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PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)!!

Sir Puntalot

PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)!!  

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    • Omaha and Holdem
    • Holdem only
    • Omaha only
    • Sorry I can't make it, need to wash my hair...

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! Great day and night ...well the first bit that I can remember, last thing I recall was being at the bar with the Scottish drinking machine 'Laid Back Bloke', then waking up on the couch in my hotel with the taste of kebab in my mouth. Well done to those that won stuff :cheers

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)!

Cause as soon as she sat down to our table' date=' Stevo barked at her something really nasty and she was done for the night :rollin.[/quote'] In Steve-O's defence, I don't think she understood his accent, so I volunteered to translate for her: Steve-O - "raise to 900" Misery - "did you say raise to 500" Me - "no, he said "raise to 900"" Misery - "OK" but later, when Rossy made one of his massive raises to 3,000 with 77 pre-flop Steve-O - "oh, for f*cks sake" Misery - "Pardon?" I helpfully added "he said "oh, for f*cks sake"" Misery just shook her head
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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! Really enjoyed myself again - got lucky in 2 big hands in my once-a-year Omaha tournament, and managed to cash in 4th for £60. As the lager kicked in, cheeky Steve-O accused me of being quieter than usual - well at least I wasn't the one who fell asleep in the casino. The J-bomb actually perked me up, but I gave my chips to Hen in 2 separate hands in the Holdem and was out to join Aidy and Stewart near the bar to REALLY get stuck in to the J-bombs and listen to Aidy's lurid past (all behind him, he assures me, which, technically, it is). Big thanks to Paul for the organisation and hospitality - shame on those who said they were going, and then bailed at the last minute, unless it was for very valid reasons. Glad he hadn't arranged food for us all. Big Shout out to Joe's minder, Bob the landlord, who enjoys being with us but doesn't play. Apologies from me to Rhino Power / Scorchio. I asked him just before 2pm "So, who are you then?" in my attempt to get to know those I hadn't met before. I got the answer, so he must have more than a little puzzled when I asked him the very same question about 7 hours later! Rob and I got back to our room at the Hampton on Broad Street at about 5am, having been unable to get to the front of our hotel due to the police cordon on Broad Steeet after some earlier bother. We finished up getting a police escort to the hotel door. As always, it was a pleasure to meet up with the PL gang - banter all the way - roll on next year.

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! I was hoping to call in for a few hours but didn't get chance due to times. Hope you all had a good night. I was over at Gatecrasher after winning a competition, could have sent you some Polish vodka over that I won (Krakus) for Heniek. Left there at 3.30am and there was some kind of mini riot at 4am on Broad Street. Donna that is on the photos with the curly hair - what is her username on here? I know her from football as she travels with our supporters club but had no idea she was on PL.

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)!

I was hoping to call in for a few hours but didn't get chance due to times. Hope you all had a good night. I was over at Gatecrasher after winning a competition, could have sent you some Polish vodka over that I won (Krakus) for Heniek. Left there at 3.30am and there was some kind of mini riot at 4am on Broad Street. Donna that is on the photos with the curly hair - what is her username on here? I know her from football as she travels with our supporters club but had no idea she was on PL.
Are you Philip? if so she sent you message on fb :ok
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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! I had a great time, had a good laugh with many of the folk there, McG, Ooblio, Helen, Stewart etc etc etc. Must admit I didn't give a toss about the poker and couldn't wait to get off the tables and shove a few Jaegers into me, so happily handed my chips to Senshi! Look forward to next year.

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! Big congratulations to our winners and cashers :clap. For me it is always more about seeing everybody, than actually poker itself. I really enjoyed it. Thank you very much Paul for organising it. You can always annoy the fuck out of me as long as we have many more Champs to come :ok. Rich, thanks for driving us up :).

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! I had a great time but as I told McG it really was a last minute decision to travel up on the Saturday as I'd been a bit under the weather and finally caught the 10.30 train from Abergavenny:unsure Had no luck in the omaha I remember Avon flopping a straight flush during one of the first hands she plays and I gift most of my chips too Glennop who flops the nuts with KK on a KKJ flop and plays it perfectly for me to pay him off with KJ. I then play a sit n go with PL'ers which was great fun and I managed to win it with Ooblio and I heads up going allin preflop. The main event started well for me with Staffy and I getting involved with absolute garbage but then Mr Ross decided to take control with his 10 x bb raises. I order a coffee but there's shouts of "it's a free round' so I order a Jaegerbomb and that's where it all goes downhill. I shove on Rossy soon after with crap and he calls to take me out and then I retire to get shitfaced. I fully intended to stay up all night and get the 9.00 am train back (as the casino stays open till then apparrently) and drink sensibly but that just wasn't going to happen. Paul I'm sorry I crashed your room send me your paypal address and I'll reimburse you for your room. Also don't forget about the Beacons it's only a 2hr train ride from you and I'll pick you up at the station and any others who may be interested.

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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)!

Paul I'm sorry I crashed your room send me your paypal address and I'll reimburse you for your room. Also don't forget about the Beacons it's only a 2hr train ride from you and I'll pick you up at the station and any others who may be interested.
My paypal is [email protected] :ok
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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)! What great fun this was this year, a big well done to the winners this year with Senshi and reenan taking down the honors in the omaha and nlh :clap My omaha didnt go so well but is such a great game to have a good laugh especially when Dave488 out draws my nut flush with his rivered Q2off :spank:lol A few us decided to have a quick sng which was hilarious especially when Stevo and Ooblio were heads up and decided to play there hands blind but with only one card each facing up, made for some great entertainment as Stevo kept outdrawing Ooblio and finally taking the honours. Onto the NLH and had a mad table with Laidbackbloke getting more pi**ed by the minute and no one having a clue including himself to what he actually had with his massive overbets. I managed to get my obligatory bluff through when i raised from early position only to get called by Martin, at this point im thinking Sh*t as Martin as once again calls my c-bet on the flop the A on the turn allowed me to double barrel again and was happy to see Martin fold as i turn over my 72 :lol Was glad to make the ft and cash but think more importantly was great just to have a laugh with great fellow PLr's and nice to meet some new faces. Thoroughly enjoyed the day, a big thanks to Paul for arranging this, also thanks once again to washy for the lift, roll on next year.

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Nice spotting McG KJJ flop twas. Kin hell pete didn't even know you were there, would have loved to have had a chat x Sent from my HTC Wildfire using PL Forum
Likewise Steve. I spent long enough wondering who the fella was who was managing to sleep whilst standing up but never asked anyone :lol Next time :ok Sent from my GT-I9300 using PL Forum
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Re: PL Poker Champs 2013 - Sat Sep 28th - Sponsored by Grosvenor Poker (£1800 Added)!

... PM's sent to everyone else for Skrill details. :ok
I have an old moneybookers account already but can't PM any info yet (unless I get spamming to reach 50 posts :)) so I'll trust renaan with the required details when he wakes up and get him to send them for me.:ok
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Was very busy last days/weeks after our game but would like to say thanks to Paul and all members who attend that game Game with a lot of fun as always plus meting all of You was great Got f75 on my Skrill account...thanks.. Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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