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Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day?


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Getting of today with the $3.30 MM Ev29 Zoom Turbo (13.30pm) won a sat in for $1.15 and be playing the Ev30 HU $3.30 Turbo (4.30pm) which I won a sat into for $1.15 earlier in the week. Will also be playing Full Tilt Freeroll's for the Stars vs Tilt Promo at 4.05pm and 6.05pm.

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Re: Where you playing today 17th March Sunday Already got allin with top 2 on Q 9 7 board against overpair Kings for 9K pot unfortunately the board run out badly for me and down to 1300 of 5000 starting stack but managed to grind back quickly to 5K

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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? Out of the MM Ev29 Blind on Blind with A5diamonds min raise BB calls flop come 5 3 2 with 2 hearts , shove flop get called from 78 Hearts turn he hits flush so out of that. Nice to see someone combined the threads

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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? Got slow played in the Storm by someone playing 3/4s and hitting a flush :sad Few tourneys on Full Tilt for me tonight and maybe the mini PKR Open I think, can't see any others I like the look of GL everyone :ok

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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day?

Nothing planned as yet, will donate somewhere later no doubt. Good luck everyone, have a good craic.
Had completely forgotten the GUKPT Freeroll, big thanks to Al for texting me. On the same table and in his interest to have me sitting out, but looking out for each other ladies & gents is the PL way. Great spirit & sportsmanship from a good friend :notworthy Unfortunately I donked out :unsure, but appreciate the thought all the same :ok
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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? Just Busted ITM of the Heads Up MM Ev30 : Made the money with hands holding up AK>A6 pre for 1st Round , 2nd round was tougher won a flip 66>AQ then QQ>77 before winning in 3rd Round more comfortable with AQ>A3 all preflop. Then in the 4th round 3 Bet Kings to 440 at 40/80 level he called flop comes 5 3 2 rainbow was I open jam 5x pot he calls with Q5 leaving me a 4 to 1 favourite turn 9 leaving me 88% favourite until bam the Queen. So bit dishearten after playing well to bust for $8.35 in brutal style , is the open jam a bad thing to do? I just thought lots of turn card look scary

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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day?

Had completely forgotten the GUKPT Freeroll, big thanks to Al for texting me. On the same table and in his interest to have me sitting out, but looking out for each other ladies & gents is the PL way. Great spirit & sportsmanship from a good friend :notworthy Unfortunately I donked out :unsure, but appreciate the thought all the same :ok
He only mailed you so that you could WATCH him steal your blinds, lol. I'm currently playing MM031 4238/8803/46386 (5967) but it's a total shovefest!
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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? OMG Sitting 11/11, 10th gets 705 Eur, then 9 packages. I have 19200 chips before posting the blinds, 800/1600/a110 I am in BB, it is folded to SB who pushes 37K I have AQo and of course call, he shows JTo and the flop comes KQA I know this is bound to happen once every 3 times, but :puke:puke

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