing a tough game last night Melbourne +8.5 should be more motivated
Five mins during last quarter with zero scoring, binomial, you would have been loving that!
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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 Some interesting considerations re today's game.. Fire backing up after doing the wnbl equivalent of climbing Everest yesterday, and they didn't just climb it, they tap danced all over it once they reached the peak.. So there's an arguement for a possible let down today.. But I've no doubt chris Lucas will be telling them that yesterday won't mean nearly as much if they don't show up today, then there's also the added kicker that today's opposition embarrassed them on their home floor last weekend.. I still feel the rangers get a little too much love from the books - as evidenced by their 7-10 ATS record.. Hmmmm

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 Went to the game yesterday, was in a hurry and only remembered driving home that forgot to take a First Half bet on Townsville - all good because thought they were down 4pts at HT which would be a loser - just checked scores then :loon :cry. Did agree with binomial that a high intensity game should ensure an OVER and felt +8.5 was no better than nearly a play on Townsville, so not all tears.

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 intriguing re-match on sunday in townsville .. bernie harrower called out his team after saturday's loss, labelling it "an embarrassment on national tv" .. the spirit were talking up that game as redemption for their rd 1 loss so after getting completely dismantled and humiliated on their home court you know they're going to giving this next one a hell of a lot of thought this week .. schedule hasn't done them any favours although it actually might just be a bonus for them getting a chance to blast Logan on friday and head north with a bit of confidence regained. Call me crazy but even on this back to back with travel I've marked the champs favourites (-2.5) against the Fire. Impossible to imagine anyone in this league going 3-0 against them and I've gotta think they've taken it pretty personally getting blown out at home by this team.

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 A couple of things I was wary of was that they basically used last weeks West Coast game to give their starters a rest, which could invite mental lethargy next up. The other was that Bendigo had 40+ degree weather all week which can't have helped preparation. It was a letdown game that was probably due too. Townsville actually impressed heaps despite the big margin yesterday. It was only upon a tech foul mid Q3 (5pts down) when the wheels fell off under the weight of injury to their PG leaving just eight tiring players. It should be interesting if they meet there again in a PF.

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 Today; Canberra 2.08 & +1.5 Poppens went off (didn't reappear) with a painful ankle injury last night, so must be in doubt for tonight. Obviously Boomers are a better coached well drilled unit, while Canberra can be prone to taking a hurt opposition lightly but I think after falling for that one and also being out of sorts against Adelaide they'll be better for it tonight. TAB have opened Canberra in the black while 1.80's elsewhere still represents strong value IMO. * Waiting to watch Dand-Adel game on TV before I find out result. Got cold feet about trying Adelaide @ +11, so I'll see if I've done the right thing or not - in reality, thought it a sit back and just watch game, so correct choice regardless ;).

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

I was at the game and thought by her movements it must have been an ankle but she has done her ACL.
Yuck ... that's terrible, hate seeing athletes cop serious injuries .. will be interesting to see how the boomers shape up today, on a b2b with travel and with their star import gone for the season. Before the start of the round I had Melb as a -4.5 favourite in this one but it just has that feel that they're going to do it tough tonight ... hard to lay points with this capitals side though Hard to see how the Boomers post a winning score .. only three players on their bench tonight
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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 Should also comment that I feel Boomers, to me, have come out of the break a little down on form. Sydney's body language/team-unity still does not seem great. I came away from that game thinking it was not a case of a road team taking it right up to a top-4 team but more like sixth versus seventh.

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 :unsure Thing is, I know how dodgy they are but still manage to mark Canberra several points higher than they really deserve each week! Bizarrely, I came within a whisker of pulling the trigger on OVER 139 (136@NT) but quite frankly feel a little embarrassed about collecting as is!

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Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

:unsure Thing is, I know how dodgy they are but still manage to mark Canberra several points higher than they really deserve each week! Bizarrely, I came within a whisker of pulling the trigger on OVER 139 (136@NT) but quite frankly feel a little embarrassed about collecting as is!
they were an excellent side for a long period up until a couple of seasons ago .. certainly a team I used to base a lot of my plays around (playing them and fading them) because you knew exactly what you were getting with them (and bookmakers weren't nearly as on point with their wnbl markets then as they are now) ... it's often hard to switch off that long held perception you had about a team / club.
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